A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 527

Chapter 527

Chapter 527

Chapter 527

When Aldyn rushed to the hospital, the surgery had been underway for several hours

Caleb, who had been hiding in the shadows, immediately appeared when he saw Aidyn He quickly gave him the lowdown, then dashed back to the cabin to deal with Cameron and the goons who had hurt Mr. Laurence

Aidyn took over Caleb’s post and anxiously paced outside the operation room while dialling Cedric’s number

Cedric was in Jorvik setting up the proposal When Aidyn’s call came through, the bouquet in his hand dropped to the ground.

Hailey saw this and casually thought Cedric was not being serious. She was about to give him a piece of her mind when she noticed his pale face

“What’s up?” Hailey asked Cedric as she put down the floral crown she was holding, concerned

Cedric said nervously, “Bernard’s been seriously injured. The proposal’s off. We need to head home ASAP!”

Hailey asked nervously, “What happened? How did he get hurt all of a sudden?”

Cedric grabbed Hailey’s hand and started walking briskly towards the airport, “I have no clue. Let’s just get home first….

Cedric started contacting the Laurence family who were en route to Jorvik. He urged them to head straight to the hospital to see Bernard.

At A City Hospital the family members started trickling in, each waiting quietly outside the operation room.

Despite being a large family that had weathered many storms, they always managed to keep their cool in the face of adversity. Their worry for Bernard was evident in their tense expressions

Inside the operation room, carts kept coming and going carrying medication and plasma. By eight in the evening, the surgery had been underway for six hours. The deputy director and the lead surgeon came out looking exhausted

Removing their masks, they lowered their heads and said softly, “Mr. Laurence had two stab wounds on his back. They aren’t too severe. The main issue is his brain. It was hit three times. We managed to remove the clot but he’s still critical. If he doesn’t wake up in the next 48 hours, prepare for the possibility of him slipping into a deep coma_

Veronica swayed slightly at the news. A deep coma could mean Bernard could end up in a vegetative state. He was the one holding the reins of the Laurence family How would they cope if he ended up like this? How would their grandfather handle the demise of his handpicked successor?

Veronica looked suspiciously at the deputy director. Something felt off.

She asked bluntly, “Are you keeping something from us?”

The deputy director, remembering Mr. Laurence’s instructions, quickly shook his head.

Veronica didn’t buy it. In a cold, firm tone, she said, “You either spill the beans to me now or I’ll have someone investigate. And if it’s the latter, say goodbye to your career!”

Hearing Veronica’s voice, Deputy Director Lee’s hands started to shake.

With so many doctors and nurses involved in the surgery, this secret might be hard to keep.

After some thought, he decided to come clean,

“When I examined Mr. Laurence before, I discovered he had a brain disease. It was a deep–seated tumor. An open skull surgery would risk coma and paralysis. Mr. Laurence refused the surgery and chose conservative treatment. He also didn’t allow me to tell anyone.

To prevent you all from worrying, he decided to go to W City for treatment. Based on our communication with the director of W City hospital, we decided to remove the tumor while cleaning the clot. The surgery has been successful so far, but given the severity of his injuries, it’s unlikely hell wake up…”

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