A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 1047

Chapter 1047

Chapter 1047

hapter 1047

Sigrid’s mom, Latonia, and dad Quinlan Laurence, were lounging on the couch in the living room after dinner

Latonia was getting a facial from her personal beautician while Quinlan was engrossed in the latest financial newspaper.

It was a slightly rainy night, the pitter patter on the roof added a dash of life to the quiet house

Along with the rain came a knock on the door. The maid who was wiping the dining table, put down her cloth and went to pull the curtains.

Standing outside the glass door, drenched from head to toe, was Sigrid, her eyes fixated on the people inside

The kids had all grown up and moved out Only Latonia and Quinlan lived in the house now. Their children would occasionally come home for a meal, but they’d always give a heads up beforehand.

Sewing Signd completely drenched and disheveled, standing outside their home late at night, shocked both Latonia and Quinlan. They immediately instructed the maid to open the door

“Sigrid, what’s wrong?‘ they asked urgently, reaching out to her. They noticed her shaking from head to toe, a sight that left them unnerved.

“What happened, Sigrid? Latonia questioned, trying to wipe the rainwater off Sigrid’s face But Sigrid pulled away avoiding her touch

Latonia went stiff, a sudden realization hitting her Seeing Sigrid’s tear–streaked face, a surge of guilt overwhelmed her

Sigrid however, pushed their hands away refusing to step inside the house She stood there under the eaves, her reddened eyes boring into them.

“Why did you do this to me? Why did you do this to Chase? she demanded

How could they have subjected her to such prolonged suffering? How could they have torn her away from the person she loved the most?

They were her parents, who had taken care of her since she was a child yet they pushed her into an abyss, making her life a living hell

She couldn’t accept that Chase had pushed her away so ruthlessly, all because of her own parents

Her parents, who seemed so kind, so rational

“Do you know, Chase’s grandma hung herself because of this Sigrid clenched her fists and for the first time, yelled at her parents, completely disregarding her image

“You guys indirectly killed a person just to separate me and him, and you’ve managed to keep it from me all these years? This heart wrenching scream stunned Latonia and Quinlan, leaving them filled with quilt

“Mom, you have a son too Wouldn’t you feel heartache and sadness if he was treated this way by someone else’s parents?” Latonia opened her mouth to say something. but was interrupted by Signd’s bitter laugh.

“Mom, Chase did have someone who cared about him, but it wasn’t his parents, it was his grandma. Yet you used his grandma to threaten him. You got what you wanted, but in the process, you hurt me, and also dragged his grandma into this.

Sigrid had never thought about how Chase had spent those years when she was living a life worse than death. He pushed her away with his own hands, lost his grandma, but never said a word. It was only years later, after becoming a shining star in the legal field and gaining the approval of her parents, that he came back to find her

But she forced herself to forget him. When he showed up in front of her, full of joy, holding flowers, and said, “Sigrid, I’m back. We can be together now” He seemed so happy, but she didn’t want to say a word to him, and had her bodyguards kick him out

He came to find her countless times, but never mentioned that it was her parents who forced him. He only kept asking for her forgiveness.

She always thought Chase was the one with a character problem, but it turned out that the ones who made him this way were her own parents.

What a joke

Sigrid couldn’t help but laugh until the tears streamed down her face.

“Mom, you knew all along yet you pretended to be clueless. You even flew over here to console me, saying that Chase, a playboy wasn’t worth loving Was it him who wasn’t worth loving, or was it you who thought he wasn’t worth it?”

This was a scornful interrogation that left Latonia with no place to hide. She reached out to grab Sigrid’s hand but was shrugged off

“Don’t touch me Your acting your scheming I find it all disgusting”

A sharp pang resonated in Latonia’s heart as she looked into her daughter’s spiteful gaze. Speechless, she could only stare back at Sigrid, her own eyes brimming with


Seeing his wife in such a state. Quinlan jumped to Latonia’s defense. “Sigrid, your mom was only trying to protect you. Chase was always frequenting nightclubs and even drew your brother into it if it weren’t for him, your mom wouldn’t have had to intervene. If you’re looking for someone to blame, it’s him for not taking care of himself.”

Sigrid, overcome with emotion, broke down in tears. ‘Dad‘ You too come from a wealthy background, don’t you understand the dirty games people play?”

Quinlan’s face creased into a frown, yet he remained silent. Sigrid fixed her gaze on him and continued, “Chase’s mother died long ago. His stepmother, seeking to ensure her own son’s inheritance, used his grandmother to pressure him, forced him into those nightclubs to tarnish his reputation!”

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