A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134

Garett himself didn’t know, in fact, probably no one did. Maybe Tyler was just being a total jerk at the time, maybe he really did want to bully Liana, so he sent people going after her.

After all, his old dislike towards Liana, even a slight fondness wouldn’t be able to cancel out his long time grudge against her. Besides, he might be unconsciously falling for her.

Liana, with no answers, slowly lowered her head, looking at Tyler still under the sunlight. Her cold fingers, unconsciously, touched his face…

When her fingers touched his cold, hard cheek, it seemed like Liana wanted to hold him, but she didn’t move, just quietly looking at him…..

After God knows how long. Liana asked Garett again, “Don’t you want to know who killed him?”

Garett looked at Liana’s frail figure, let out a sigh and said, “He wanted to protect you, so who the killer is doesn’t really matter anymore…

Even if Tyler had faked his suicide, Garett knew him we!! Tyler might have forced Liana to shoot because of his violent behavior, but he loved Liana deeply and didn’t want her to bear any guilt, so he faked suicide in his last moments

Garett pondered for a while. If he were Tyler, he would do the same as Tyler. Some people’s love is obsessive, but that is true love, so they are willing to give everything, even their lives….

But with such an ending, the dead might find relief, but the living, especially the one who killed, might not. So who can really tell in this tangled love–hate relationship over the years, who’s the winner, who’s the loser?

Garett wouldn’t blame Liana because she’s the one his friend wanted to protect. He would respect his friend’s last wish, but Liana might blame herself, because she killed a person, whether she feels quilty or scared, these emotions would haunt her for the rest of her life.

And that was the case, when the alarm sounded from downstairs, Liana’s fingers tightened unnaturally. She wanted to hold the man she once loved one more time before the cops arrived, but she never had the courage.

Until the cops came upstairs, rushed towards her, pulled her up, she looked at Tyler gradually leaving her sight, and her heart ached.

She knew the cops would take away his body From then on, she would never see Tyler again….

She broke free from the cops, rushed to Tyler, knelt on the ground, and hugged Tyler’s stiff body….

She held him, buried her head in his neck, holding him like she used to, but she couldn’t feel his warmth anymore, only the cold skin and hard touch…

At that moment, Liana realized clearly. Tyler was really dead, he couldn’t come back, the man who said he loved her, who hurt her, was really gone…

Tears rolled down her cheeks, “Tyler, I’m sorry…

She gently turned her head, kissed Tyler’s pale face, lifted her hand again, and lightly touched his eyebrows and eyes.

When her hand touched his closed eyes, Liana began to recall. Whether he was young or mature, whenever those eyes looked at her, they were always filled with complex emotions,

hatred, disgust, and a hint of pity. Underneath that pity, hidden, might be fondness. She didn’t know how conflicting and painful he was at that time. After all, he hated her so much, yet he liked her, he must have been in great pain.

Liana’s fingers gently stroked him, she didn’t want to let go, but the police persuaded and pulled her away, eventually taking her away from the scene.

It seemed like she saw Tyler leaning against the window, bathing in the sunlight, gradually fading. Slowly, he and the light became one, until in the end, she couldn’t see anything.

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