A Story of Evil

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: New Beginnings

On top of a mountain of ruins, a single person stood. With arms crossed below his chest as he waited for his attendant to come. Someone who just arrived at that moment.

"My lord, the whole battlefield has been set." The soldier said, making a half kneel to show respect.

"Did they successfully map the entirety of the area?"

"Yes. There are a hundred goblins in total. Fifty ogres. Twenty direwolves. A bunch of Lesser rock basilisks. Plus twenty carnivorous vultures."

"That's actually a lot." The commanding officer said, looking at the virtual map opened before him. With all the red dots indicating where the monsters were located.

"Our problem are the ogres. They're blocking the main passageway."

"I see." Was the short response of the commanding officer. Making his attendant worry as this person asked:

"Do we back off my lord?"

"Nah, there's no need. We can handle this on our own. Besides, she's leading the charge." The commander said, opening his communication device.

"Come on soldiers you're falling behind! Give me something to work with here!" The girl said, leaping all across the battlefield like a rabbit on steroids.

"How is she so fast?"

"Yeah, isn't she supposed to be manaless?"

The person they were talking about turned at that point. As if she heard all that they were saying.  The soldiers instantly froze up. But instead of getting scolded, their leader simply commanded them.josei

"Hey quit dilly dallying! We have work to do!"

"Yes Lady Alice!" The soldiers said in unison.

Alice Pendragon, the thirteenth knight of the round table, was on another mission that day. Everything she needed to do was fed though a commutation device stuck on one ear. With their commander, Solomon, speaking through it.

"Are you there yet Alice?"

"How fast do you think I can go genius?"

"Fast enough to arrive there after two more minutes I'm guessing."

"Two minutes huh. So are these monsters going to be worth my time?"

"I hope so. I mean, we both need to see how strong your first skill really is."

"Yeah. Speaking of which, I'm almost there. I'm hanging up."

Alice made one more leap, on top of a tall ruined building. Making the soldiers nervous who saw her disappear. Running as fast as they could. Not because they were scared that Alice would die but because they were scared of the nagging they'd receive if they couldn't do their part on time.

"Come on men hurry up!" A soldier screamed, running as fast as he could to catch up.

Meanwhile, Alice stood perfectly still. She found herself in the middle of a battlefield. With fifty ogres in all, surrounding her from every side. Some of them were even crimson ogres, making Alice smile in excitement.

"Oh this'll be a lot of fun."

The ogres all rushed in at the same time. Alice did the same, running towards an ogre but, just before collision, a pillar of rock shot up in a slanted position. Pushing the ogre back as Alice ran on top of it. Jumping up right away and, creating enough distance in the air for the next part of the plan.

Strong tremors shook the earth. Tearing the ground open as parts of it shot up while others fell bellow. The ogres lost their footing immediately. Screaming as they tried to restore their balance. Yet this was all in vain as vines crawled up from the cracks on the ground. Holding them down while other ogres became casualties.

This was the perfect setup for Alice who landed at that point. With the tremors ceasing as soon as her feet touched the ground. Making the girl smile as, it was time for her to do her work. 

"Accurate as always you cheeky genius." 

Swiftly, Alice ran across the battlefield using her daggers. Slitting the throats of the ogres one by one as a shower of blood filled the area. The ogres couldn't do a thing as the girl moved too quickly. Even using the terrain to her advantage as she would hide on protruded parts of the battlefield. Making her disappear from the enemies line of vision. 

Aiding her were rock projectiles that rained on the battlefield. Taking out the ogres which she missed intentionally.

There was no fight that occurred. No. It was a one sided massacre. With the ogres falling victim to perfectly crafted plan of Solomon.

The ogres screamed in fright as death was the only fate awaiting them. In not less than ten minutes, the group was done with the skirmish. It only took three people to finish the job. But this wasn't because of their own capabilities. It was because of the one who led them. 

The Domain Expansion Commander - Solomon Pendragon.

"Good work out there soldiers."

"Thank you ma'am." The soldiers said in unison.

