A Romantic Night: Get a CEO Home

Chapter 86 Nanas Accident

Chapter 86 Nanas Accident

"Director Zhou shouldn't be in a relationship, right? Why are you so depressed?" Yang Yiming feigned a relaxed ma

er as he joked, trying to dissolve the awkwardness in the air.

"No, I just broke out of love and didn't want to fall in love again." Zhou Manzhu smiled and waved her hand. Zhao Tianyu's matter had indeed left a shadow in her heart.

Three years ago, you and I were the same, but now that I think about it, it was already a dream. Recently, Zhou Manzhu had also thought a lot about Zhao Tianyu, who had been blinded by hatred and ruined his future prospects. If he was really going to stay in prison for eight years, then when he came out, he would still be someone with a criminal record.

Since the matter at home had already settled, why couldn't she let Zhao Tianyu off? As long as she asked his father to withdraw his words, everything would be fine.

After all, if Zhao Tianyu's parents were to die, he would become an orphan at such a young age. It was all because of his father, and all of this was like a cycle of death.

Yang Yiming was a meticulously thoughtful man. From the moment Zhou Manzhu had entered the Jianru hospital, he had had a good impression of her, but at that time, he knew that Zhou Manzhen had a boyfriend. No matter how much he liked her, no matter how much he loved her, he had to keep his principles.

"Doctor Zhou, actually, the best way to get out of a broken heart is to have another romance. This is called 'transfer method'." Yang Yiming stretched out his slender fingers and pushed his black-rimmed glasses, speaking with a serious expression.

Weng quietly looked at the two of them, feeling that there was hope, very tactfully quietly walked away.

"I don't think transferring love is a good idea. If one person's heart isn't completely empty of another person, then it would be very irresponsible for the other person." Zhou Manzhen's hand paused slightly, and she pursed her lips as she spoke.

Weng Jing had just walked to the door when she heard Zhou Manzhen's words. She sighed and shook her head, thinking to herself, It's really hard to be together like this! Zhou Manzhen did not have the slightest intention towards Yang Yiming. Yang Yiming had always been the one thinking too much. As a bystander, even Geng Jing was begi

ing to feel sorry for Yang Yiming.

Yang Yiming was rendered speechless by Zhou Manzhu's words. He knew Zhou Manzhu didn't have any feelings for him, but he liked Zhou Manzhu. Even if Zhou Manzhu didn't like him, he didn't want to miss every opportunity.

"Don't misunderstand me. I'm not asking you to find a substitute or something, but to try to open your heart and let others enter. I believe that Miss Zhou will definitely meet a person you love very much." In order to break the awkward atmosphere, Yang Yiming explained with a smile.

"Thank you for your kind reminder, Doctor Yang. You aren't young anymore, so why aren't you looking for a girlfriend?" Zhou Man asked in an indirect ma

er. He couldn't let Yang Yiming waste time on him, right?

"Fate hasn't arrived yet, right?" Yang Yiming chuckled, a trace of undetectable disappointment concealed within his smile.

Zhou Manzhu also smiled at him, and then the two of them went back to their own business.

Turning on the computer, Zhou Manzhen saw a piece of news popping up on the web page. At 3 o'clock, A City had issued an orange warning signal for typhoon, reaching level 12. It was expected that they would arrive in A City after 10 o'clock tonight, and all the schools would be closed for the night.

A city had typhoons every summer for almost a year. She didn't feel that it would have much of an impact, but she immediately thought of Yu Ina. Yu Ina could now take a few days off for a few days of rest.

Taking out his cell phone, Zhou Manzhen sent Xu Ning a message on WeChat asking him to tell Nana to wait for her at school after school.

Nana was waiting for her at the bus stop in the high school campus.

The moment he got off work, Zhou Manzhen made a beeline for No. 1 Middle School in A City.

The hot air gave off a suffocating feeling. After work in A City, it was very congested. Zhou Man stuck out her head and looked at the gray sky with a complicated feeling in her heart.

Suddenly, her cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar caller.

"Hello, is this Ms. Zhou?" A gentle female voice came over the phone, calming Zhou Manzhen's heart.

"Yes, I am." Zhou Manzhen nodded, thinking that nothing would happen to him.

"I just drove, and accidentally hit your cousin. It's in the First Hospital now, can you come over? Rest assured, your cousin is fine, it's just a light bruise. The doctor said that she will be fine after a few days rest. " The girl's attitude was very sincere and she clearly explained the matter.

"Alright, I'll be right there." Zhou Manzhen irritably pressed the horn. This was truly a teapot that couldn't be lifted!

Fortunately, Yu Ina was fine. When Zhou Manzhu heard the word 'car accident', her entire body tensed up. She let out a long sigh. It was good that Nana was fine.

He rushed to the First Hospital. Yu Ina was sitting on the sickbed, and the doctor was dressing her up.

"Nana." Zhou Manzhen cried out in heartache.

Yu Ina's eyes lit up. There was no trace of sadness on her face. She smiled and said, "Sister." josei

"Silly girl, why aren't you careful?" Yu Ina was now in her second year of high school, and her studies had been very intense. Now that she had recovered, her feet were injured, and she would not be able to walk for a long time, and her knees were scraped. The doctor had bandaged her, but Zhou Manzhu still felt a pang in her heart.

She would rather have all the injuries on her body. Nana was already pitiful enough.

"It's all my fault. Your sister was walking around and I bumped into her. Luckily, nothing happened. Don't worry, I will be responsible for the medical expenses." Jin Zhuwen, who had been standing silently at the side, suddenly spoke up.

Only now did Zhou Manzhen notice her. She saw that Jin Zhuwen was wearing a light pink windbreaker, with a faint makeup on her face, but the noble aura she naturally gave off couldn't be concealed. Zhou Manzhen thought to himself, she must be the child of a rich family.

Listening to her talk, he felt that she was very polite.

"It's fine. Accidents are unavoidable, and nothing big happened. Thank you for sending my sister to the hospital." If others were so polite to her, she would naturally greet them with a smile.

"That's only natural. Oh, right, I'm called Jin Zhuwen. What's your name?"

"I am Zhou Manzhen."

"Let's be friends. This is my phone number. Oh, right, you can add me on WeChat." She had spent a lot of effort to get some rest today, so she rushed home from the crew. She was a bit anxious, and since she didn't have her agent or any company following her, she accidentally got into a car accident on the way.

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