A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 1111

Chapter 1111

Chapter 1111

Chapter 1111

Liana initially wanted to make Tyler suffer, but she didn’t expect that her method of revenge would backfire Now, everything she’s experiencing is her own doing, but it has nothing to do with Will. Why was Tyler being so cruel to Will?

When Liana thought about how badly Will was beaten up, her heart trembled, “Tyler, this is between you and me. Please don’t involve Will Can you let him off the hook?” Tyler was a madman who could do anything If he really brought Will here, she feared he might assault her in front of Will If that was the case, she’d rather be locked up here


But the man holding her waist didn’t pay her any heed. Instead, he coldly looked at her, leaning close to her ear to ask, ‘Who makes you feel more comfortable, me or him?” Liana knew that if she confronted Tyler now, she would face even crazier revenge. So she only lowered her eyes, gritting her teeth and said, “Will has never slept with me” What she said was the truth. Only Tyler had ever touched Liana. But Tyler didn’t believe her, thinking Liana was lying to him to protect Will, “You have been together for so long and nothing happened? Do you think I am a kid?”

Hearing this, Liana didn’t bother to go along with him anymore. “Believe it or not, it’s up to you.”

After that, she closed her eyes again, ignoring him, which made Tyler extreinely angry.

She had once fantasized about being loved by Tyler, but she didn’t expect that she would despise doing such things with him now. She always felt like a dog being manipulated and controlled by him, completely powerless to resist

She hated herself like this, wishing she could go back a decade or so and slap the face of her past self who plotted revenge against Tyler. If she hadn’t provoked him, hadn’t hated him, maybe she could still live with dignity abroad. But

She knew very well that if she hadn’t provoked him, hadn’t hated him, her past self wouldn’t have been able to survive. She could only hold on until now because of her hatred for him Without this hatred, she might have died in the wilderness long ago, and there would be no her today. Even so, Liana still didn’t understand why she chose such a complicated way to get entangled with him instead of just killing him…

Tyler vented all his anger on Liana, torturing her until she fainted before he let her go.

Tyler leaned against the bars of the birdcage, looking down at Liana who was lying on his leg, obediently closing her eyes and sleeping

He lifted his hand, brushing away the sweat–soaked hair on Liana’s face, revealing a delicate and familiar face. He looked at her eyebrows and eyes for a while, then lifted his finger to trace her face over and over, as if trying to etch her image into his bones, tenderly stroking her.

After a long time, when night fell and the moonlight shone through the trees on the island into the birdcage. Tyler picked up the still unconscious Liana and took her back to bed

He held Liana tightly from behind, as if holding the whole world, and held her tightly in his arms, “What should I do with you….

In the silent bedroom where you could hear a pin drop, a helpless and powerless sigh suddenly sounded.

The next day, Liana opened her eyes and saw that she had been dressed in new clothes. It was as if he had been prepared to take her away, the clothes fit her perfectly. tailored to her measurements.

However, despite wearing new clothes, she was still trapped in the big birdcage. What was strange was that, after a whole night of being tied up, her hands and feet should be swollen and painful, but she didn’t feel any pain, not even a trace of swelling.

Just as Liana was feeling strange, Tyler walked in from outside. His tall figure looked down on her as if he were looking at a trapped wild animal.

“Liana, let’s end all this…”

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