A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 879

Chapter 879

Chapter 879

Chapter 879

Bemard, lacking any empathy, listened to all this with nothing but a hint of confusion. “What about the illegitimate daughter of Jensen? Where’s her kid?”

Blake slowly let go of his regretful expression, looked at the stone–faced Bernard and said, with a sigh. “She’s grown up now, turned out to be someone quite extraordinary.”

Bernard didn’t give a damn about what she looked like, all he asked was, “Where is she?”

Suddenly having a half–sibling from the same father but different mother, naturally, he was curious.

After staring at him for a while, Blake revealed a long–hidden secret that had been buried deep in his heart, “He’s sitting right across from me”

Bemard’s casual face instantly froze, “What did you say?”

Blake put down his leg, looking serious, “Donna was never pregnant. After the Pine family’s daughter gave birth, she sent the baby back to the Stanley family. When her due date came, she brought you over, claiming you were her own. She even fooled me.

“If it weren’t for your grandmother accidentally discovering the abuse and becoming suspicious, she wouldn’t have revealed this secret to me. When I asked her why she did it she admitted it was to seek revenge against your father and told me to stay out of it.

“Half of your bloodline comes from the Pine family. Every time I look at you, I am reminded of the Laurences who were killed by the Pines. Moreover, it was my doing that forced your father to marry Donna. I owed her, so I allowed her to take it out on you.”

No wonder Donna treated him that way; he wasn’t her biological child. However, he interjected, “I’ve had DNA tests…

He had taken the tests through his own sources, and they couldn’t have been forged Yet, Blake confessed, “I tampered with the results. If anyone else discovered. that you are not a Laurence but the deceased child of the Pine girl, do you think you would still be alive today?”

So, the reason he survived was because Donna wanted to exact revenge on his father otherwise, he would have perished long ago. No wonder Donna looked so hateful when she beat him; there was bad blood between them.

His father ignored him because he thought the child the Pine girl gave birth to was stillborn.

His grandfather ignored him because half of his blood was from the Pines.

Bernard’s body, which had frozen, slowly turned cold, even his blood felt cold. If Blake hadn’t told him about the past, perhaps he could’ve remained indifferent. Now, he looked at Blake with disbelief.

“What was my birth mother’s name?”

Blake paused for a couple of seconds, then answered coldly, Tammie Pine.”

Tammie Pine….

Mr. Penrod’s crush was also named Tammie.


Mr. Penrod nurtured him, took care of him, treated him even better than his own son because he was Tammie Pine’s child.

All the things Bernard couldn’t figure out over the years suddenly became clear at this moment, except….

If he was Tammie’s child, then he and Eleanor… were siblings?!

Unable to accept the reality, Bernard collapsed onto the sofa, looking as if he had lost all his strength, his face turning ghastly pale.

Seeing his understanding look, Blake reached out and patted his shoulder lightly. That’s why I didn’t want you two to be together.”

Bernard was as still as a statue, showing no reaction. Seeing this, Blake couldn’t help but sigh, “Bernard, you’re siblings. You can’t be together. You should divorce her as soon as possible and let her go. Otherwise, they will make this public, and you be in hot water!”

The man sat quietly on the sofa, after a while, he shook his head, “I won’t divorce her”

Blake didn’t expect him to be so adamant, his face turning red with anger, “Bernard, tiu’re her brother! How can you be together?!”

Bernard’s eyes were filled with stubborn light, “Even if she’s my sister, I want to be with her!”

They wouldn’t understand. He had loved Eleanor for 11 years. This feeling was deeply engraved in his heart. How could he possibly leave her?

Blake was stunned by his words, it took him a long time to react, “Bernard, you’re disregarding basic human decency, have you gone mad?!”

Bernard gave a faint smile and said coldly, I’ve been mad for a long time. When I thought she was dead, I was already mad. So…

He slowly raised his eyes, his gaze was like a demon from hell, staring at Blake, “Don’t push me to divorce, or when I go mad, I’ll be even crazier than my father!”

Blake stared nt Bernard in shock. “You

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