A Romantic Night: Get a CEO Home

Chapter 446 Accidental Synovium

Chapter 446 Accidental Synovium

Child, mother has let you down. See you in the next life!

This terrifying memory, and even later, was the most terrifying part of Zhou Manzhen's life. She would always remember the scene of herself falling into the water, as cold as if she had fallen into an icehouse. She did not know how much water she had choked into her lungs that day, but she could still only remember the smell of blood spreading from her mouth ??

Lin Xingyan sca

ed the area with her sharp eyes and saw that nobody was around. She immediately ran away.

Wu Chen stared at the tablet in his hands as he finally drove to the shallow water bay. He slammed on the brakes and dashed out of the coach.

Yu Chen swept his eyes over the calm lake surface, yet he did not see Zhou Manjing. He tightened his eyes, feeling a sense of fear, as if he had known this person before. When Liu Anya had jumped down from the building, he had the same feeling. He took off his jacket, and without any hesitation, jumped down from the building.

After searching for a while in the icy lake, Yu Chen finally lifted Zhou Manzhen onto the shore. He called 120 emergency services while he gave Zhou Manzhu a simple set of emergency treatment measures.

"Xiaochun, you can't die. Wake up, do you hear me?" Wu Chen unbuttoned Zhou Manzhen's shirt and immediately breathed on her. His expression was sorrowful yet grave, as if the world had come to an end.

She was lying on the ground with a pale face, her entire body ice-cold. Wu Chen was scared out of his wits, so he bent down and listened to her heartbeat. It took him about five seconds to react, but then he realized that her heartbeat had stopped!

Yu Chen trembled as a sense of helplessness emanated forth from his heart. He had never been so afraid of losing a person before. His deep eyes turned ice-cold as he placed both of his hands on Zhou Manzhen's chest, squeezing her chest with a rhythm.

As if half a century had passed, the pressure on Yu Chen's hand had already turned numb, yet it still maintained a steady pace without stopping.

Finally, Zhou Weiqing spat out all the water that he had choked on. She woke up in a daze and lay in Yu Chen's embrace, her body ice-cold. Yu Chen's nervous face was reflected in her eyes, and his face was pale as she said weakly, "Save ??" "Save my child."

The moment she finished speaking, she fainted.

At the same time, the ambulance arrived.

Yu Chen followed the ambulance to the hospital. Along the way, he called Jin Beisan, although he was extremely unwilling to do so.

Jin Beisen sat in his office, the documents on his desk were piled up in a thick pile, looking at him gave him a headache, his black eyebrows were covered with a thin layer of displeasure, he didn't know why, but he felt a sense of unease in his heart today.

He closed his eyes, pressing his slender fingers against his temples. At this moment, Jin Beiseng was starting to miss Zhou Manzhen.

In the empty office, the phone's ringtone sounded out strangely, seemingly so out of place, breaking Jin Beisheng's heavy mind.

Jin Beisen picked up his phone and looked at the caller ID. It was an unfamiliar number. He hesitated for 3 seconds and then calmly picked up the call.

"Jin Beisheng, Zhou Manzhen is currently in the First Hospital, come over quickly." Yu Chen sat in the ambulance and tightly held Zhou Manzhen's hand. The doctor had already given her first aid and he could feel her hand slowly turning cold. He was afraid that Zhou Manzhu would leave just like that ??

Jin Beisan's eyes turned black, and for a moment, he forgot to react. However, he didn't bother to put on his coat, and quickly ran out the door.

After Zhou Manzhen was sent into the emergency room, Yu Chen paced back and forth outside the operation room with a tense expression on his face. His entire body was still wet, and despite the cold weather in April, his hair was a mess.

About a quarter of an hour later, the doors of the emergency room slowly opened and a middle-aged female doctor wearing a green surgical gown walked out. She walked over to Yu Chen with a serious expression and held a report in her hand.

"I... I'm not her husband. " Wu Chen clenched his fists as he spoke, traces of hesitation lingering in his heart.

"The child has already been formed. The mother's amniotic fluid has now ruptured, which may cause heavy bleeding. The adult and child can only protect one child. What about the mother's family?" the doctor asked with a frown.

"Doctor, Sir Protector, please protect him." The sound of anxious footsteps came from the corridor. Jin Beisan dashed over, wearing only a thin white shirt, black suit pants and a pair of shiny leather shoes.

On the drive to the hospital, the hand holding the steering wheel was shaking. He had never felt so nervous before.

"Sign it." The female doctor glanced at Jin Beiseng and handed him the stack of consent documents.

Jin Beiseng took the consent letter and signed it. He trembled as he handed it back to the doctor, and then suddenly grabbed the doctor's arm, "Doctor, please protect the elder. If possible, please save the child again."

Yu Chen's cold expression was mixed with a trace of hatred. This was the first time he had heard Jin Beiseng speak in such a pleading tone. In his impression, Jin Beisan who had always been a high and mighty man, would he ever ask someone to do something like this?

"Don't worry, this is our duty." The doctor didn't have the time to talk to Jin Beixento, so he took the operation list and quickly entered the operation room.

The door to the operation room slowly closed.

"Jin Beisheng, you bastard." With a sharp movement, Yu Chen grabbed Jin Beisan's collar and punched him in the face with a "pa" sound.

A murderous light flashed in Jin Bei's eyes as he quickly punched Yu Chen, "Why is Xiaochun with you? Where did you take her?"

"Heh ??" A sinister sneer hung on Yu Chen's thin lips. That chilliness seeped into his bones, "I still want to ask you. How did you take care of her?" You know what? I rescued her from the shallow end. If I had gone there a bit later, she probably wouldn't be here anymore, you scum! "

Jin Beisan's face was gloomy and cold as he frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

"She knows about the matter between you and Lin Xingyan."

The commotion suddenly stopped. The corridor was deathly silent ??

In the operating room, Zhou Manzhen was lying on the operating table with a cold body. She was already under anesthesia and her body was no longer in pain. There were even tears at the corners of her eyes.

She clearly felt the doctor pull the child out of her belly, and the moment the umbilical cord was cut, she and the child were separated.


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