A Life Debt Repaid

Chapter 1282

Chapter 1282

Chapter 1282

Even if Jesse was not being particularly nice, he was obviously indicating that he accepted Patrick—the emerald necklace was proof enough.

Patrick turned toward Sean, who gave him an adoring look.

“Don’t flirt in front of me!” Jesse snapped right then.

Both men had to restrain themselves right then, while Jesse announced, “Alright, everyone can go about your business. I’m retiring to my room.”

“Let me help you, Grandpa,” Cordy offered.

“It’s alright-Johnny rarely visits the capital. You should spend more time with him…”

“I’ll do it,” Sean offered.

“No!” Jesse barked, clearly hostile.

“Allow me, then,” Patrick volunteered.

Jesse was left glaring at him-was he really a Stuart? Was he so blind he could not tell how hostile he was toward him?!

“I’ll treat you like my own grandfather.” Patrick simply strode up to Jesse and held him up by his arm without noticing the moody look on his face.

Jesse was left taken aback and repulsed, but Patrick ignored that too as he helped Jesse to the elevator.

Jesse glowered but ultimately stayed silent.

Meanwhile, everyone was left gaping at Patrick as he left with Jesse.

It was truly a miracle!

“Congratulations.” Cordy smiled at Sean when she came to her senses.

Sean did a double take and actually blushed a little.

Yet another miracle!

“Thanks,” Sean said quietly.

“Sure.” Cordy smiled.

“I mean, when you stopped me-“

“I know.”

“Yeah.” Sean nodded.

“You really should check on them, though,” Cordy told him.” What if Grandpa harasses Patrick under duress?”

“He won’t,” Sean said, though he soon added, Tm going back to my room. You and John should get some rest too- especially John, since he’s been traveling around a lot. Don’t let us impose on your honeymoon period.”

With that, he hurried away.

Truly, one could lie all they want, but the body would always be honest.

After Sean left, Cordy and John returned to their room.

John had certainly traveled between the capital and North City, mostly arriving in the evening only to leave the next morning.

“When are you going back?” Cordy asked casually once they reached their room.

“I’m staying until our wedding,” John said.


“Why did you think I was working so hard earlier?” John chuckled.

He wanted to free up more time to prepare for the wedding.

Cordy’s heart skipped a beat-his gestures always warmed her heart.

“I’m going to take a bath.”

“Okay.” Cordy nodded.

She watched as John headed into the bathroom.

She thought to herself that he always visited even though she would be always busy taking care of Jesse and barely had time to get intimate with John.

And now…

Cordy’s heart raced-her period was just over, and it was a safe day.

She hesitated for a moment before changing into a sleeping gown.

They had been married for a while, but they never had their honeymoon period.

Even she was getting expectant, let alone John…


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