A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 956

Chapter 956

Chapter 956

Chapter 956

Caleb and Katharine had been sly as a fox in their rendezvous, always having Robin cover for them to make sure York didn’t catch wind of their relationship

For instance, when Caleb would sneak in through the window and York would hear a noise, Katharine would distract him with a phone call and send him off to do something


Or when they would go out on dates, grab a bite, or watch a movie – Robin was always the third wheel

Robin had enough of all this, so he hopped on a jet overnight and flew back home, buying a mansion right across from Fiord Roundabout.

He suspected Bernard was part of the Siren Organization and wanted to keep a close eye on him

Although the Siren Organization was known for eliminating the bad eggs in the business world, their methods were far from kosher. Robin was determined to unmask the puppet master behind the Siren Organization.

Despite feeling guilty about the Pine family and the Spencer family’s issues, he knew he had to keep his professional and personal life separate. For Eleanor’s sake, he decided that even if he discovered Bernard was part of the Siren Organization, he wouldn’t blow his cover

His ultimate goal was simply to expose the big cheese behind the Siren Organization. Robin didn’t believe Bernard was the top dog of the organization. If he was, he would’ve used the organization’s power to buy up every industry and become numero uno


While helping Nina set up a telescope for her astronomy assignment, Eleanor stumbled upon a surprising discovery She casually picked up a mini telescope and noticed a light illuminating the long– abandoned mansion near Fiord Roundabout. To her shock, a tall figure stood by the window. As she focused her gaze, she recognized the handsome face and piercing, cold eyes of Robin.

Feeling unnerved, she immediately shared the news with Bernard, blurting out, “Why would your cousin suddenly start living near us?”

Bernard’s expression turned grim as he glanced towards the mansion. “He’s probably trying to figure out if I’m a member of the Siren Organization.”

Aware that Robin had witnessed Evan and Gianna’s visit to apologize, Eleanor grew concerned. “What should we do?”

Robin’s suspicions had the potential to cause havoc for Bernard.

However, Bernard brushed it off nonchalantly, shrugging. “His line of thinking won’t lead him to me. Don’t worry about it.”

How many members of the Siren Organization could Robin even remember if they appeared in front of him?

Seeing Bernard’s confidence, Eleanor felt a bit relieved. “You’re right, he doesn’t seem too bright.”

Bernard smirked at this, “He used to be pretty sharp, but after his bipolar disorder kicked in, he lost his ability to think straight”

Eleanor was under the impression that Robin was naturally hot–tempered, but she didn’t know he actually had bipolar disorder. “Guess he’s got it tough.”

Seeing the sympathy in her eyes, Bernard gently pinched her waist, “You can’t feel sorry for other guys.”

Eleanor took this opportunity to sit on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I adore your jealous side.”

She then waved at him, “Come on, darling. I want to see you jealous again”

Bernard lightly tapped her forehead, ‘Don’t let my spoiling make you conceited.”

Robin looked across the way, his gaze fixed through the lens of his telescope. As he observed the scene unfolding before him, a pang of sadness tugged at his heart. Back at home, he had endured the sight of Katharine and Caleb’s affectionate displays, and now he found himself subjected to witnessing his rivals engaging in similar acts Was there no respite from this torment?

Frustration welled up within Robin, and he set the telescope aside, summoning Nathan with a beckoning call “Nathan, do you happen to know any enjoyable places we

could visit?”

Nathan hurriedly made his way over, a glimmer of excitement evident on his face. ‘Absolutely! The Midnight Bar and The Secret Garden are widely renowned nightclubs in A City Would you like to give them a try?

Robin gave Nathan a withering look. I’m not interested in women”

Nathan quickly added, “They have male prostitutes models too.”

Robin was speechless.

Ten minutes later, Nathan walked into The Secret Garden sporting a swollen face, trailing behind Robin.


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