A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 793

Chapter 793

Chapter 793

Chapter 793

After their initial encounter, Cedric seemed to vanish, leaving Hailey feeling as if he had disappeared completely.

It wasn’t until she caught sight of him on the news that Hailey realized Cedric had been preoccupied with work all this time. The news segment depicted him looking sharp. in a suit, sporting a stylish tie and impeccably groomed hair, exuding a powerful and authoritative aura.

Having watched the financial news segment, Hailey switched off the television and swiftly retrieved her phone. Dialing Yeager number, she inquired if he had arrived as planned

The weekend was here again, and Hailey needed to visit Garett

She had promised Garett to visit him every weekend.

Plus, considering she had been seeing Yeager for a while now, she decided to bring him along to meet Garett

Maybe seeing her muster up the courage to start a new relationship would also give Garett the courage to get out of his rut.

This time, at the airport exit, they bumped into Sigrid Laurence who was being pestered by a man. Hailey immediately dashed over.

“Signd, are you okay? Should I call the cops?”

When Sigrid recognized the person helping her was Hailey, she waved Hailey off

“No need to call the cops.”

After saying this. Sigrid wriggled out of Chase’s grip and spoke up.

“Chase, we’re done. You need to let go

Chase attempted to grab her hand again, but she stepped back.

“Our parents don’t approve of us being together, let’s heed their advice.”

Sigrid didn’t necessarily agree with her parents, she was just exhausted from her past relationship with Chase

Chase, like her brother, was a party animal and a playboy But unlike Cedric, Chase lacked self–control.

Chase was the type to cheat on his girlfriend, whereas her brother would never do that.

Having been Chase’s girlfriend before, she had witnessed him in bed with other women.

Back then, Sigrid would stand at the doorway, telling herself that once she got over the initial shock, she wouldn’t feel pain over Chase anymore.

Now, she was no longer in pain over him. In fact, she could look at him calmly, even smiling while doing so.

Seeing her smile, Chase was heartbroken but he knew there was nothing he could do to win her back.

“I’m sorry

After mumbling his apology, he stumbled away.

Sigrid watched his retreating figure, a knowing smile in her eyes.

When her parents found out about how she was being treated abroad, they forced them to break up.

After the breakup, Chase quickly moved on while she….

She was trapped in a villa overseas by her parents, living a miserable life. He never even bothered to visit her once.

She also received numerous news about Chase’s romantic escapades.

During that difficult period. Hailey sought solace in the corner, her tears blurring her vision as she struggled to break free from the overwhelming pain.

She had fought hard to escape the emotional quagmire, yet Chase inexplicably expressed regret for his actions and relentlessly pursued her

“I’m sorry” became Chase’s repetitive mantra, uttered countless times in the hopes that Hailey would respond with “it’s okay.” But the damage inflicted was deep and irreversible, making it impossible for her to offer forgiveness so easily

As Sigrid shifted her gaze from Chase to Hailey, she noticed something unexpected–Hailey and Yeager together, even holding hands.

“You two?” Sigrid exclaimed, recognizing him but perplexed as to why they were in each other’s company.


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