A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

Eleanor felt the chills, but she still mustered up the courage to tell him, “Mr. Ziegler, Im scared of you. Can I not go back with you?”

Even if she was temporarily blind, she didn’t want to go back with Ethan.

She was afraid of being locked in the car by him again and experiencing that near–desh feeling.

Ethan saw the fear in her unfocused eyes. His expression became complicated.

He quietly looked at Eleanor for a moment, then let out a deep sigh, “We’ll talk about it when we get back.” novelbin

Hearing this, Eleanor knew she couldn’t change his mind. She stopped struggling, gave him her hand, and let him lead her back to the suffocating car.

The car soon stopped in front of the villa.

Ethan held her hand, led her back to the bedroom, and gave her a box of medicine.

“This is the medicine George prescribed for your eye condition. I was afraid you’d run away, so I didn’t give it to you.” Ethan said.

That was why she suddenly went blind. He had hidden the medicine, deliberately not letting her take it on time.

Eleanor felt scared again, wanting to escape his control. She calmly opened the medicine box, took out a few pills before putting them in her mouth, and swallowed.

After taking the medicine, she coldly said to Ethan standing nearby, “I’m going to sleep now.”

Ethan glanced at her, watched her fumble to lift the blanket, and then finally turned and left the bedroom,

The next day, Eleanor woke up, opened her eyes. She saw the color of the ceiling, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness she was only temporarily blind and could regain her sight, otherwise, she might be living in darkness forever.

After getting up and washing up, she picked up her smashed phone, tried to turn it on. But it was completely broken.

Eleanor remembered her old phone could hold two SIM cards, so she quickly took out a sealed bag, took out the phone, and put in the new card.

After turning on the phone, she opened WhatsApp…

She originally wanted to log in to her newly registered account, but found her old account was still there.

She logged in subconsciously and saw many unread messages.

Some were from colleagues offering condolences. Others were messages like, “May you be free from pain in heaven, rest in peace.”

Even Amanda sent a message, “Eleanor, I’m sorry, I didn’t know your heart condition was so severe.”

Seeing these, Eleanor couldn’t help but get teary–eyed.

She opened Instagram and found that Hailey had posted a farewell message on her behalf. It was because of Hailey’s post that everyone knew she had passed away. So, the people who were kind to

her missed her, and those who weren’t forgave her.

Eleanor forgave the past people and events. Sometimes, after experiencing life and death, she learnt to let go.

After reading the messages, she opened her contacts and found many friend requests.

All these requests came from the same person, Mr. Law.

Knowing full well she could never accept, he still persisted in sending her requests for three years.

Under each request, he would attach a message that said nothing but her name..


She couldn’t explain why, but every time she saw her name, she could feel that Mr. Law really liked her a lot.

But no matter how much he liked her, to her, he would always be a criminal. There could never be any connection between them.

As she stared at his profile picture, hesitating whether to delete these requests, another friend request came in.

Still Mr. Law.

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