A Guide to Kingdom Building ( Me Reincarnated 365 x)

Chapter 218 - 217- Of Iron And Progress Pt.2

Chapter 218 - 217- Of Iron And Progress Pt.2

Aturs, Year of Severus, 16, I.R., the 7th day of Winter, Arteria Capital


There was a heavy tension in the air as his father and Senator Lucresia met up with him in the room. Imperatur Severus gazed sharply at him after he interjected. The Imperatur raised his eyebrows and cracked his crooked smiled.

"Well, well." The Imperatur nodded. "Getting exiled grew your balls exponentially now! You now have the audacity to—"

"I beg your pardon, father." Prince Arterius coughed. "I believe you came here not to talk about my gonads or your gonads, or anybody else's gonads for that matter." He sighed..

"You dare say that to the Imperatur?!" Senator Lucresia pointed with a reddened face.historical

In some weird way, Imperatur Severus suddenly chuckled uncontrollably. Prince Arterius and Senator Lucresia was taken aback by the Imperatur's outburst. They were left dumbfounded as they tried figuring out what to do from there.  It took a while for Imperatur Severus to gather himself. He took a deep breath as he wiped the welling tears on the side of his eyes.

"Didn't know that dungeons also improve your humor." Imperatur went back to his stoic face.

"It changed a lot in you." Prince Arterius answered, all the while trying to stop himself from saying something too irresponsible in front of his ruthless father.

The Imperatur nodded and took a glance at Senator Lucresia. "Senator Lucresia, could you give us a moment? I need to talk to him alone."

Senator Lucresia looked back at the Imperatur with a look of astonishment and defiance, "But…" He immediately composed himself before saying anything out of the line. "A-as you wish, great Imperatur."

The old man immediately bowed down and left the room, leaving the Primas alone. The Imperatur looked around at his small, yet tidy workshop. Prince Arterius stared at his father as he curiously looked at the sketches and equations he posted on the walls. Imperatur Severus squinted his eyes and seemingly tried to read it. Luckily, Imperatur Severus couldn't read the equations on the wall, it would've been disastrous if he did. Especially because it involved the equated alchemic reaction of Aetherium to a highly reactive elemental compound he was creating for his ship's propulsion.

His father then wore a white glove and tried to scrape the surface of his shelf and was impressed to see not a spot of dust on it. He noticed his father's body language change. The Imperatur seemed to approach him closer, but somehow restrained himself from doing so. It was as if a crime to go near to him.

It's not that he made anything wrong. It was just the twisted perspective of the old and sly senator that got him into trouble. He could still remember how Senator Lucresia ridiculed him at the Senate court and muscled everyone to get into his bandwagon. If it wasn't for the quick thinking of his godfather and his brother Senator Prestonheim, he would've gone worse. His birthright would've been taken away from him.

It was a weird situation he was in at the moment. He was the first-born prince currently exiled from the palace but still lived within the capital. Has been working for the Smithy of Arteria and has still been designing inventions for the benefit of his people who never gave a damn for him. He could've run away further from the capital, but his love for his people and his pride chained him to stay.

"Impressive…" His father said. "You certainly made this shabby place tidy."

Prince Arterius stood up from his chair, faced him and sat on the table. "I believe you're here for something else entirely."

His father cracked a grin. "You bet that I am. But couldn't I check the welfare of—"

"Of me?" Arterius scoffed. "Last time I recalled I was in front of you in the Senate being chewed over a decision that you and I both know was within the limits of our laws."

Imperatur Severus went silent and glared at him, his crooked smile gone from his face. "If I were you…I would tread very gently at this point. You know that I have the power to officially remove your birthright and with that the contention to the crown."

"I thought I was never allowed to mention my contention to the crown. You do know that leaves you with just one heir." He said bitterly.

"Don't be ridiculous." His father shook his head as he scoffed. "And here I am thinking you were the smarter one!"

Prince Arterius raised his eyebrow, "W-what? –"

"There's a difference between being silent and being completely removed from the succession." His father explained. "You still have your birthright with you. Do you know what that means?"

Prince Arterius soon realized what his father meant to say. Truth be told, Senator Lucresia made him swear that he wasn't allowed to announce his contention to the throne. It was never stated that he was taken out of the line nor was his birthright taken away.

He looked at his father straight in the eye, while trying to maintain his emotions in check. "I know what it means, father." He took a deep breath. "I am not sure why you're mentioning that. It seems like you want me back?"

"Far from it." The Imperatur made his signature crooked smile. "I would like to personally hire you to help in the research of weapons of war."

"W-weapons of war?" The word was an insult to Prince Arterius. Has he not done enough for the Arterian forces? He already made powerful cannons and enhanced their weapons into becoming one of the best weapons anyone could forge! He did it all without taking any credit for the inventions and researches he did. And yet his greedy father wanted more from him.

"You heard me, Arterius!" Imperatur Severus became impatient with him. "Weapons of war!"

"Were my research and inventions not enough for you?" Prince Arterius spat in disgust.

"We need to win the war!" His father rebutted angrily. "Your inventions were not enough!"

"Then, why don't you use the A.R.T.E.R.I.U.S team for that? I've heard they had a new brilliant director!" He rolled his eyes.

His father went silent for a moment. It was clear from the get-go how annoyed his father was to see him. Prince Arterius could see it in his eyes since they began speaking. It was clear his father was about to explode but was trying to be patient with him as much as possible.

Imperatur Severus was in dire need of a clear victory. Prince Arterius could sense his father's frustration. It has been 3 years since the war began, and even with Veritus on the battlefield, the tides of war never seemed to go on their favor, or anyone else for that matter.

"Aren't you afraid of what the Ardants might do to us if they'll win." His father tried his luck in stirring his emotions.

"Afraid?!" Prince Arterius scoffed. "A Prima is never afraid to die or live in hell!"

There was complete silence after that. Prince Arterius could see his father gnashing his teeth while the veins in his temple were about to explode. Somehow, he controlled himself and met his gaze. That's when he knew how desperate his father was to win the war.

Prince Arterius saw this opportunity to take back what was his. The young prince smiled at him.

"Tell me father, what are your terms?"

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