A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

Chapter 184 As she laughed at her sell, she suddenly found it difficult to breathe and coughed uncontrollably. The blood she coughed out quickly filed her orygen mask ‘”Eleanor Jason turned pale and frantically pressed the call bell for the doctor. Then he knelt on one knee, took out a tissue, tore off her oxygen mask, and caught the blood she coughed out Blood flowed onto the tissue, soaking his fingers. Jason trembled all over With his other hand, he tried to wipe the blood from her mouth, but he couldn’t clean it all up… Blood flowed down her cheeks, wetting her clothes and pillow The blo ody scere made his heart ache and he couldr t help shaking Upon hearing the bet, the nurse immediately called the attending doctor and the dean over

Seeing how badly Fanor was coughing, Lana ordered the doctors to take her to the emergency room People in the ward hurned in and out, leaving only Jason stil kneeling on the ground. I was as if the world had become quiet, with only him left, staring blankly at his blood covered hands.. His tall body trembled uncontrollably, ice-cold and powerless, as if a black hole was swallowing him bit by bit, making him deeply feel that the person he had been protecting was really going to leave. Not to leave him but to leave this world and never come back. When Haley returned, she saw Jason like this and le resentment towards him faded. She saw how much he loved Eleanor. If it werent for their missed five years, they could have lived a peaceful life together. But fate is unpred clable, causing them to miss each other and rob Eleanor of her life. Thinking of this, she couldn’t help crying, but she braced herself and patted Jason on the shoulde Let’s go wait for her in the emergency room together A young nurse who had just entered the ward sold Hailey that Eleanor was taken to the emergency room because of a sudden coughing fit She originaly warted to go to the emergency room, but when she saw Jason kneeling on the ground

motionless, she stopped. Jason seemed not to hear her lowering his eyes to state at his blood-covered hands. Hadley knew he couldnt face the reality and sighed before heading to the emergency room. The light in the emergency room was on, indicating that they were trying to save her. She didn’t know if Cleanor could make it through She leaned against the wall and squatted in the corner, stating fixedly at the door, it wasn’t until the emergency ight turned green that she stood up straight. The emergency room door slowly opened, and Liara came out with a group of doctors Seeing Hailey with red-rimmed eyes, Liana didnt know what to say “Dr. Tern, how is Eleanor doing now?” Haley leaned against the wall, barely supporting herself, and asked the question with trembling voice. Liana gazed up at Haley and took a deep breath. After a few moments of silence she reluctarily advised Hailey, “Ms. Vulpe, you should go and say your goodbyes to her while you still can.” Upon hearing this, Jason, who had just arrived at the emergency room, swayed and nearly lost his balance. His face turned an eerie shade of pale, as if all the blood had been drained from it, rendering almost transparent. Stag gering forward, he approached Hailey whose legs were trembling and who struggled to catch her breath while being supported by Lana’s arms. Jason tightly clenched his fats, trembling as he uttered, “I’ll go see her first… Liana nodded understandingly. After helping Haley settle on a nearby bench, the retrieved a small dose of a calming agent and pressed it against Hailey’s skin Though the dose wasnt gnificant was enough to stoolize Haley’s emotions and bring aboin a sense of calmness. She was now prepared to accompany M: Stulty on her firul journey

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