A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: The Old Town

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They sat on a large bench in the old town, somewhere not very popular. Toa asked about my skills, how even though I was a healer I could use attack magic. I told her how the magic was originally Oliver’s, how until I used it I had no idea such magic existed, and until the end Toa sat quietly and listened.

“Can it also be used on equipment?”

“Probably? I haven’t tried.”

What would happen if I used it on {Saints Wrath}?

Honestly, I kind of wanted to try it.

“Right?! Healers can’t use fire attribute magic. So if you tried what would happen? ”

“I don’t know the answer to that, but it’s probably best if I didn’t use it so easily.”

I’d been thinking, even without magic I could probably defeat most monsters. The way I broke the horns of the nootkerane or defeated goblins with my bare hands.

“It’s ok.” Toa said. “Because I’ll help you.”

I thought about this earlier but why was Toa….

“If Masamune says that he won’t use it then I’ll do my best…. Mom, dad, and my older sister didn’t fight but…. Even so.”

I stared at Toa desperately trying to answer. josei

“Thank you Toa…… Hey, I was thinking about this for a while now but, when we first met, why did you trust me?”

“Huh?…..” Toa seemed unable to speak. “That’s…..”

“Masamune-Dono! Masamune-Dono!”

I looked back at the voice and saw Sierra. I left a letter at the inn with instructions to ‘give it to the silver haired girl when she comes’ so that she would know where to find us.

“Tell me next time.”

“OK.” Toa replied.

“Uhm…. WeWere you in the middle of something?”

“No it’s fine, sorry for making you come all the way here.”

“It’s ok, this place is more convenient right?”

“So what happened?” Although I think I was able to guess.

“The nootkerane was recovered by the dissection team. Since you left it up to me I don’t think you two will be found out but I can’t guarantee anything.”

“I see, thank you. So, what about the reward? We killed the nootkerane after all. There is a reward right?”

“As of now we can’t receive it, when the contents of the request are different there’s a necessary procedure that must happen first so the situation is a bit difficult now.”

“I see….”

We can’t do anything about the reward so all we can do is take on another request. Even so, what do we do for today? We have no money to stay at the inn.

“Uhm….. If it’s ok, why don’t you stay at my place for tonight?” I never expected such a proposal.

“Sierra’s house? Thank you very much, but are you sure it’s alright?”

“Of course.” Sierra said as she smiled.

“I have open rooms, and I owe you my thanks for helping me. You two can stay at my place.”

Sierra was kind.

“I see, so it was him huh?”

I heard a voice coming from behind me, looking back a man stood looking right at me.

“Raid……” Sierra’s voice leaked out.

The man grinned as he observed us.

“Why are you here?” Sierra asked.

“Why? It’s simple really, the nootkerane has the ability to negate magic. The only thing that will affect it is a sword or a fist, basically a physical attack is the only way to kill it. You can get rid of the ability by breaking the horns, but nobody does that because the horns are strong and would take time to break. ”

It wasn’t that hard, after all it was just a horn.

” Even if you did, the only way to do it is physically. However, it wasn’t a sword or magic nor a spear, apparently it was killed with magic. There is no other explanation for such a disastrous scene. In other words, that guy broke the horns and then killed it with magic. And did so faster than the injured adventurers could inform us and we the Royal White Knights could arrive. ”

With a fearless smile he looked at Sierra.

” Sierra, it would be impossible for you to even kill it. You don’t have enough experience, you aren’t strong enough. Therefore you definitely couldn’t break off its horns. So who was it? I don’t think you can muster enough magic to turn it into minced meat either so, who was it? ”

Raid looked at Toa and me.

” But they couldn’t have killed a nootkerane either! It’s clearly strange! They have no way to kill it! I can’t see them killing anything besides spirit beasts, horn rabbits or maybe goblins! He’s clearly in a different league, a knight shouldn’t overlook such a man!”

A lump of fire appeared in raids palm and he closed his hand and the fire extended out into a long pole before disappearing leaving a scythe behind.

” So, who is he? ”

” Raid they aren’t enemies! ”

” That’s for me to decide, not you! ”

Sierra appeared flustered.

“In other words you were suspicious of Sierra from the start and followed her.” I interrupted.

“That’s right.” Raid looked this way. “I don’t know why she’s protecting you, who are you?”

I went to give my name but Toa stepped in front of me.

“Huh? Who the hell are you?”

“Totalica, I killed the nootkerane.”

Toa glared at Raid.

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