A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 523

Chapter 523

Chapter 523

Chapter 523 Eleanor was startled and immediately let go of his hand. She tried to shield him, but Bernard, who just snapped out of his daze, grabbed her wrist. He was exhausted, but used his body as a barrier to protect her. As he guarded her in his arms, someone suddenly stabbed his lower back with a sharp knife. Eleanor heard a stifled grunt from him. He forced her head down, he could not let her see him in the current state Eleanor, help is on its way for you” Caleb was quick with his duties, he should be here soon. As long as he protected Eleanor, she would surely get out of there safe and sound. He said, “Help is on its way for you,” not “for us,” which sent shivers down Eleanor’s spine. “Bernard, let me go, she pleaded She struggled to touch his back, but he held her tightly, and she couldn’t move.

Bernard’s eyes were filled with his affection for her. “Eleanor, I’m okay Dont worry” Just as he finished speaking, another rod harshly hit his head, cutting his forehead open. Blood splattered dying his hair red, it dripped down his forehead. The drops of blood splashed on Eleanor’s head and face. She was so scared to the point that her legs gave out. Using the hand on Bernard’s chest, she touched the part where the blood had smeared on her face The warmth of it triggered something in her. She frantically struggled to free herself and look up at the man in front of her. His face was covered in blood, but his eyes were fixed on her “Eleanor, don’t look. It scare you,” he said. Immediately after he spoke, someone stabbed him in the back again. His face turned pale, as if he was hit in a vital spot. The hands that held her began to tremble uncontrollably Tears welled up in Eleanor’s eyes. The thought of him protecting her at all costs made her emotional

“Bernard, you can escape alone. Please go. Don’t worry about me,” she urged. He shook his head, holding her tightly to his chest, not letting anyone harm her. Just then, the cabin door was kicked open from the outside. Ethan walked in with a black gun in hand. He fired without hesitation, as if this was second nature to him. Cameron, who had been observing the situation from the second floor, saw someone barging in with a gun and his face darkened. Cameron quickly took a few steps back. He hid in a dark corner Bernard turned his head at the sound of the gunfire. Through his blurred vision, he made out Ethan charging towards him. He forced his body up, picking up the metal rod again. Ethan quickly got in front of them. He locked eyes with Bernard for a second, then said, “Too many of them, not enough bullets. I can only take one of you with me” When Eleanor saw Ethan appear, it was like seeing a lifeline. She heard him mention he could only take one person and her heart sank, She was down for a second, but then quickly made her decision, “Take him!” Bernard, however, had made a decision even quicker. He pushed her towards Ethan. Then, with all his strength, he held back the gang. Ethan was now out of bullets. He quickly threw away his gun, grabbed Eleanor’s hand and started to run. There was no way Eleanor was going to let Bernard stay behind alone, even if it meant they would die together. She struggled to break free from Ethan’s grasp, trying to go back for Bernard, but Ethan lifted her onto his shoulder The moment he carried her out of the cabin, Eleanor saw someone raising a rod ready to strike Bernard’s head again. Before he fell, Bernard turned to look at Eleanor, to make sure she was safe.

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