A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061

During the ride to the hospital, Eleanor got the news from Bernard that Hailey had been drugged by Yeager and then assaulted by a drunk middle–aged man. The attack had occurred in the greenbelt, and if Hailey hadn’t fought back fiercely, things could have ended up much worse

Upon hearing this, Eleanor was Imd, “How could Yeager do something so disgusting?!”

She had believed Yeager to be a decent man, not someone who would treat Hailey as Austin had. However, it seemed Yeager was even more despicable than Austin.

Bernard didn’t respond to Eleanor’s outburst. Instead, he gently patted her hand in an attempt to calm her down.

As soon as the car pulled up to the hospital, Eleanor was out and rushing towards the emergency room in a flash.


Slowly regaining consciousness, Hailey noticed that her body didn’t feel as heavy and feverish as before. She sighed in relief.

She moved her eyes to the figure sitting by her bedside Locking her gaze with deep red eyes, she felt a slight discomfort and quickly looked away, only to notice her hand firmly held in his Her palm was sweaty, he must have been holding it for quite a while.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Hailey tried to pull her hand free, but Cedric held it tighter. Looking up at him, Cedric was frowning as he spoke.

“Are you feeling okay anywhere else?”

Hailey shook her head, her gaze returning to Cedric’s hand

“Can you not touch me for now?”

She didn’t want his touch right now because she felt sort of dirty.

After looking at her for a few seconds, Cedric let go of her hand

Hailey turned her head to the window, not saying a word.

Cedric looked at her, also at a loss for words

Both of them stayed silent until Eleanor burst in


Hearing Eleanor’s voice, the life returned somewhat to Hailey’s listless eyes.


Seeing Hailey’s swollen face, the marks on her neck from being choked, the wound on her forehead, and the bandage on her hand, Eleanor felt a pang of heartache.

Rushing over, she held Hailey tightly, soothing her while stroking her back

“It’s okay, Hailey, you’re safe now”

Hailey hadn’t shed a tear since the incident, but when Eleanor held her, she couldn’t hold back her tears.

“Eleanor, I thought I’d never see you again.”

When that middle aged man dragged her into the bushes, she had prepared for the worst

She thought that if she couldn’t fight him off, she’d choose to go down with him.

Luckily, she was determined enough to grab a rock and smack him hard in the back of the head, saving her own life

Holding Eleanor tightly, burying her head in her shoulder, Hailey didn’t want to cry, but tears flowed down her cheeks like a flood.

Hailey was always tough, no matter what happened she’d always protect Eleanor, she’d never cried like this before.

Eleanor couldn’t comprehend how Hailey had managed to survive the night, but she could feel Hailey’s humiliation, fear and pain.

Hailey’s life had been a real uphill battle

When she was a child, she had to take on everything because she was older. She had to work, take care of the family like a parent, protecting her and Garett from the world with her frail body and little strength. Back then, she was still a child herself

When she grew up, she scrimped and saved to buy an apartment, only to be conned by Austin. Not only did he trick her out of her money, he also wanted her to raise his and his mistress child. If she hadn’t stumbled upon Austin’s infidelity, Hailey might still be in the dark, working her fingers to the bone to pay off debts for the three of them….

Eleanor’s experience also shifted Hailey’s life trajectory From a law–abiding citizen, she turned into a nightclub owner, started smoking and drinking. After going through a divorce, and the death of her family, she didn’t know how she got through that period…

Perhaps during those three years, she had feelings for Cedric. But Cedric was a notorious playboy, Hailey didn’t dare to show him her love. Plus, he never expressed any affection towards Hailey, always acting indifferent. How could Hailey rely on him, trust him…..

She thought meeting Yeager meant she’d found her home. Because for Hailey, she didn’t need to marry someone she loved, nor did she need passionate love She felt she didn’t have the right to pursue love, as long as she could marry a reliable, stable man, that would allow her to settle down and start a family.

Aren’t many couples like this, respecting and loving each other forever? That’s what she was after, that sense of security. However, she didn’t expect Yeager to think differently His so called secret crush was just something he didn’t get when he was young, he just couldn’t accept it….


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