A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 637

Chapter 637

Chapter 637

Chapter 637


Nina’s sweet baby voice came from the other end of the screen, warming Eleanors heart

“Mina, did you miss me?”


Alter nodding. Nina swept her phone camera around her. Then she pounced on the screen, covered her mouth with her little hand, and whispered, “Eleanor, that man brought me to this cemetery I saw your picture here But he says the person in the picture is not you, but my mom Eleanor is the person under that tombstone really my mom?”

Nina blinked her long eyelashes, innocently staring at Eleanor on the screen

Seeing Nina’s innocent face. Eleanor’s heart, for a moment, felt a pang of pain. She didn’t know if she felt sympathy for Nina, or because the heart she inherited from her sister ached at the sight of her daughter

She raised her hand to cover her aching heart, her voice trembling as she reassured Nina, “He’s lying to you, don’t believe him”

Getting a response from Eleanor, Nina finally breathed a sigh of relief, her tense expression fading “My dad once told me, mom went to heaven and will come back to see me when I turn fire. Although she didn’t come on my fifth birthday. I believe she will come back to see me

Eleanor forced a smile and asked Nina. “Do you know what heaven is?”

Nina patted her small chest confidently. I know My dad told me that heaven is a place for beautiful people. He also said that only beautiful people can go there

Thinking of beautiful people, Nina suddenly remembered the man she had met earlier who was even more handsome than a movie star Recalling Georges comment that the man would soon be Eleanor’s husband. she couldn’t help but giggle. “Eleanor, George said you’re going to marry him soon. Will you have a baby that’s as handsome as him?”

Eleanor couldn’t help but laugh, “Yes, I will”

Nina raised her hand and gave a thumbs up. “Great I’m going to have a handsome little brother!”

Eleanor wanted to ask Nina why she assumed it would be a brother and not a sister, but Nina interrupted her by exclaiming excitedly. “A handsome man like him should be living in heaven, just like my mom

Eleanor’s heart tightened Despite Nina’s innocent remark, the ominous implication made her heart race. “Nina, he has a lot of things to do, he’s not going anywhere, especially not heaven. Don’t say things like that


Nina, being very understanding, noticed Eleanor’s discomfort and immediately toned down her excitement, she lowered her head and apologized, “Im sorry

Seeing Nina so upset, Eleanor suddenly felt guilty, “Nina, I was too harsh just now, don’t take it to heart”

Nina was sensitive but forgiving, she said, “Eleanor, I don’t mind, but I think I understand what heaven is now…”

Her voice faltered as she continued, “I heard on TV that heaven is where people go when they die, but I didn’t want to accept that my mom had passed away, so I chose to believe my dad’s words. However, when I saw that you didn’t want him to go to heaven, I knew my dad was lying to me.”

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