A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Unable to process

We were at Khalifa’s house, we’d arrived earlier than planned thanks to Leonard’s carriage. Leonardo was actually pretty quiet during the ride, I’d expected to hear more about his country or the empire but in the end he wasn’t even sure why the empire attacked Razhousen.

He said for the last 20 years no move had been made. Although I wasn’t really sure how long 20 years was for a country. I mean, I knew what 20 years would be like for me, I’d have a few more wrinkles, maybe be a little taller but….

We had arrived as Khalifa’s house, I didn’t bring Leonardo with us because I didn’t want him to hear the conversation. Instead I told him to go kill some time while we talked.

After a little while Khifa brought me a drink and sat down.

“So, how was the dungeon? Was it fun?”

“Honestly, it wasn’t what I expected. I thought dungeons would be treasure trove, but it turns out it’s just a house. ”

“As I thought, that means that you’re a candidate as well.”

Khalifa seemed to know from the beginning.

“Why did you know that I was an abyss user?”



“Yeah, you look like a normal person but at that age you were able to take care of several S ranks in Razhousen right?”

“Well, yeah..”

“So with that, and the abnormally strong magic power it’s normal to assume that the abyss is involved. Although even I can’t feel your magic power anymore.”

It appears that I exceeded Khalifas level by a little too much, although level 2009 is a little unreasonable isn’t it?

“Then can I ask what you saw in the dungeon Khalifa?”

“Sure. Although you can probably already imagine it since you know what’s inside a dungeon right?”

“More or less.”

“Zephyr…. He was the candidate.”

“In other words that dungeon was Zephyr’s right?”

“From what I gathered from your story, probably. There was old gert there as well.”

Afterwards Khalifa began talking slowly.

5 years after the war the original 5 adventurers that made up dragons heart went into the dungeon. It was definitely a dungeon, but inside was a small hill they’d all seem before.

“This place….”

Khalifa was confused.

They had just been walking through an old ruin moments before but when Zephyr grabbed the handle the scenery changed.

“Yeah, it’s the hill outside Beyoment.”

For everyone but Shawn this where they’d spend their childhood. Although for Shawn it was where he had watched the town recover.

Then a wand appeared.

“What are you? ”

“I am your other half, Maxwell.”

A carving of a head, that if not for the red eyes would have looked like a saint, spoke.

“I have been waiting for you.”

Maxwell began to explain somethings to Zephyr and eventually he came to understand.

“Abyss? What’s that?”

“Your own magic is the magic of the abyss.”

Zephyr knew of the abyss, it was written in the spell book, but what is the abyss and who is Maxwell?

“What…are you talking about?”

“If you don’t want to believe me then you can forget about it.”

How did he know? Maxwell then answered as though he was reading Zephyrs thoughts.

“Because I am your other half.”

Maxwell talked for a while and he was quite hard to understand, even for Zephyr so it was much harder for the others. After a while Maxwell stared at the ground and spoke.

“I won’t give advice to anyone but my other half so let me just say this…. Don’t get swallowed by the abyss.”

After that he didn’t say anything else but the other four didn’t care too much as they had no idea what he was talking about or what he meant. Zephyr thought that this whole thing might actually be a joke.

“This is you’re home now so please use it as you see fit and please accept the abyss.”

Then Maxwell looked at Zephyr.

“Do not doubt the abyss.”

This was how all 5 of them learned of the abyss but none of them had any idea what it was.

Present day.

“By the way, about the statue in the god country. Weren’t you a little vague?”

“Yeah, that wasn’t particularly important though. Just that there was a strange wand in Adams hand.”

“A strange wand?”

“Yeah, we all knew immediately and Guinevere confirmed that it was a talking wand.”

“Meaning that Adams was also a candidate.”

“Seems like it.”

It was as Bell expected.

“Khalifa, how much do you know about being a candidate?”

Khalifa sighed, it looked like she hadn’t wanted to be asked that.


” Sorry I’m not that familiar with the abyss. It was under Zephyr’s jurisdiction.”


“Well as you probably know, Maxwells memory was lacking.”

The same as Bell.

“I probably don’t know much more than you do.”

“Then what about Adam’s warning?”

These are just things I want to know, if there’s risks I would like to know and avoid them.

“I’m sorry, I don’t actually know what it means. Besides when he wrote swallowed it may have just been things he himself thought.”

“Isnt it written in that grimoire?”

“The grimoire doesn’t have anything about the abyss inside it. Just some spells and a warning.”

In otherwords it can’t help solve my mystery.

“Zephyr would probably know something.”

“Is it possible the memory just hasn’t returned yet?”

