A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 79

Chapter 79: (1)

While Kaiyan was lost in thought, someone walked through the door and entered the dining area.

“Kaiyan, please stand up,” Barvan said.

As Kaiyan got up from his seat and turned towards the door, he saw a middle-aged man who appeared quite mature, a middle-aged woman of a similar age, and, finally, an adorable little girl who seemed to be around ten years old.

Among them, the middle-aged man, who was likely Lord Carsia, examined Kaiyan with curious eyes and approached, extending his hand.josei

“Are you Kaiyan? I’ve heard about you from Barvan.”

‘This must be Lord Carsia…’

“Yes, it’s an honor to meet you,” Kaiyan replied.

“Please, have a seat, and let’s talk.”

Lord Carsia’s first impression wasn’t bad. In fact, it would be quite impolite for a commoner to shake hands with a noble, but the fact that he didn’t mention it showed something.

Or perhaps he cherished Barvan so much that he was grateful for Kaiyan’s role in saving him.

Once the lord took his seat in the most elegant chair, the middle-aged woman presumed to be his wife, and the little girl sat down beside him.

With everyone seated, Hans, who had been observing from the entrance, raised his hand, and the servants started bringing dishes to the table.

“Now, please feel free to enjoy the meal,” Hans said.

“Yes, thank you,” Kaiyan replied.

They served luxurious-looking dishes that Kaiyan had never seen before. And there were so many forks and knives.

Kaiyan was pondering over what to use and where to start when Barvan gestured to him.

“It doesn’t matter; just use anything and eat what you like,” Barvan advised.

“Is that really okay?” Kaiyan asked.

For a moment, he almost used informal language, but he quickly regained his composure and asked properly, despite the uncomfortable gaze of the middle-aged woman.

“Besides, my father knows that you’re a commoner,” Barvan reassured him.

“Then… I understand,” Kaiyan said.

Kaiyan picked up a fork, similar in size to the ones he used usually, and started eating the nearest dish.

This was his first experience with such a sweet yet savory flavor. Kaiyan began eating the food eagerly.


“Uh… Uh… a cat.”

While Kaiyan was filling his stomach with food, Rieka, who had been inside his coat, seemed a bit uncomfortable and stuck her head out, softly meowing. On the other side, the little girl who had been watching from afar with sparkling eyes now looked at me.

“Do… Do you need something?”

Ignoring the little girl’s gaze felt uncomfortable. On the other hand, it reminded Kaiyan of his younger sister, Viya, and that made her seem cute.

“May I touch the cat, please?”

“Of course…”


“Rian! Didn’t I tell you? Don’t mix with commoners like that!” the middle-aged woman scolded, slamming the table. Silence fell inside the dining hall.

Barvan shook his head while looking at this scene, and Lord Carsia, with a sigh, turned to the middle-aged woman.

“My lady, such rudeness to Barvan’s guest is unwarranted,” Lord Carsia said.

“But…! I didn’t like having a commoner brought to the dining table in the first place,” she protested.

“Ah… He’s the one who saved Barvan’s life. That alone should be enough to deserve hospitality from The Carsia,” Lord Carsia explained.

“Saved Barvan’s life? What are you talking about?” Lord Carsia’s wife seemed completely unaware as she alternated her gaze between Barvan and Kaiyan.

‘Does she not know?’

When Kaiyan looked at Barvan, he leaned in closer and whispered softly.

“There are reasons, so pretend not to know.”

“…I see.”

Kaiyan didn’t know what the reasons were, but seeing the serious expressions on Lord Carsia and Barvan’s faces, he felt like the delicious food he had just eaten might come back up.

When Lord Carsia’s wife asked a question and received no response from Lord Carsia, she turned to Barvan.

“Barvan, you explain. What on earth is going on? Who dares to meddle with the Carsia family?”

‘That guy is none other than Janson, the second son of the Carsia family,’

Kaiyan wanted to say it right away, but he kept quiet, as he couldn’t imagine how the middle-aged man would react.

“Sigh… There were reasons for that. Please understand that I can’t discuss it now.”

“What is this…!”

In her excitement, Lady Carsia was about to slam the table, but Lord Carsia stopped her.

“I’ll explain later. So… please leave for now.”

“Are you telling me to leave right now? I’m not a commoner, am I?”

“It’s because there’s an important matter to discuss with him. Please understand.”

Looking bewildered, Lady Carsia got up from her seat, holding the hand of the fidgety child beside her, and left the dining hall.

“…I’m sorry about that. My wife doesn’t know that you saved Barvan’s life, so please understand.”

“Yes… It’s fine.”

“I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Please, go ahead.”

Was Lord Carsia, or someone of importance, really asking Kaiyan for a favor?

With curiosity in his eyes, Kaiyan looked at Lord Carsia, who let out a deep sigh and then spoke.

“Well… Suppose you happen to meet my wife while staying in the Carsia family. Please don’t mention Janson.”


“My wife doesn’t even know that Janson is dead. If she finds out, there’s a high chance she’ll go berserk and want to kill you. So, please do as I say.”

“Why would she want to kill me? It was Barvan who killed Janson, not me.”

Kaiyan felt a bit unjust. He hadn’t intentionally killed Janson; he had handed him over to Barvan to avoid such an outcome. If anyone should be killed, it should be Barvan, not him.

“We can’t continue the meal in this atmosphere. Alright, Barvan, did you tell him what I said?”

“Are you talking about fulfilling my request?”

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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