A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 1151

Chapter 1151

Chapter 1151

Chapter 1151

But Liano was smart as a whip Just a glance from Karan and she knew her guess was dead on Karan was the one who took the first swing.

This fact made it even harder for Liana to swallow it was even more difficult to accept than knowing Karan used Tyler to push events forward

Because that night, regardless of whether Tyler had inadvertently suggested this idea, her own blood aunt would have harmed her in Tyler’s name.

All Karan needed to do was grease a few sleazy palms to have them point fingers at Tyler. No matter how much he tried to explain, he could never clear his name. And all it look to stop him was one accusation frorn her

So, at that time, after Liana woke up, instead of first caring about her, Karan kept pestering her, asking whose idea it all was. Karan was acting in the name of revenge, but in reality, she was using this opportunity to frame Tyler…

If Liana had not been blinded by family ties and her hatred for Tyler, she should have kept her cool and thought about why she’d become a pawn, a pawn used for others


Liana sneered inwardly, but still asked Karan with a poker face

“My dear auntie, tell me, when did you start to use me? Was it from the moment you brought me to the Howell family, or when you nudged me towards Tyler…”

Seeing Liana’s red–rimmed eyes, Karan suddenly felt like she saw through everything Keeping secrets seemed pointless now. She could feel that her niece would never chensh her like before. Might as well spill the beans and let her remember her good intentions.

With that thought, Karan grabbed Liana’s hand again, let her release her skirt and placed her hand in her own. Then she covered it with her other hand.

“Liana, I brought you to the Howell family because your parents died I felt sorry for you, I wanted you to have a good life with me. But I never expected Tyler to redirect his hatred for me and Aidyn towards you”

If she had been using Liana from the start, Karan wouldn’t have sent Aidyn away early. She would’ve used Liana as a shield. But she didn’t plan for that, so she didn’t guard

against it

Liana had become good at distinguishing half–truths, so she didn’t question the sincerity of Karan’s words. Instead, she kept asking

“So, when did it start?”

When did it start?

From the moment Tyler started to mock, berate and hate her, she wished he’d vanish!

But Tyler was protected by his grandfather. She couldn’t get a chance to hurt him. Plus, Tyler was sharp as a tack, and very cautious about everything. He even dodged a few underhanded moves from her. The kid was too clever!

Fortunately, she saw Liana wouldn’t leave Tyler alone, asking to learn medicine from him. Tyler was much nicer to Liana than her, so she began to consider shifting Tyler’s hatred towards Liana. It could

save her some grief.

In front of Hackett, she spoke softly about her sympathy for Liana, painting her as pitiful and helpless, often bullied by Tyler. Hackett saw this and favored Liana even more

Tyler was young then. Probably felt his father’s love was taken away. So his attitude towards Liana became even more hostile. To exaggerate this hostility, Karan accused him of attacking Liana.

When Hackett heard of this, he smacked Tyler as soon as he returned from school, knocking him to the ground. Tyler was convulsing, frothing at the mouth, holding on to Hackett’s pants, asking why he hit him. When Hackett said he bullied Liana, Tyler probably thought Liana was playing the victim. Since then, Tyler started to hate Liana with

a passion

Although the hatred was largely shifted, the Howells still wanted the gifted Tyler to be the heir. Even though Tyler did many bad things, the relatives still liked him. To help her son secure the inheritance, Karan figured she needed Tyler to make a big mistake for the Howells to completely give up on him.

She started to bait Tyler from time to time, in places unseen and unheard. Whenever Tyler got angry he’d lose control and insult her. Karan would always seize the opportunity, play the victim when Hackett returned.

Hackett would then beat Tyler, regardless of right or wrong. After each beating. Tyler’s hatred for Liana would deepen, and he’d find ways to torment her

Whatever Tyler did to Liana, Karan would have the servants spread it around. Everyone in B City’s high society knew, which led to Tyler’s reputation going down the drain. Even the Howells felt Tyler was becoming less and less respectable as he grew up.


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