A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 752

Chapter 752

Chapter 752

Chapter 752

Arina High School was where Hailey had her schooling, with Yeager Alis being the student council president back then. Hailey used to get points docked for being late by Yeager Alis

The Yeager Alis she remembered was a quiet guy with thick glasses

But the Yeager Alis standing in front of her now had smooth skin and was good looking, a far cry from his high school self.

“Are you really Yeager Alis?” Haley gawked at him in disbelief. When did you become such a hottie?”

“Back in school I was all about studying didn’t really care about my looks “Yeager replied with a smile.

The awkwardness melted away from Hailey when she found out he was an old schoolmate, and she felt more at ease.

She looked at Yeager and exclaimed, “You’ve really changed a lot, I didn’t even recognize you”

She used to think Yeager was a bit of an ugly duckling, but now she realized he was actually quite a looker.

Back in high school she was all about making money, didn’t really pay attention to him. It was surprising that he still remembered her.

Liana, noticing they were old schoolmates, sensed potential gossip and gave Will a nudge.

Getting the hint, Will patted Yeager on the shoulder, “Since you two know each other, why not catch up?”

He then picked up Nina, held Liana’s hand, and walked towards the lounge area

Once they left, it was just Hailey and Yeager in the couch areal plus an Aidyn showing off his wealth on the side novelbin

Hailey relaxed and took a sip of the drink Yeager had handed her earlier, then turned to him.

“Didn’t you move abroad with your family after high school, Yeager? What brings you back?”

“I studied medicine abroad, did pretty well, and felt like my country could use good doctors. So I decided to come back, home is where the heart is, after all”

Hailey nodded, then asked him how he became a doctor

“I remember you didn’t take the college entrance exam, how did you end up a doctor?”

“I got recommended for college, then switched to medical school” He looked at Hailey and said in a softer tone. “Seems like you didn’t really care about me back then.”

Hadey taughed awkwardly. “Sorry. I was too busy worrying about making money, didn’t really care much about school stuff”

She wasn’t really close to her schoolmates, didn’t even join the high school alumni group because she had to work while studying.

Being an orphan, she had no choice but to fend for herself, she couldn’t compare with kids from well– off families.

Yeager had heard from their classmates that Hailey was an orphan who had to rely on herself, her constant tardiness was understandable.

It’s always polite to keep quiet about someone’s past, so Yeager didn’t continue on the subject.

“You still look pretty much the same as you did in school.”

His eyes were still as clear and bright as ever, as if untouched by the worries of the world.

“There are some changes”

Life’s twists and turns do leave their marks, how could there be no changes at all? Even if the outside doesn’t show much difference, the inside has been through a lot.

“I still remember the first time I saw you, you jumped off a wall and landed on me. You were in such a rush to get to class, you didn’t even look at me, just said sorry and ran off. I was hobbling behind you, yelling, Hey, wait up, you broke my hand I wanted you to take me to the infirmary, but you ran off so fast, you were gone in a blink”

The story Yeager told made Hailey, who was feeling down, burst out laughing.

“Really? Was I really that bad back then?”


The atmosphere between them lightened up with the reminiscing.

After sharing some high school memories, Yeager Alis hesitantly asked, “Hailey, I remember in high school, you had a lot of admirers, guys asking you out and confessing to you. Why are you partaking in a blind date event?”


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