A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 634

Chapter 634

Chapter 634

Chapter 634

In the end. Eleanor had her bodyguards step aside and invited Casey into the living room. She even had Marina serve him a cup of coffee

The man sitting on the sofa moved and acted very much like Ethan, the only difference lay in their eyes. Ethan’s eyes held a sense of melancholy and sharpness, while Casey’s showed an air of calm and indifference as if nothing really bothered him. They both camed the same casual, laid–back vibe, but their manner of speaking differed. Casey seemed more of a gentleman than Ethan

After sizing up Casey, Eleanor took a seat and asked what brought him here “Mr Casey, what can I help you with?”

Casey didn’t rush to answer instead he raised his eyes to look at the dozens of female bodyguards standing behind her, and the weird guy sitting by the dining table, munching on an apple while staring at him After taking a quick look around, he turned his attention back to Eleanor his refined face breaking into a relaxed smile when he noticed her slight tension.

“Ms. Shultz take it easy Im just here to ask you, where is my daughter, Nina?

His daughter Was Nina really his daughter?

Suppressing her doubts, Eleanor answered truthfully “Nina’s with Ethan”

Did he not know that Ethan had taken Nina from him? Why would he come asking her?

Casey gave Cleanor an elegant once–over, adjusted his silver rimmed glasses, and started speaking “Before Ethan took my daughter away, he promised that he would return her to me in eight months The deadline has now passed but i cant find him. Do you know where he is?”

Eleanor was taken aback. She thought Ethan had snatched Nina from Casey Why did they have an agreement? Was Casey not worried that Ethan might harm Nina, or was he confident that Ethan wouldn’t, hence

set the deadline?

Filled with doubt, Eleanor couldn’t fully trust this sophisticated yet slightly cold man before her “Why are you asking me about Ethan’s whereabouts?” novelbin

Her tone was wary, which made Casey smile slightly

“Ms Shultz, I came to you because I heard that Ethan took you away eight months ago. My daughter was also taken by him around the same time, so I figured you might have seen her. If you have, you should know where she is, night?”

Casey’s words hit the nail on the head, leaving Eleanor unable to refute. But she had another question.

“You said Nina was taken by Ethan. Then why did you make an agreement with Ethan?”

Why would there be a deal involving someone who was taken away? Ethan didn’t seem like the type to make deals with people

In face of Eleanor’s question, Casey didn’t panic. He picked up his coffee, took a sip, and then answered

“Nina was indeed taken by him. To ensure her safe return, I offered Emilia’s last words as a bargain. As long as he returned my daughter after eight months, I would tell him what Emilia’s last words were”

So, Casey used his sister’s last words as a token for Nina’s safe return, but why was the deadline set within eight months?

It seemed Casey saw her confusion, and he gently put down his coffee

“Ms Shultz, on paper, I’m your brother–in–law, and Ethan is just a madman who took someone else’s with and child”

He was reminding Eleanor that he was Emilia’s husband Had it not been for Ethan’s interference, he and Emilia wouldn’t have divorced As Emilia’s sister, Eleanor should be on his side and not helping a madman

Eleanor got his point. She put her doubts aside for the moment and then answered Casey’s question

“Some time ago, Ethan planned to send Nina back, but she didn’t want to leave him, so she stayed. At that time, they were at their villa in G country I’m not sure where they are now

After listening Casey lowered his eyes slightly, seemingly pondering something. He didn’t immediately respond to Eleanor

While he was deep in thought, Eleanor took out her phone and texted George, asking him where Ethan had taken Nina. As soon as she finished texting, Casey on the other side started speaking again

“Ma Shultz, did you just say Nina didn’t want to leave Ethan7”

Eleanor shifted her gaze from her phone screen to the man opposite her Seeing a hint of melancholy on his composed and elegant face, she frowned.

‘Mr Casey, you

Casey raised his hand, cutting off her words of comfort. Im fine ”

He waved his hand dismissively, then sighed in resignation “Eight months is enough time to form attachments”

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