A Life Debt Repaid

Chapter 927

Chapter 927

Chapter 927

Chapter 927

The director then turned to Jay. “What about you, Jay?”

Zoe turned away from Bob by then-she was actually a little curious as to when Jay popped his cherry too.

Eighteen? Twenty-three? Or maybe earlier?!

Hell, he probably would not remember.

And yet, at the very next second, Jay answered calmly, “The same day as her.”

Everyone was left stunned by his answer, let alone Zoe.

Zoe was already twenty-five at the time, and it almost seemed implausible for someone in showbiz to stay chaste that long. However, she never did get caught in any scandals and it was believable.

But Jay was already thirty at the time!

He had to know that with so many people here bearing witness, this was inevitably going to make the final cut.

He definitely would not go so far as to lie in this situation!

Jay clearly saw the surprise on everyone’s faces too and explained nonchalantly, “Can’t help it. I chose to restrain myself after I decided to wait for a certain person.”

“Does that mean you’d fallen in love with Zoe early on. Jay? Perhaps when she first debuted in showbiz?!”

“If I may be so bold…” Jay smiled enigmatically. “I’d say it’s earlier than that.”

“You mean-“

“That was the last question, director,” Jay said, suddenly cutting him short. “I’m afraid we’ll have to charge extra for more questions.”

The director groaned in regret right then-he fell for Jay’s trap!

“Well, since it’s over, can we have our lunch now?” Jay asked.


Jay and Zoe left, heading to the gorgeous restaurant to enjoy their gourmet lunch.

“Aren’t you afraid that someone would expose you?” Zoe suddenly asked.

“About what?” Jay replied as he peeled a shrimp for her.

“You told them that you popped your cherry with me,” Zoe said, feeling a little awkward that she had actually put it to words. “The production crew would definitely include that part to bring in viewership, so aren’t you worried someone would come forward to prove that you lied? They’re willing to do everything for clicks these days, so anything can really happen when it comes to showbiz. You can’t fool everyone.”

She was certainly worried that a scandal involving Jay would affect her career in turn, since their fates were now


“I’m not afraid,” Jay said and placed the peeled shrimp on her plate.

“Are you really that confident?” Zoe was not that cheerful, since there was no bottom showbiz folk would not sink to these days.

Moreover, they would not be lying while they garnered interest. What was not to like?!

“Because I did pop my cherry with you,” Jay replied.

Zoe was munching on the shrimp when she fully paused.

Jay returned her gaze and said, “Chew, or you’d choke.”

Zoe regained her senses and kept chewing.

Naturally, she was not convinced, and once she finished the shrimp, she asked, “I know all too well women flock around you-that fashion model you were swapping spit with at Levine Manor, and Mandy Jessop, whom you announced to the public you were dating. Also, now that we’ve mentioned Mandy, she’s only getting roles in soap operas these days and has no chance of hitting the big time, so isn’t this the perfect chance for her to seize some attention?!”

“No chance,” Jay said flatly.

Zoe was left staring blankly at him, suddenly a little unsure about the man.

Why would he save himself? It did not make sense at all!

And it was not like he was impotent-she knew that better than anyone!


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