A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

She was definitely smarter than Joelle, and it didn’t take her long to think of Bernard.

It was because Donna had told her that the bitch Eleanor had already passed away, and Bernard even tried to commit suicide by cutting his wrist in front of her grave for her.

By chance, before the bitch’s death, she and Joelle had attacked her in the restroom, and Bernard was there too!

At that time, he even spoke up for that bitch when Joelle wanted to kill Eleanor on the spot.

If it wasn’t for Joelle’s persistence, and telling Donna about it, Bernard probably wouldn’t have slapped Eleanor.

It was that slap that cleared up her doubts!

Who would have thought that he was actually afraid of the Stanleys‘ finding out about that bitch, so he deliberately played tricks in front of them!

He had been fooling around with that bitch for five years, and he could still act as if nothing had happened. He was really good at hiding it!

Now, he even humiliated her like this for that bitch, Bernard was really too much!

The moment her head was pulled out of the cesspool, Sophie couldn’t care about the dirty smears on her face, and directly cursed out loud, “Bernard, you promised your brother to marry me, now you’re treating me like this for a dead person, can you face your brother?!”

As soon as her voice fell, a chuckle came from beside her “Who is Bernard?”

The voice of a strange man made Sophie pause for a moment, she endured the nausea, opened her eyes, and looked at the group of men surrounding her.

There was no sign of Bernard, they were all strangers. Maybe they were people Bernard had sent, she said, “Don’t pretend anymore, I know you guys were sent by him!”

The man who spoke just now, laughed again. “Ms. Ratliff, your company has a director who owes our project funds and doesn’t pay back. We couldn’t find him, so we came to find you, the person in charge..”

Sophie froze, looking somewhat suspiciously at the man, “You were the one who made trouble at our company last month?”

The man tited his head and raised his eyebrows, “If it’s not me, who else could it be? Are you telling me that your company has offended people from other companies?”

Upon hearing this. Sophie’s doubts subsided a bit, but she was still skeptical, “You guys aren’t really sent by Bernard?”

The man seemed extremely unhappy with her questions, and he gave her a hard slap, “Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and call your father to pay me back, or I’ll kill you tonight!”

Sophie had never suffered such humiliation before, and she was trembling with anger, but under these circumstances, she dared not speak up, “Give me the phone!”

Only then did the man calm down and threw her a cellphone. Sophie picked up the phone and made a call right away demanding the other party to pay immediately.

After hanging up. Sophie looked coldly at the man, “Can I go now?”

The man sneered and waved his hand to his men behind him, “Tie her up and throw her into the woods over there.”

Sophie didn’t expect that they wouldn’t let her go even after she ordered the payment, so she screamed and struggled with all her might.

However, she was too weak to resist a group of men, and soon she was tied up and carried into the woods by several men.

After they finished all this, the man washed his hands, tidied up and headed towards a black Lincoln parked in the distance.

He knocked on the window and respectfully said, “Sir, we have done as you instructed.”

Bernard was playing with the mask in his hands, nodded at the man and said, “You guys can go.”

The man answered yes‘ and left quickly with his men.

After they left, Bernard turned his head to look at Caleb, who was concentrating on driving. “Can you find evidence of Donna’s murder?”

Caleb hesitated, “Sir, she hasn’t done it herself, so it might be difficult. The people who worked with her won’t turn her in. Plus, she has a history of mental illness, so even if we find some clues, it would be difficult to convict her”

Bernard smiled playfully. “That’s fine, someday, I’ll make her spend the rest of her life in prison.”

He looked away and slowly turned his gaze out the window. Before the storm come, he wanted to be with her one more time.

Bernard ordered, “Caleb, let’s go to the cemetery”

Caleb nodded, quickly adjusted the navigation, and drove straight to the cemetery

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