A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 845

Chapter 845

Chapter 845

Chapter 845

In the video. Vanya goes on to say

“When I was a kid, my parents didn’t really like me at all Seeing me all petited and stuff, my grandpa took me in and raised me himself

“I guess it’s because I was the only one by his side when he kicked the bucket, an he left his fortune to min.”

“Truth be told, I didn’t need his money but my parents we so greedy. They did all these messed up things to me, all because of that inheritance

“Im a pretty stubborn chick, you know? The more they want something, the less I ward to give it to them. So, our relationship just went down the drain”

“At that time. I was head over heels for this guy, York Spencer We were crazy about each other, and I thought I was going to marry him.”

Vanya touched her face her eyes filled with loneliness and despair.

“Evelyn Ziegler was my BFF, but I had no idea she was into York Spencer too”

“Maybe it was out of jealousy, but when we were doing this science experiment together, she basically ruined my face with chemicals.”

After my face was messed up. I realized that all this talk about love was a bunch of bull “

“York Spencer dumped me, but to ally with my family, he chose to marry my sister”

“While I was in bed, suffering like hell, he and my sister were having their wedding night ”

“My parents tried to squeeze the inheritance out of me at this time refused, so they kicked me out of the house

“I was bloody and alone, wandering the streets. People were scared of me, except for this one guy who didn’t treat me like a freak and extended a helping hand.”

“He didn’t mind my disfigured face, gave me food, and even offered me a place to stay”

“I lived in his place for a while and never told him who I was or what I used to look like”

“He never pried, he just encouraged me to pull myself together With his help, I found hope in life again.”

“He left after a while, and I went back home, found a good doctor, fixed my face, changed my identity, and started over.”

“I planned to use my grandpa’s inheritance to travel the world, but at the airport, I ran into the guy who helped me. He didn’t recognize me, but I recognized him”

“From our conversation, I learned that his company was going belly up. To thank him for his help, I decided to invest in his company.”

“As time went by, we got to know each other better. He said I could help him in his work and that we were a good match in life. He wanted me to marry him.”

“I didn’t agree at first, but his proposals got to me. Little did I know, another nightmare was about to begin

Vanya paused here, her eyes turning red. She seemed to have suffered a lot but didn’t know how to voice it

“Maybe your father was just being kind when he helped me back then.”

“It was me flaunting my wealth, showing him I had lots of money, that made him think of snatching my fortune.”

“He married me, but it was all about the money. The one he truly loved was his childhood sweetheart, Silver Ratliff”

“After I gave birth to Emilia, I found out he had built a home with Silver, and their child was born soon after.”

“When I found out, I wanted a divorce, but he begged for my forgiveness, hoping I wouldn’t leave him for the sake of our child. He even promised to cut ties with Silver.”

“At that time, I was worried about our child growing up without a father, and he seemed to have really broken up with Silver, so I didn’t leave him.”

“We had four years of peace. I supported him from behind, and his company became a big shot in A City in no time!

“He said he bought a yacht to thank me and took me and our child on a trip to unwind.”

“Who’d have thought that after I spent all my wealth and gave him everything, he would harm me and our child?”

“He could have told me he didn’t want to continue with me, and I would have leftwith our child, but he deceived me with lies”

“When I was least expecting it, he pushed me, Emilia, and little newborn Elena into the sea.”

“Before I fell into the sea. I saw Silver with her child on the deck, giving me a smug and victorious smile.”

“That’s when I realized they never really broke up. They were just fooling me, waiting for the perfect moment to rob me blind and then gang up on me

“If I wasn’t a good swimmer, if there werent a reef for me and the kids to hide, we would have drowned before the fishing boat came to rescue us.novelbin


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