Let's rest here for a while. Sol's not giving any other orders so I figure he's gonna come here himself. 

"Don't we need to join the other battalions?"

"Nah. Jade and Hendrickson should be able to hold their own." Alice said, gazing at the sky.

Almost a year has passed since the end of the Culling. Sol and Alice have grown a bit during this time. Both in features and in the way they held themselves. All because of the mission given to them by king jubilee. One which was issued five months ago.

That is, they would lead a group of soldiers who were in charge of taking back lands from the monsters. Moving beyond the domains. 

Although the battalion was quite respectful of the two, Sol and Alice were actually younger than the rest. With both only being thirteen at that time.

"Excuse me ma'am can I ask a question?"

"Hmm? Sure go ahead." Alice replied immediately.

"How come our commander seems to know everything that's going on?"

"Yeah I'm actually wondering about that two. It's like he can see into the future." Another soldier added. Making Alice smile as he looked at them.

"He can see into the future huh…"

At first the difference in age made some soldiers a bit disrespectful. Something which didn't last long as, they were all taught a valuable lesson by Sol soon enough. 

The boy made a bet with everyone. That, if not a single soldier would get wounded in the first operation, they had no choice but to follow him. And as always, Solomon delivered. Making the impossible, possible. 

Gaining the respect, loyalty, and devotion of all his soldiers. A seeming enchantment which still affected them even at that point. Alice couldn't blame them though. Sol did continue executing plans perfectly. Clearing every objective in the missions without a single casualty. Turning every danger into an opportunity.

"Well you see, Sol is a bit of a genius." Alice finally replied. 

"A genius?"

"Yeah. He can somehow see the world differently from us. In a clearer light. Like we are all part of an equation that simply needed to be solved."


"It's fine, you don't need to understand it. Heck, I don't even fully understand it myself. But what I know is that, he is someone we can always rely on with our lives. As long as we stick to his plans, we're sure to win." 

"Yes ma'am!" The soldiers said, with eyes beaming with admiration for Solomon.

"Honestly, you guys are hopeless."

Just as Alice said this, they saw the shadow of a creature floating from the sky. A creature which the group recognized right away as it began descending. It was Solomon's griffin. With the owner riding on top of it together with his attendant.

"What's all this fuss about?" He asked as soon as the creature reached the ground.

"My lord." The soldiers immediately said. Moving to a half kneeling position right away.

"At ease." He said, with the soldiers proceeding to stand up. 

"What brings you to these parts?" Alice immediately asked.

"What? Can't I visit my partner every once in a while?" Sol said, with a grin on his face.

"Yeah right. Like I'd believe that." Sol came out laughing right away. Looking at the soldiers who sere standing nearby.

"I'm sorry but, can the rest of you leave us for a moment. There's something I need to discuss with Alice in private."

"Yes sir! Thank you sir!" Sol made sure that the soldiers were out of hearing distance first. Focusing on Alice as soon as this was secured.

"How was the operation?" Sol asked.

"Flawless as always "my lord" ." Alice teasingly replied

"Stop calling me that. You're giving me chills."

"Well it's not like I'm not allowed to right? Plus, that's how everybody else addresses you." Alice defended, with a grin plastered on her face.

"How about we just drop it at that?" Sol suggested. 

"Fine mister kill joy. So what do you need?"

"Our search team actually found a secret encampment of monsters. Dangerous ones." Sol said, with a mischievous smile on his face. Something which excited Alice even that early on.

"How dangerous are we talking about here?" Alice replied, also smiling like a suspicious person at that point.

"Dangerous enough to properly entertain both of us at least."

"Heh~ So are you suggesting we leave our duties?"

"Don't be silly. We'll wait for the mission to end first. As soon as everyone is back at the camp, we'll sneak out and fight."

"That's not a very commander - like thing to do don't you think?"

"Yeah well, I'm getting a bit rusty just watching all of you. I need some proper workout myself you know. So what do you say?" 

"Do you have to ask?"

"Good." Sol said, walking away and giving one last reminder.

"We leave at midnight."

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