A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: (1)

“If it’s a favor, Tarian-nim…? It seems like a mutually beneficial proposal, but…”

Grandel’s face, which was bright and smiling, crumpled.

They discussed helping each other in the struggle for succession? Good. It was a very good offer. However, Kaiyan thought, only if he were truly Tarian.


“Well, you see… I can’t make promises lightly…”

“Then contact Jansen right now.”


“There’s a communication device in the carriage. Use it to contact Jansen immediately.”

“Oh, yes…”

Grandel alternated his gaze between the carriage and Kaiyan, then let out a deep sigh and approached the carriage. His appearance seemed somewhat pitiful.

He must be frustrated that his planned course of action is not progressing smoothly and is getting tangled because of Kaiyan.

“Why are you bothering me when I’m just staying still?”

If Kaiyan had decided to tear him apart, he should do it decisively.

Once Kaiyan had made up his mind, he would tear him apart without hesitation.

Grandel approached the carriage and manipulated the communication device, and Jansen’s voice came through.

“Who is it?”

“Ah, it’s Raison Grandel. Jansen-nim.”

“I see. Grandel, is the job done?”

“Things got a bit complicated. That’s…”

Grandel explained everything that had just happened in a low voice to Jansen, looking around cautiously.

“Jansen, things turned out like this…”

“Tarien… I’ve heard of him. Grandel, I want to speak with him directly.”

“Yes, understood.”

Kaiyan eavesdropped on the entire conversation through Aura, but he maintained an expression that seemed to indicate that he didn’t know anything as Grandel approached, temporarily stopping the communication.

“Okay, is the conversation over?”

“Yes. Ah, Jansen wants to communicate directly with Tarien-nim.”

“I see. Let him.”

During the short time it took to walk towards the carriage, Kaiyan quickly organized in his mind what demands he could make and how he could gain even more advantage.

“I have something to offer first.”

Kaiyan intended to fulfill most of what Jansen wanted. To gain something greater.

After all, every promise Kaiyan made was a lie. Well, if he ever felt truly wronged, he could go find the real Tarien later.

“Jansen-nim, he’s here.”

“Really? Nice to meet you. I am Jansen of the Carsia family.”

‘Don’t be nervous.’

Kaiyan felt a slight trembling in his heart, thinking that he was having a conversation not with a knight but with a noble.

Should he say he felt suppressed by the unique atmosphere of a ruler that couldn’t be easily shaken off as a commoner? Even if he awakened as a player, he was still a commoner.

“Pleased to meet you. I am Tarien of the Cheniavin.”

Since Kaiyan didn’t know the way nobles converse, he imitated Jansen’s words as much as possible.

“I’ve heard a lot about you. I heard you participated in the Monster Wave…?”

“Well, it’s not that impressive. I just made a small contribution by joining the Gami-an Alliance.”

“Haha! I’ve heard about that. They said you achieved an excellent military feat.”

“Heh, it seems this guy and Tarien are from the same kingdom.”

Kaiyan had expected that Grandel knew the Cheniavin family well, but seeing how well Jansen knew them, it seemed they were indeed from the same kingdom. And if they belonged to the same kingdom…

“It means he can resolve the matter more easily.”

If the Cheniavin and Carsia families were from different kingdoms, there would be a high chance that Jansen would refuse Kaiyan’s demands. Well, Grandel might not have made such a proposal in the first place.

“Well, since I have some abilities, haha!”

Kaiyan said with an arrogant expression, using the most arrogant tone he could muster.

If Jansen didn’t know Tarien, he might not know, but if he did, a more humble attitude like Jansen’s would be more suspicious. In that case, Kaiyan could only show him the Tarien he learned on the battlefield.

“Haha! That’s right. I heard that from Grandel. He said he will accept my proposal…?”

“I’ve listened to what you said and it doesn’t sound like a bad proposal. Besides, we have something in common.”

“If it’s something we have in common?”

“Our goal to become the successor. I will become the head of the Cheniavin family. What about you?”

“…I’m the same. As Tarien said, we do have something in common. It seems we can become very good friends, haha!”

‘Don’t get too excited. You’ll suffer more than ten times as much later.’

“So, the thing is…”

Kaiyan blurred the end of his sentence slightly to make Jansen feel nervous.

He had to make it clear who had the upper hand right now so that he could freely manipulate Jansen.

“Yes, please speak freely.”

“Grandel must have told you, but Jansen, I need a favor from you.”

“A favor… you say? May I ask What is it?”josei

“Well, it’s a bit awkward to say this… but Jansen, we are not on equal footing.”


Kaiyan threw down the gauntlet to Jansen. If he couldn’t bear it and got angry here, everything would be in vain.

He quietly brought his hand to his waist, ready to draw his sword at any moment.

If the plan failed, he would have to kill Grandel right next to him by surprise. As long as the strongest one died, he had confidence in dealing with the other four.

-…May I ask what is it?

From the silent communication device, Jansen’s cold voice came through.

“He’s furious.”

Nevertheless, this was just the beginning. Now that Jansen would listen to the words Kaiyan had prepared, he wouldn’t have anything to say.

“As you know, I participated in the Monster Wave and achieved a military feat. I can say I’m a step closer to the successor’s position. But what about you, Jansen?”

At the time of the battle, Kaiyan didn’t know why Tarien was so fixated on the military feat, but he had heard through the knights’ conversations. It was about the successor’s position.

If that was the case, Tarien, who had dealt with the Orc Lord and Harpy Queen, had a high probability of getting closer to the desired successor’s position.

“That… I also wanted to participate in the Monster Wave, but I couldn’t because of my eldest brother’s restraint.”

“Well, that’s not important, is it? We should only look at the results, shouldn’t we?”

-…Understood. How may I assist you?

Jansen’s declaration of surrender.

The help of Tarien, who had come closer to the successor’s position of the Cheniabin family, would be essential for him as well.

It wasn’t just an ordinary noble’s assistance; it was from a noble with significant influence. Moreover, he might truly become the successor.

“My request is simple. I need to borrow some money.”

-Money, you say? If it’s money, Tarien should have more than enough…

“Ah! Of course, I have more than enough. However, at the moment, I can’t use the family’s funds due to certain circumstances. Well, do I have to explain my personal situation?”

-No… Then, how much?

“I need 1,000 gold.”

-Excuse me?

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