A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 667

Chapter 667

Chapter 667

Chapter 667

Pearce Hooper rushed to learn about the situation, and Ethan’s body was frozen hard. He stood in the morgue, staring in disbelief at Ethan’s figure, now covered by a white cloth Unlike the scene Eleanor had witnessed, Ethan had been cleaned up and dressed in fresh clothes

He lay there, as if he were just sleeping calm as ever, with no signs of death.

Taking tentative steps, Pearce moved closer, reaching out a hand to touch Ethan’s lace, only to find he didn’t have the guts

“Master.” he whispered Normally, if he disturbed his masters sleep, he’d get a good scolding. But now, Ethan lay there quietly, unresponsive to his call

Tears welled up in Pearce’s eyes “Master what happened? We still had a deal didn’t we?”

Ethan had once patted Pearce’s shoulder, promising. “When you have more trophies than me, I build you a golden house”

Knowing Pearce’s love for gold, his master would occasionally buy him small gold trinkets to put in his vault

Even though they were gifts for him, his master would always joke about reclaiming the vault when he ran out of money

His master wasn’t exactly a saint, nor was he thoroughly wicked. But he was, in a way, a pitiful man

He never seemed to express himself right often saying the opposite of what he meant, which made a lot of people dislike him)

Only Pearce saw the loneliness in his master Sometimes, seeing him lost in thought in his office, he felt pity for him.

At times like this. Pearce would try his best to crack a joke to make his master smile.

His jokes were never funny, but his master would always respond with a faint smile and a casual rebuke, “Pearce, get lost!”

Now, looking at Ethan’s frozen body, Pearce cried, “Master, why aren’t you scolding me?”

What was meant as a joke sounded so heartbreaking to George…..

His two frends were both gone

He knew he’d always known, that Ethan had been ready to leave ever since Emilia passed

For Ethan, death might be the best release

But those left behind had to live with the grief and longing forever

George’s tears had long since dried up, leaving his face void of any expression, while Pearce’s pain had just begun.

Pearce had been orphaned since childhood It was Ethan and Emilia who had supported him

When he was in high school, he used to draw on the streets of G country for money One day, Ethan and Emilia walked by holding hands.

They stopped and stood behind him, silently observing his drawing for a long while

Pearce became irritated. They neither bought his paintings nor left. In annoyance, he turned around and said, “What are you looking at? Careful, or Пl pluck your eyeballs out and stick them on my


Emilia burst into laughter, while Ethan gave him a nonchalant look, “Your paintings are not impressive, but your words are certainly unique”

Having grown up on the streets, Pearce was naturally impertinent and strong

He was about to start a fight with Ethan, but Ethan grabbed him by the collar before he could throw a punch.

He admitted Ethan was taller That was why he was being picked on, not because he was weak.

Emilia stopped Ethan from disciplining him, saying that he was just a child, and told Ethan not to care about him

Emilia bought all his paintings, and Ethan proudly handed him a business card.

Ethan suggested that Pearce stop street drawing and apply for architecture school instead, promising to cover all his tuition and living expenses

At first, Pearce thought Ethan was strange and ignored him, until a friend saw the business card and told him who Ethan was.

Only then did he realize Ethan came from a renowned architectural family.

And the woman holding his hand was an internationally famous architect, whom Ethan had personally guided to the top.

So, Pearce followed his advice. With his talent and hard work, he was admitted to the best architecture school.

After he was admitted, Ethan had him pick up blueprints from the company and personally instructed him

After graduation, Emilia paved the way for him to join Vanguard Architects

It was these two people who created the current Pearce, but his life mentors had left him one after another.

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