“I wonder..”

Well even if that was the case, she wouldn’t know. When Khalifa spoke again her expression seemed a little worried.

“Zephyr looked a lot, I know at one point he was searching for the text left behind by Adams two disciples.”

Disciples huh?

“What was it that he wanted to know?”

Khalifa was mumbling, it seemed like she didn’t know anymore than that. However I suddenly felt tired again, I hadn’t been able to get the answers to all my questions after all.

“Well, whatever, it can’t be helped.”


“No its fine, I’ll figure it out myself. Could you talk a little more about objects?”

“Oh right, Tanya village right?”

“Yeah, that’s where Oliver Joe’s body is, it’s probably all rotten but Zephyr didn’t say anything about that so.”

“I understand. So, what do you intend to do?”

“I’ve been thinking quite a bit, do you mind?”

“Go ahead.”

“I would like you Khalifa to go retrieve Oliver’s cocoon. If you mention my name to the villagers they will probably tell you where it’s at.”

I said that first.

“Ok, and then?”

“I’ll go to the dark country, I don’t know how to recover the cocoon so I’m just going to bring back the whole corpse. Will that work?”

“Yeah that’s fine.”

Honestly I just found it a hassle to go back to Tanya village where I’ve already been before…

“So, how fo you recover cacoons?”

Khalifa took out the grimoire.

“Its the insulation magic in this book. It tears the life information from the body.”

“I see.”

Then it’s probably not even possible for me.

“So, it that fine for now then?”

“Yeah, no problem.”

Khalifa was convinced.

“Sorry about…. All this.. Zephyr’s request…”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s a chance to go to the dark country, I also have things I’d like to ask Zephyr.”

I stood up.

“Huh, you’re leaving already?”

“Well actually we’re students at Halekuwait and the qualifiers for the match between schools is about to begin.”

Khalifa touched a finger to her lips. This seemed to be a habit of hers when she’s thinking.

“You’ll be up against Fishnatica right? ”

“Yeah, are you familiar with it?”

“A bit.”

Khalifa smiled a little.

“Perhaps you don’t just have the abyss on your side but luck as well.”


Although it seemed like she knew something she wouldn’t tell me anything. It was the same before I entered the dungeon too.

“Thank you for the drink.”

Toa returned the cup to Khalifa.

“The next time we meet it’ll be time to go get Zephyr’s corpse. But if anything happens before then just ask the school or a woman named Francesca with magical communication.”josei

“Magical communication?”


Khalifa laughed.

“Ok, got it.”

“Well then, we shall be off.”

I bowed.


When Khalifa called my name I was confused.

“I can wait so, prioritize your journey. It won’t be too late.”

It seems Khalifa still understands the importance of adventure.

“I understand, I’ll do that.”

Although I intended to do so from the beginning, after all its not a journey to help Zephyr. It’s are journey and we decide where we go and what we do next.

We left Khalifa behind.

I stopped outside of town, Leonardo had told us to meet him there when we finished. I saw him waving his hands over his head.

“Done already?”

“Yeah, but more importantly I have something to request of you, do you mind?”

“Of course, what is it?”

I told Leonardo about our talk with Khalifa.

“So you want me to take this Khalifa to Tanya village and then bring her back to Beyoment?”

“Yeah, but I also want you to know that I haven’t decided to cooperate with Dams Arden yet.”

Leonardo expression didn’t change even though I said that.

“I’ll decide after I I sightseeing.”

“Well then me and..”

“Not yet.”

Leonardo was a little to eager.

“I’ve got some business to take care of, since Razhousen is involved I would like to give you some priority. However myself and my journey have priority. But I’ll stop by during my trip since the war hasn’t started yet.”

“Yeah, I don’t imagine the war will start until the other countries have responded to Razhousens request.”

“Right? So I’m going to put that off.”

“I understand then, let me take you from here.”

“Hm? No we can walk from here.”

Toa looked irritated immediately.

“No please let me take you.”

“But then you’d have to turn around and come right back?”

“That doesn’t matter, it’s not that long of a trip.”

I looked at the other three, Toa wasn’t saying anything, Sufilia was giving me a fake smile and Nem didn’t look like she cared.

“Alright then, please take us.”

Leonardo smiled.

“All aboard then.”

We got into the carriage.

“And off we go.”

The carriage began to move, I’d felt that something was different the last few days with the dungeon and the town, but it wasn’t that I had any extra knowledge.

“Whats wrong master?”

Nem was staring at me.

“Hmm? No, nothing.”


Sorry about the last 2 days guys, idk wtf is going on here but Im ready to strangle the plumber…

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