A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 839

Chapter 839

Chapter 839

Chapter 839

Eleanor followed Liana’s gaze and glanced down at her own belly

Tve finished all those meds, but

Eleanor sighed somewhat despondently

“I think I might not be able to get pregnant.”

She’d tried a ton of medications, but none had worked She was afraid she might never be able to have kids.

“Eleanor Have you considered IVF?

Eleanor turned her head and glanced at the man in the car

“He wouldn’t agree

Bernard knew that both the IVF process and childbirth were painful, and he was worried that it would hurt Eleanor, so he chose not to have kids.

Understanding Bernard’s thoughts, Liana didn’t propose IVF again I will adjust the medication, try again after you finish”

Eleanor wanted to say it’s not necessary, but Liana firmly pushed her into the car, saying. Tll prepare the meds and send them over tomorrow”

Liana finished speaking closed the car door, took a step back, and waved at Eleanor

“Shoot me a text when you get home

“Get some rest too.”

After Eleanor responded, the driver started the car and drove away from Liana’s villa

Watching a line of luxury cars leave, Liana turned to Will and said, “You should head back too.”

Liona felt quilty every time she saw Will since she was assaulted by Tyler, never letting him stay over

“Let me take you back to your room help you clean up the dishes, and then I’ll go, okay?”

Will knew Liana had been feeling down lately, he was always very careful, afraid to upset her.

“Alright Liana nodded, turning and walking towards the house.

Will followed behind her, watching her back, wanting to say something several times but stopping himself.

Not until he finished washing the dishes, cleaned up the dining table and kitchen, then rolled down his sleeves and went to Liana

“Liana, I’ve cleaned up, should I head out now?”

It was a question, Liana was changing the TV channel. She caught his meaning but acted like she didn’t, just nodding

“Alright, be careful on the road

Will picked up his coat, and as he was leaving the villa, he still stopped and looked back at Liana.

“Liana, we agreed that you’d give me an answer in half a month, the time’s up, can you give me an answer now?”

Liana paused in her movement She leaned on the sofa silent for a few seconds, then answered without hesitation

“Will, like I said before, I’m not good enough for you, let me go

If Tyler hadn’t assaulted her, Liana might have drummed up the courage to accept Will

But now, Liana felt that she, a person who had been hurt by Tyler, didn’t deserve someone as good as Will

“Liana, I don’t have to marry you, I can just be with you. Is that okay?”

Liana put down the remote control in her hand and looked up at Will, standing the door

“Will, your parents wouldn’t want you to live like this for the rest of your life”

Will walked over, squatting in front of Liana.

“You’ve never met them, how can you be sure they wouldn’t accept me?‘

Liana couldn’t answer, she even felt meeting Will was a form of shame, let alone meeting his parents

“I wouldn’t dare to meet your parents”


Liana raised her hand to covet Will’s mouth.

“Will you said you saw me at a lecture and fell for me, but maybe you only fell for my outward beauty and sparkle.”

‘Once you see the turmoil and confusion inside me, youll slowly grow tired of me Before that happens, you’d be better off giving up on me.”

Thope there will always be someone in this world who remembers the best side of me.”

Liana finished speaking and walked past Will, heading upstairs

But Will rushed over and hugged Liana tightly from behind

His deep voice came from behind her ear

“Liana, in my eyes, you’ve always been the best Please don’t give up on me because of this.”

The first time Will saw Liana was at a lecture Hier confidence and composure were impressive when she was teaching a group of medical students

But that didn’t mean he only valued Liana’s appearance

“Liana, when I found out about what happened to you, I felt more sympathy for you, I never despised you.”

“I know, I know you don’t despise me, but i despise myself As Liana thought about this, tears welled up in her eyes

The warm tears seemed to scald Will’s hand and touch his heart.

Chapter 839

“Liana, if you haven’t figured it out yet, then I’ll give you another month, is that okay?”

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