A Gorgeous White

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Creatures In The Woods



Moulin's mouth seemed to move by itself as Alsander winked at him openly. The young master of the Vernallia Family was restraining himself from rushing towards the white-haired youth and wrap his arms around his neck in a friendly pull. Only, he could not do that in the almighty presence of the Hercullian Lord.

The restraint in his smile was obvious. Moulin suppressed his surprise as he glanced at Hadrian.

It couldn't be that he knows about my friendship with Alsander... right?

Hadrian acknowledged Alsander's reverence and gestured a hand to Moulin, performing a brief introduction. Moulin and Alsander both greeted each other and were dismissed by a wave of the lord's hand. Hadrian gave Moulin a profound stare as he met Moulin's unamused eyes before vacating the Hercullio's tent.

"It's great to see you're doing well." Alsander grinned at his friend as they walked through the ankle-deep snow. His amber eyes seemed to gleam as they passed the torch poles.

"I can't believe you're here..." Moulin could no longer suppress the surprise in his tone as he spoke. "Why?"

Alsander lifted his chin and looked at him at the corner of his eyes with a proud grin. "This young master is not just an excellent spy. I am a master of the arts of barriers and shield manipulation! Even my fool of a brother cannot compare to me. You should see the look on your face!" He laughed as he smacks Moulin's back making the youth flinch.

Shaking his head, Moulin chuckled. "Indeed, I was... I did not know how you came along."

"It was Sir Rowan who recommended me. Although I may not be a sentinel, I wish to be useful at the same time gather sweet intel. Perhaps, I may uncover Lady Relena's secrecy with Sir Rowan. And I also know you would be here. You cannot imagine what I have to go through when I asked every single person about you..." 

"It must have been troubling"

Alan laughed. "Well, It wasn't a bother. Just threaten to reveal something about them to the public and they'll give you what you want. That, my friend, is how you break them and enslave them... I should teach you some time..."

Moulin furrowed his brows. "How helpful..."

Both journeyed the snow towards Alsander's tent. It was MUCH larger, MUCH wider, and VERY extravagant. Being invited to the nobleman's tent, Moulin could not decline Alan's coercive invitation. It was like being invited to a demon's lair. To be attended to, to be given food and drink, to ensure his comfort, and then to be showered by oppressing questions. Moulin had already foreseen this and he threw out replies that would leave Alsander helpless.

Honestly, any longer and this man would think about dissecting him.

Moulin returned to his tent early and slept while he can. By dawn, they would depart and journey to the lakeside beyond the mountains where the seers have found something suspicious.

When dawn came, they would not travel on mounts, instead, they would travel by foot where Moulin's ability would come at hand. Their company wore white so they would not need to exhaust the concealment magic of the mage with them. Lord Hadrian along with Rowan leads the team ahead. Before them was Moulin who would make a path for them across the snow and ice. The calmness of the day was a deep contrast with the brutality of the night. Rafelon was indeed intriguing.

They walked until the leathers of their boots were covered in a sheet of white and the tips of their hair were frozen. Alsander shivered and looked incredulously at Moulin's unaffected expression and calm poise. He wasn't even wearing a thick coat or a scarf! He was sure even Ice mages and maeruthans could feel the cold! Not only Alsander but the rest of the company gave Moulin astounded looks. Hadrian narrowed his eyes.

An hour and a half later, Hadrian snapped his watch close and raised his hand. Rowan signaled the group behind to stop as he looked around. The tall naked trees covered the land and hidden them from the light of the sky. On a dark branch where sharp icicles hanged and gleamed, a crow perched staring down at them. The gem on one of the crow's feet glowed a hint of blue.

A familiar, Moulin thought. It should be one of the mage's familiar back at the camp. The gem should be a seer's possession.

"We are close..." Announced Lord Hadrian as watched the crow fly away to return to its master back at the camp.

They were not far. There should be a lake close by if they walked a mile more. The group continued to travel, this time slowly and cautiously. It was silent. Too silent. One could hear the crunch of the ice and snow beneath their boots or the sudden snap of twigs and the clink of their weapons. There was no sunlight, only the dimness grey of the sky above them. Truly, the surroundings were utterly ominous as they continued forward.

Moulin when surrounded by snow and ice could utilize his mana to heighten his senses and perception like how he could detect beings in the northern mountains. To be the only ice wielder in the group, he was almost weary. Suddenly, he caught something, making him stop.

Rowan had also halted along with his lord. Golden eyes watched Moulin deeply. The youth turned his head to him and shook. He whispered, "The lake is just meters beyond the edge of the woods. However..." He paused.

Hadrian narrowed his eyes as he understood. He silently gestured for the mage to cast a perception spell covering the whole area to detect enemies patrolling around the lake. It was already predicted this situation would happen. She expanded her perception. As she finished her task, the mage shook her head in confusion. She shivered as she explained. 

