A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

Eleanor was sitting in front of her vanity, staring at her reflection in the mirror, and she was zoning out.

Hailey pushed the door open and walked in. Seeing Eleanor daydreaming, she went over and gently patted her shoulder.

“Eleanor, Garett sent someone over with some stuff. You should go downstairs and check it out.”


Eleanor agreed and got up, following Hailey downstairs.

Outside the villa, a few cars were parked. Colter came in carrying a wedding dress.

“Ms. Shultz, my boss thought that the wedding dresses at the shop didn’t quite suit your style. So he had someone custom–make one for you, along with wedding shoes, new clothes, and jewelry.”

He waved his hand to the others, and they quickly took things out of the cars and moved everything into the villa.

After handing the wedding dress to Eleanor, Colter told her, “Ms. Shultz, on the day of the wedding, my boss has something going on and won’t be able to attend. I’ll be there in his place. The wedding is set for 10 a.m. Before that, a makeup team will come to get you ready. You don’t have to get up too early. Just relax and don’t worry about the other details of the wedding.”

Eleanor thanked him, and Colter said, “If you want to thank someone, thank my boss. He asked me to remind you.”

Eleanor nodded slightly, “I know.”

Garett always carefully considered everything for her, never letting her worry too much, even when they were kids.

After Colter finished explaining, he left quickly with his crew.

Just as they left, a luxury car pulled up in front of the villa.

Bryson, dressed in a suit, got out of the car and called out to Eleanor, who was about to turn back to the villa.

“Ms. Shultz.”

Hearing Bryson’s voice, Eleanor hesitated for a moment, not wanting to look back..

However, he had two servants bring a diamond–studded wedding dress to her.

“Ms. Shultz, this is the wedding dress Mr. Laurence owes you.”

Eleanor glanced at the dress, furrowing her brow, “Bryson, please return this dress. I don’t need his compensation.”

As she tried to leave, Bryson said, “Ms. Shultz, do you remember three years ago when Mr. Laurence went abroad for three months? He bought this dress at an auction during that time. He planned to give it to you when he returned, but there were some unexpected


Eleanor’s face went pale, and she looked at Bryson in disbelief, unable to believe that he had bought a wedding dress for her so long


Seeing her disbelief, Bryson sighed and said earnestly, “Ms. Shultz, Mr. Laurence truly loves you, but his methods were extreme. He has realized his mistakes and hopes you can let it go and give him a chance to make it up to you.”

Eleanor snapped out of her shock, clenching her fists, and said to Bryson, “I’ve already forgiven him, so I don’t need his compensation.”

She looked at the dress again and said, “Bryson, please return the dress. Thank you.”

As she walked away, Bryson realized that Ms. Shultz’s heart had become resolute, and even Mr. Laurence couldn’t change it.

At least when Mr. Laurence was forced to separate from her, he couldn’t control himself and repeatedly tried to find her. But for Ms. Shultz…

After being abandoned once, it seemed that no matter what Mr. Laurence did, she could remain calm and never look back.

Bryson didn’t actually want to give her the dress. But he also came with Mr. Laurence’s sincerity, how could he let him down?

So, Bryson had the servants carry the dress and follow her into the villa….

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