A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 534

Chapter 534

Chapter 534

Chapter 534 Ethan’s gaze fell on the petite figure. “You miss him that much, huh?” Eleanor stayed silent, her face expressionless Ethan wasn’t angry, he just tilted his head and continued to look at her, Tasked you before, do you love Bernard? You said no. But a few months later, you’re head over heels for him?” Knowing she would probably stay silent, Ethan didn’t pause this time and started to answer his own question, “You’re not being true to yourself, you clearly love him but refuse to admit it, and now that you’ve missed your chance, you’re ready to die with him. How weird is that?” He acted like G***d and accused Eleanor from a third-person perspective He then asked with confusion, “But there’s one thing I don’t get…” He unfolded his legs and got up from the couch again, kneeling next to the bed, forcing Eleanor to face him. 1 looked into your history with Bernand He had you as his secret lover for five years and didn’t cherish you when he was with you He slapped you after breaking up and caused your early death He hurt you badly, so why did you forgive him?” Despite Bernard’s actions, Eleanor chose to forgive him, even willing to give her life for him. Why did Emilia choose to leave him forever? Ethan looked at her with confusion, trying to find the answer in her lifeless eyes

Eleanor just stared blankly. She was too drained and uninterested to clear up his confusion Ethan didn’t want her to clear up his confusion, he just wanted her to say, “It’s okay. I forgive you” He knew very well that what he had done was far worse than Bernard’s actions. Emilia would never forgive him… A hint of self-mockery flashed in his eyes, he let go of Eleanor and looked at her hands and feet that were reddened and bruised by the chains. His mind drifted back to the past, when he realized that he couldn’t hold onto Emilia. He had used the same method to keep her by his side What was Emilia like back then? Resistant, argumentative, compromising, deceiving, and finally ran

away and disappeared… Ethan thought of the past with Emilia, his eyes started to turn red. “I don’t get it, she’s the one who betrayed me first. Why am I the one stuck in hell…?” Stuck in that hell where Emilia trapped him. Leaving him unable to escapel Eleanor’s eyelashes trembled a bit when she heard Ethan’s words. She still chose to stay quiet. Ethan looked at the face that resembled Emilia’s, as if he was seeing his former lover. He stared at Eleanor quietly for a while, raised his cold fingers. He played with a strand of her hair, and casually started talking. “I just figured out what the second agreement should be…” Eleanor didn’t answer, Ethan bent down and whispered in her ear, “I want you to pretend to be Emilia, live with me for a while” Eleanor struggled to turn her eyes and slowly looked at him, “After I die, let George take my heart out and give it back to you” This was the first time she had spoken to him in more than half a month. Her cold and piercing tone made Ethan’s face drop. “You can refuse if you want…. Ethan was angry for a moment, then regained his calm. “Do you want to visit Bernard’s grave?” Eleanor’s heart suddenly throbbed – he was already buried? She hadnt even had a chance to say goodbye, and now they were separated by life and death? She clenched her fist, digging her nails into her palm. She tried to cause physical pain to suppress the heartache. Could the physical pain really suppress the pain of losing her beloved? The feeling was worse than death. Eleanor let go of her hand, letting the heart-wrenching pain consume her, and letting the tears flow. Ethan sneered when she started crying again, “If you want to go, then agree to my terms ” For Eleanor, whether Bernard was alive or dead, she wanted to see him. Since she had something to

ask for, she would definitely agree to his terms. She wouldn’t die easily He knew the human heart well, but he couldn’t figure out what Eleanor was thinking. She only said one sentence about returning the heart, and then she never spoke again Ethan couldn’t be bothered with her, as long as her life was sustained and her heart was supplying blood normally. Her condition was none of his business.

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