"I do not sense enemies... The forest is clear of malefics" As well as the others, she questionably turned to Moulin. 

"There IS something..." Moulin narrowed his eyes at her.

She gave him a doubtful look. "I believe not. Do not hinder us."

Moulin exhaled. It seems she's one of the people who dislike me. Is it even the time for that?

"Enough..." Hadrian glowered, silencing the entire company. He turned his eyes to the silver-eyed youth before him. "Moulin..."

Moulin nodded. He turned and he closes his eyes. The mana flowed from his body to his feet, expanding through the particles of snow. Stretching and spreading outwards. One could feel the vigorous energy beneath their feet as mana flowed within the snow stealthily. Moulin continued for ten minutes and the group had grown tense.josei

Alsander whistled in admiration while the female mage frowned in contemplation.

Silver eyes widened as they open. Two pairs of feet, the growls vibrating from beneath their paws. Drools dripping on the snow. Moulin quickly withdrew his mana and turned to Hadrian. "Hellions!"

Turns out it wasn't malefics but dreadful man-eating creatures. Hellions, descendants of demonic hounds!

Calmly yet with viciousness in his eyes, Hadrian signaled the group to ready their weapons. The sounds of swords leaving their sheaths pierced the air. However, at the same time it did, a howl sounded across the woods. It entered their ears, pricking the courage of every individual. It was right that fear would overwhelm them. Hellions were creatures every race had feared ever since the Red War. They were mindless killers and their numbers were great. 

How come the seers did not inform them about this?

Moulin did not draw his sword. The snow would be his weapon. He would use it to defend and attack.

Growls surrounded them. Past the shaded trees, countless black figures emerged from the shadows. Their forms grew clearer as they prowled closer. Glowing red eyes, bared teeth that could rip off flesh in one bite, their sharp silver claws dug into the snow-covered earth. Their sizes were massive, a tall as a man.

Black dots dripped on the white snow. Black drool streamed down their jaws. They looked utterly horrifying. They lurched around them, walking in predatory circles. 

Moulin narrowed his eyes as he made contact with one of them. Somehow, he found those red eyes familiar.

He didn't have time to recall when one of them lunged and trapped a sentinel between their massive jaws. A scream broke into the air as the man was severed from his midsection. Blood and viscera splattered as the lower ends of the man dropped and the crunch of bones could be heard as the other half was swallowed.

The rest of the hellions broke lose.

With no time to think Moulin glanced at Hadrian- who had skillfully severed a hellion head- before he lunged at one hellion himself. Summoning three large stakes of ice, he impaled the wolfish creature head first. The sound of the crunch of bone was echoing. 

Animalistic howls and snarls resounded along with the screams and spray of blood on white untainted snow. An elf had pierced a hellion head but was scratch in the stomach. A man had summoned fire to burn a hellion was had lost and eyes, face bleeding.


A piercing scream sounded from beside Moulin. He turned his head before he froze a hound to death. The female mage was crawling backwards as a hellion began to launch itself towards her. Not risking losing their only mage in the team, Moulin sprinted towards her and summoned spear-like ice in his hand. As he ran, he threw the ice spear at the hellion's head. It shot through the monster's eyes and burst through the opposite part of the head.

Black blood splattered all over the girl's body. She stifled a scream, her body shuddered in fear.

Moulin stood in front of her. Coldly watching her pathetic form.

In an instant, she stood up, her hands shaking. "B-Behind you!"

Moulin looked behind him in instinct.

Silver eyes widened. 

In front of him was the largest of the Hellions. Its fur was pure white. And black liquid dripped down from its bared teeth. Its large claws could swipe at Moulin and cut him in half.

It snarled at the cautious youth.

Moulin silently stood. Avoiding any unnecessary movements that could provoke the monster. In turn, the alpha hellion scrutinized Moulin. It's red eyes assessing the morsel in front of him before he would pounce.

Suddenly, Small hands abruptly pushed Moulin forward. He staggered a step forward and he cursed out loud. He turned his head back and saw the girl taking the chance to run away. Moulin's eyes glowed ruthlessly. 'Fucking little bitch-'

A snarl loudly noises in front of Moulin making the youth shift his attention. 

The alpha hellion stepped back and opened his jaws to attack. Moulin felt his breath stopped when it lunged at him. When he was about to invoke an ice shield the claws were only a hair's breadth away.


Black blood splattered on Moulin. Dyeing his white hair and his white cape with dotted black. The scent of blood entered his nose and his eyes widened.

Golden eyes met silver ones.

Before him, stood Lord Hadrian. Blood dripped down on the black blade of his longsword. Before his feet was the creature's severed paw. The snow smelled gruesome in a deathly way.

Ruthless golden eyes narrowed at the youth.

"You said you would be careful..."


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