A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 927

Chapter 927

Chapter 927

Chapter 927

Robin didn’t hold back anymore and blurted out in two seconds flat, “If our marrow or hearts could match with our mom’s, she wouldn’t hesitate to ask us for a transplant, because she’s blamed us for being born but not being able to give her a transplant. Hell, she doesn’t even care about your life, she’d have me rip out Eleanor’s heart for her!

He looked down at his stunned sister, “Katharine, our mom lied to you about the heart matching, and wants you to lake someone else’s heart. If that’s not sick, I don’t know what is. She’s not the selfless mother she used to be wake up.”

Katharine shook her head. “No way, my mom wouldn’t say something like that.”

Eleanor, although she didn’t want to butt in, felt compelled to speak up for the sake of her own heart, “Ms. Spencer, it’s true, she did blame you guys for not being able to give her a transplant”

Eleanor s blunt words hit Katharine like a bolt from the blue, leaving her pale and in shock. She looked from Eleanor to Robin, seemingly unable to accept the truth novelbin

Seeing her disbelief, Eleanor suggested, “How about this, draw another tube of my blood, run the tests again. You’ll probably trust the doctors more than you trust me.”

Katharine hesitated for a moment, then shook her head, “No need, I trust Robin.”

From childhood, Robin, who loved her dearly, had never lied to her.

And Robin loved their mother so much that he was willing to travel the world to find a donor, despite suffering from bipolar disorder.

Such a devoted person would never slander his own mother unless she herself had spoken those words…

She believed that if Eleanor’s marrow and heart could match, Robin would stop at nothing to secure her as a donor.

Moreover, for Robin, Bernard’s wife would be even easier to target.

But Robin let her go, and in order to prevent himself from making a mistake, he personally returned to the country, indicating that Eleanor’s heart and marrow were of no


Katharine, who understood her brother very well, gave up the idea of taking a living person’s heart, “What about our mother?”

Robin also wanted Wendy to survive, but admitted, “A donor for someone with both heart disease and leukemia is hard to find, but I won’t give up.”

Bernard, who had just gotten out of the car, heard this and scoffed, “What’s there to find? A cunning woman like that should have kicked the bucket a long time ago.”

All eyes turned towards the source of the cold voice, revealing a man dressed in a striking sapphire blue suit. With his long, elegant strides, he approached the group

Upon seeing Bernard’s arrival, both Robin and Katharine’s expressions dropped, and Robin muttered, “You just want all of us dead, don’t you…”

Bernard, walking past Robin, tilted his head slightly and raised an eyebrow. “Are you only just realizing that? His arrogant and disdainful tone was undeniably intended to provoke Robin

Robin, consumed by anger, turned pale and snapped back, “Bernard, I should have let my sister harm your wife…”

Robin was ready to retaliate, fueled by his fury. However, his rage subsided momentarily when he witnessed Bernard stepping forward and encircling his arm around Eleanor’s waist.

Robin felt there was something wrong with him, constantly noticing Bernard’s woman.

After forcing himself to look away, Robin told Katharine, “Let’s go home.”

But Katharine refused, “You go first, I need to find someone here.”

Before Eleanor turned to leave, Katharine stopped her: “Mrs. Laurence, could you please help me find Caleb?

Eleanor paused.


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