A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 918

Chapter 918

Chapter 918

Chapter 918

Seeing Robin leaning against the wall, red–faced and panting. Elbert cautiously asked, “You alright, mate?”

Robin lifted his bloodshot eyes and glared at Elbert, “Buzz off!

Elbert quickly left but not before reminding Nathan ‘Don’t forget to give him his meds”

Nathan retrieved a pill from his pocket, grabbed some water, and handed it to Robin, saying, “Take this pill to calm down”

Struggling to control his anger, Robin reluctantly took the pill and swallowed it Gradually, his demeanor transformed as his eyes turned cold and clear

Picking up his phone from the ground, Robin searched for Blake’s number and dialed it Blake was taken aback by Robin’s explanation, exclaiming, “What? She’s not a Pine?”

Losing patience, Robin shouted, “Are you deaf or blind? Didn’t you hear what I just said? How many times do I have to repeat myself?”

Unaccustomed to being yelled at, Blake retorted. Im not deaf or blind! You’re the one who cant communicate properly, and you dare to yell at me?”

Furious, Robin fired back, “You bastard!”

“You bloody bastard!

After a heated exchange of curses, Blake scrutinized the DNA report that Bernard had left behind With Robin, the very person who had spread the rumor about Eleanor being a Pine, now confirming she

wasn’t, it meant the report was true

Even though he didn’t like Eleanor as his daughter in law, Elake felt relieved.

With that in mind, Blake texted the Laurences, explaining the situation and warning everyone not to bother Eleanor. Therr he called a fertility specialist

“Hello, do you have any treatments for infertility that don’t involve IVF, just taking some pills?”

“What? You’re still trying to treat infertility at your age?”

While Blake was busy seeking the expert’s help, Bernard received a text from Robin:

[it’s been taken care of, let my sister go]

Bernard had only kidnapped his sister as a precaution. Now that the danger was gone, he texted Caleb to release her

Upon receiving the ‘release‘ message. Caleb breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, his boss hadn’t ordered him to hurt Katharine, just to kidnap her for a while, Katharine would understand, right?

After putting away his phone, Caleb turned and entered the hotel room. Katharine was tied tightly to a chair, glaring at him with angry eyes. A thought crossed his mind.

Oh crap, she didn’t seem to understand

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