A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 13 - My Home Is Also Your Home

Chapter 13 - My Home Is Also Your Home

Chapter 13 My Home Is Also Your Home
The olive SUV slowed down and entered the military compound.

It has been three years since Qin Shu left here. She looked at the familiar night view outside and heard powerful shouts of soldiers in training from afar. For a moment, she fell into a trance.

The security guards at the gate were all clever and had imprinted in mind the license plates of all the senior military officers. Hence, Ling Mohan’s car drove in all the way without being stopped.

The compound was under increasingly heavier guard as they drove on. In addition to posts along the way, there were also guards patrolling around.

Qin Shu knew that not only senior officers of the military command lived inside the tightly guarded military compound; there were also key military bases in it. Even birds could not fly in.

The vehicle pulled up in the innermost area, which was heavily guarded and equipped with HV power grid on the top of walls. There were high guard towers in which armed sentries stood; on the ground there were guards patrolling around the clock.

Qin Shu had never been here before. “Where are we?” She turned around and asked Ling Mohan, who was still refreshing his spirit with his eyes closed.

“At our home,” Ling answered dryly.

“When did the Lings move here?” Qin Shu asked, thinking about what to say to Grandpa Ling. She was ashamed to face this old man who had been nice to her since her childhood.

“No,” Ling Mohan opened his gloomy eyes and replied coldly. “This is my home, and it is also your home from now on.”

Qin Shu was stunned, choked by her own saliva.

“Hurry up!” Ling Mohan got off and roughly dragged Qin Shu out, without the slightest trace of compassion for her.

Qin Shu was neither a spoiled or pretentious woman. She got off and walked behind Ling Mohan. However, he thought she was too slow and got impatient.

“Can’t you walk faster?” Ling Mohan picked her up abruptly. He felt that the little woman in his arms was even lighter than a sack used in the army. She was so delicate and tender that Ling Mohan unconsciously acted more softly, for fear of hurting her.

But Qin Shu was too exasperated to notice any gentleness in him.

There were so many soldiers around watching. They might misread what had happened inside the car when they saw Ling Mohan picking her in his arms.

But Ling Mohan gave the least care about this because Qin Shu was now his wife. There was nothing unusual with a husband picking his wife into their house.

Whoever had a problem with it should shut up!

With steady and fast steps, Ling Mohan carried Qin Shu in his arms and entered the villa with a poker face.

Lights were on in the spacious, empty and quiet living room. There was nobody else except Qin Shu and Ling Mohan. This was way too quiet and lonely.

Just then, Adjutant Li rushed in with a yelling “Report!”

“What is it?”

Adjutant Li cast a glance at Qin Shu. Ling Mohan immediately threw her down on the sofa and strode towards the second floor. “To the study!” he ordered Adjutant Li.

Adjutant Li quickly followed Ling Mohan upstairs.

After Ling Mohan disappeared from her sight, Qin Shu stood up, gnashing her teeth and looking around this cold and unfamiliar house.

Brown hardwood floor and European-style white furniture. An antique arch connected the living room and the dining area. Behind two exquisite screens was a spacious parlor.

Overhead hung a giant crystal chandelier; the floor was covered with an expensive wool carpet. The jade handrails outside the French window were decorated with shimmering lights.

Tut, tut, it was so luxurious!

Qin Shu took a walk around the ground floor. As she examined this house, she made comments in her heart as if she were a guest.

Wasn’t she a guest?

She was not emotionally bonded with Ling Mohan. All they had was the fling that night three years ago. Now she had to act as his wife in front of Grandpa Ling, which was quite a headache for her.

Qin Shu felt hungry when her belly began to protest. But Ling Mohan was busy with Adjutant Li’s confidential reporting in the study on the second floor. She had to feed herself on her own.

There was a full set of cookware and various seasonings in the kitchen. But it looked cold without any traces of cooking. Maybe Ling Mohan seldom ate at home. There was nothing but two eggs and a bundle of noodles in the fridge.

Fine. She would have noodles boiled with eggs.

Qin Shu was quite good at cooking. She soon prepared a bowl of noodles with two poached eggs, seasoned with a few drops of sesame oil. It looked so appetizing.

While Qin Shu was gobbling, a hand suddenly came out of nowhere and took her noodles away.

“Hey!” With her mouth full, Qin Shu scowled at Ling Mohan, having no idea when he showed up.

The guy walked without any noise. He took away her noodles before she even noticed him, and with one bite, he ate a bigger half of poached egg.josei

Stunned at the scene, Adjutant Li cannot believe his eyes. His leader was having the leftovers of others. And he enjoyed it! This would be a huge news in the army!

“Hey, why did you take away my food!” Qin Shu was pissed off.

“I’m hungry.”

“Go cook your own meal!”

“No way.”

Qin Shu was so furious with Ling Mohan’s overbearing manner that she almost spit up blood.

He was such an asshole, ill-tempered and arrogant. Qin Shu had the impulse to stick him to death with her chopsticks.

“Fine. Eat the noodles and get stuffed to death!”

Qin Shu stood up angrily and headed towards the sofa to sleep, leaving Ling Mohan alone with his sullen look.

Adjutant Li was impressed by Qin Shu’s boldness.

He betted she was the only one who dared to keep offending Ling Mohan Out of consideration in the entire city.

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