A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 824

Chapter 824

Chapter 824

Chapter 824

Liana spun around, gritting her teeth, glaring at Tyler

“As long as I’m breathing. I’m gonna marry Will”

She thought that after this incident, Will might not want her anymore.

But she decided, even if she lost, she would stick to it. The more Tyler objected to her marrying Will, the more she would persist!

Words can be poison, and she’ll keep it up as long as she can!

“Fine Tyler exhaled a puff of smoke, his expression obscured by the smoky haze.

His gaze was deep and cold, like an eagle staring at its prey, watching Liana

“I’ll be waiting”

He raised an eyebrow at Liana, then turned the steering wheel and drove off.

Liana clenched her fists, coldly watching the black luxury car speed away

“Liana, are you okay?”

Hailey ran out, grabbing Liana’s shoulders, checking her over

Im fine”

Liana shook her head, then, as if remembering something, she quickly turned and rushed into the villa.

She took a baseball bat from behind the door and searched every corner of the villa.

Finally, in the living room, bedroom, and bathroom ceilings, she found hidden cameras.

She smashed the cameras to pieces.

Seeing Liana return and go on a smashing spree without a word, Hailey and Yeager were stunned, but nobody dared to interfere

After smashing everything Liana came down from the ladder, sat on the floor, and began to take apart the smashed cameras piece by piece.

Even when sharp fragments cut her fingers, Liana didn’t stop, gritting her teeth and continuing


“Hailey, I just need some space”

Before Hailey could approach, Liana cut her off calmly.

Seeing Liana’s bad mood, Yeager quickly stopped Hailey from rushing to bandage Liana’s wounds

“Hailey, let’s leave Liana alone for a bit, we’ll wait outside”

Hailey could only leave bandages on the floor, telling Liana not to hurt herself before turning to follow Yeager out

After they left, a pale–faced Will arrived. The three exchanged glances for a few seconds before Will spoke first.

“I’ll go check on her”

He had seen Tyler dropping Liana off when he was sitting under the streetlight.

Hailey and Yeager moved aside to let him pass, and Will entered the room.

Liana was still dismantling the cameras, venting her anger in this way, letting out her frustration.

Seeing her fingers cut by the sharp fragments, blood smeared, Will frowned.

He walked over, picked up the iodine and bandages on the floor, and sat beside her

Without speaking, Will took Liana’s hand, wiped off the blood with a tissue, applied iodine, and put on a bandage

Liana stared blankly at Will. She didn’t expect him to come back to her, or that his first concern would be her wounds.

Speechless at the man in front of her, Liana just stared at him.

Noticing her staring, Will forced a smile, then reached out to adjust a wrong button on her collar.

His fingers trembled involuntarily when they touched the purplish hickey on her neck, but he didn’t let his emotions show, just silently adjusting for her.

“All done.”

It’s all good, Will thought, and then extended his hand to Liana

“Let’s go.”

Liana’s gaze flickered to his outstretched hand, and with a jolt, she snapped out of her daze

“Where are we going?” she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity

Will gently enclosed her hand within his own, a warm gesture of reassurance. “We had planned to invite friends to our new house after officially registering our marriage,” he replied

“My parents have prepared a meal for us, eagerly awaiting our arrival. Let’s bring Hailey and Yeager along,” he suggested, his words carrying a touch of consideration. Adding a final thought, Will continued, “As for Ms. Shultz and Mr. Laurence, we can arrange a separate meal to celebrate with them upon their return. What do you think of this arrangement?”

Liana’s gaze remained dull as she processed his words, eventually lowering her head. “Will, we didn’t register our marriage yesterday” she murmured.

“I’m aware,” he responded, patting her hand reassuringly “Let’s gather today and make up for it tomorrow. The sentiment remains the same.”

His words lingered, hinting that he still desired her as his wife.


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