A Life Debt Repaid

Chapter 646

Chapter 646

Chapter 646

Chapter 646

She felt that she seemed to be worse than others at the moment.

As expected, people would have self-denial when they lacked confidence.

It was Cora’s performance before Zoe’s turn, and she made the scene quite exciting by singing and dancing.

Cora had indeed improved a lot on stage during these years.

Zoe watched TV too, and she always watched Cora’s films on TV. Cora’s acting was childish at the beginning but it had become mature now. She could now handle the stage skillfully and easily, and one could not deny her excellence.

Zoe even thought of the possibility that her appearance in the next moment would ruin the excitement Cora had built up at the scene.

The staff then reminded Zoe to get ready, so she got up from her seat in the waiting area, where the surrounding few people even encouraged her.

They were not stupid. They knew that Zoe had offended someone, so she was banned. Thus, they would not easily be friendly with her now given that they were unaware of her current situation for fear that they might be burdened.

Everyone was always so realistic in the entertainment industry, and Zoe had made full preparation before she rejoined the industry.

Her return had more to do with the pursuit of her dream. Of course, it could not be denied that she wanted to make her life better.

It was not that she was very poor now, but she could make her life better.

She walked to the back of the stage and took a deep breath.

When the host announced her show, she took another deep breath and got onto the stage.

It was a primary election, so they were not asked to introduce themselves. They had to perform the moment they got onto the stage.

Many people did not have the time to introduce themselves after their shows were over. Some had recorded it beforehand, but some did not.

What was important in the entertainment circle was one’s status and power.

Zoe appeared in the middle of the stage and started a sitcom performance that lasted for ten minutes.

At that time, the audience was still restless and excited because of Cora’s previous performance.

The judges were still full of smiles since they were affected by the scene.

However, Hailey suddenly asked, “Isn’t this Zoe York?”

Zoe’s performance was about a scene from a classic movie where a mother finally found her child who had been separated from her for many years. So, she dressed up like a haggard middle-aged wife. For a moment, she did not look like herself. There was indeed a vast difference because the makeup had made her uglier.

Jay, who had his head bow, was sorting out the record he did for the actresses who performed just now. But now, his body stiffened.

The TV crew had given him a name list of the candidates for that competition, but he did not look at it. He did not want to get to know these actresses beforehand and make assumptions to influence his judgment. He came to pick actresses now without having to consider the actresses’ other experiences, and he just had to watch the performance at the scene. The judges also did not have to join the rehearsal either.

Thus, he did not know that Zoe was there too.

Zoe, who had gone missing for three years, suddenly appeared before him that way.

On the other hand, they met each other again through that method.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Zoe, who was performing on the stage seriously. She was clearly nervous.

Holding the pen. Jay’s fingers trembled slightly.

Watching the performance, Hailey whispered beside him, “She hasn’t been back to the entertainment industry for so many years, and her acting seems to have become rusty. Some of her expressions and actions aren’t perfect. There’s a difference from her previous level. What do you think, Mr. Parker?”


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