A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 677

Chapter 677

Chapter 677

Chapter 677

When he mentioned Nina, it was then that Eleanor shifted her focus on to Nina

She saw that Nina had become thinner now she felt very sad

Immediately she wriggled out of Bemard’s arms, crouched down and gently stroked Nina’s little face

“Nina, how did you lose so much weight?”

Seeing Eleanor Nina opened her pink little mouth as if to say something, but in the end, she didn’t say anything at the end.

Seeing Nina lower her head playing with her toy in silence. Eleanor felt a deep sadness

Nina must have been forced to play sheeting games by Casey and witnessed her father’s death, which traumatized her, turning her silent, right?

Bernard struggled to steady himselt explaining to Eleanor, ‘She’s traumatized, showing signs of stress response She’ll need to see a psychologist”

After assassinating Ethan, Casey’s attitude towards the child also became brutal. These past few days he locked the crying Nina in a dark room, even locked her in a cage, only providing her with little food and drink if he hadnt amyed in time, the child might not have lasted three days

“Hearing about Nina’s ordeal, Eleanor was heartbroken. She held the thin Nina tightly in her arms, gently patting her back while consoling her, “Nina, live with me from now on. I take good care of you. I wont let you

get hurt again”

Nina’s long eyelashes flickered, but she did not respond to Eleanor Her spirit seemed entirely shattered, going from a lively, sweet talking child to a silent puppet

Seeing Nina like this, Eleanor felt a deep sadness. She picked Nina up and saw Bernard suddenly putting on a heavy coat

Looking at him in confusion, she saw his face was pale like he was sick Startled, she asked him what was wrong

Bernard clenched one hand into a fist and put it over his mouth, coughing. “Maybe it’s just a cold.

He finished speaking and nodded to Aldyn standing by, “You hold the child.”

Eleanor was about to hold her, but Nina wiggled free and reached out to Aldyn

Nina had become very obedient and cautious now She seemed to be afraid they would abandon her, making her extremely sensitive to their words and deeds

Eleanor looked at Nina, who was obediently lying on Aidyn’s shoulder with her toy, and felt a deep sadness.

Bernard took her hand and put it in his coat pocket, “Eleanor, let’s go home”

Eleanor felt his cold hand, withdrew her gaze, and looked at the pale Bernard

“What’s wrong with you?”

Now, his face was so pale, even his lips were trembling

She refused to believe it was just a cold, “Bernard, if you have any problems, just tell me directly, don’t hide it from me and don’t try to deceive me me”

Bernard’s eyes showed exhaustion, but he still remained patient, lowering his head

“It is really a cold, you can touch my forehead if you don’t believe me.”

Eleanor stood on her toes, reached out and touched his forehead it did feel a bit hot, “Have you taken any medicine?”

He gave a slight nod and a small smile. “Mrs Laurence, you’re so concerned about me. Do you love me very much?”

Her eyes were full of love no reservations, “I love you very much, so Mr Laurence, you have to take care of yourself”

Bernard was just trying to cheer her up, make her relax a bit, but hearing her response, he was somewhat surprised.

That’s right, she would feel at ease only if he was in good health. The two of them depended on each other, and he had to keep his promise. The man gently lifted her chin and kissed her lips, then held her hand fightly and led her off the plane

Their elegant figures created long shadows under the dim airport lights…

Caleb walked out of the cabin with a group of doctors, frowning at Bernard.

At neither a close nor far distance, he saw a red liquid rolling down Bernard’s coat….

Caleb took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, his hand trembling a bit. He lit one and took a deep puff

He rarely smoked, rarely felt his hands shaking, but seeing Bernard suffering such a serious injury, he couldn’t help but want to smoke.

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