A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Chapter 190 She cried for a long time, until her voice became h oa rse, and finally forced herself to suppress the grief and get up from the sofa. She still had to pack clothes for Eleanor, she couldn’t let Eleanor go without clothes in the other world. She had to cheer up and pick a few pretty clothes for Eleanor. Haley stag gered and walked step by step into Eleanor’s room. Seeing that Eleanor’s stuff was stinthere, but she was gone. Hailey’s tears fell once again.

Covering her face and crying for a while, she cleaned her tears and started packing Eleanor’s clothes. She took clothes from the wardrobe, along with a few pairs of shoes from the shoe cabinet, and some bedding As for the remaining things, Hailey couldn’t bear to throw them all away, so she left a lot of them as keepsakes, After packing when she turned to leave the bedroom, she suddenly stopped and looked back at the desk. It was as if something was attracting her, guiding her to walk to the desk and unconsciously open a drawer. The drawer was tidy and clean with only a notebook and an envelope. Realizing what it is, Hailey’s eyes started to redden again. Eleanor had anticipated leaving this world long ago, but Hailey had never noticed. If she had found out sooner, perhaps she could have spent more time with Eleanor and not be filled with regret now. She trembled as she took out the letter, opened the envelope, and slowly unfolded the letter. [Dear Hailey, when you’re reading this letter, it meant I had already left this world. But my dear Hailey, please don’t grieve for me or feel regret. Life is unpredictable, and when some things can’t be changed, just let them be. I’ve accepted it, and I hope you can accept it too. Dont be too sad for my absence, I’d worry for you. Haley, I’m so grateful to have you by my side, from childhand to adulthood. You were the

first to protect me whoever bullied me. I remember when I was twelve, I was bullied by a group of mean girls at the school gate, and it was you who fought fercely to save me. Your newly bought shoes were ruined back then, do you know what I was thinking? I thought I’d rather let them beat me up and over with, than let you lose a pair of new shoes. Thinking back, we were so poor we couldn’t even afford food. But you and Garett, in order to take care of me you would rather starve yourselves and save money to buy medicine for me. I’ve heard your stomachs growling so many times. Hailey the fact that I could live until my twenties was due to your endless part-time work and Garett’s relentless efforts. I’ve often wondered what right do I have to live by your care. Later, I got a job, earned money to support myself, and eased your burden. I thought, as long as I was with you and could help you occasionally, that would be good. The only regret is that I could only accompany you down this path, and my life is about to end. Before I leave, all I can offer you is a bank card. It’s not much, but I hope it helps when you’re in trouble. This money, feel free to use it, it’s not from selling myself. I earned it clearly from my job. The password is your birthday Goodbye, Hailey, my beloved sister] 07:05 alley was already sobbing uncontrollably after reading the letter.

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