A Story of Evil

Chapter 107

Chapter 107: Midnight Raid

"So this is the place huh."

Sol and Alice found themselves in a seemingly isolated area. With large tree vines growing everywhere. Covering the entirety of whatever it was that was inside it. 

There were violet lighted fireflies all around. Providing a poor yet, much needed illumination for the two who decided not to use any light themselves. All because they didn't want to attract any monster that may be awake at that time.

"What are we fighting again?" Alice asked as she looked at the obstacle before them.

"Nocturnal Serpent Wolves. They are resistant to almost all type of magic. Has fur as sturdy as metal. Their eyes can see clearly in the night and, just as the name suggests…"

"They're only active at nighttime." 

"Correct, specifically it's midnight so here we are." Sol furthered. Also looking at the wall of vines and branches.

"Honestly though, you just wanted ot hog all of this for yourself huh?"

"Hahaha what are you talking about? Didn't we both decide that we need to sharpen our skills more?" Sol cleared his name instantly. Making Alice give up on playing prosecutor.

"Yeah it's a bit of a hassle hiding it everytime too." The girl commented.

"Shall we get going then?" Sol said, preparing his skill.

"Ready when you are." Alice said in reply, making the boy release his mana and activate his skill.

The two were flung high up in the air. Getting past the wall of vines and the thick amount of obstacles that went along with it. The howling of the wolves and their gleaming yellow eyes immediately welcomed the two. Exciting them even more as they began to descend.

"Hey let's make a bet." Alice said. 

"What do you have in mind?" Sol replied, as they slowly got closer to the ground.

"Loser has to treat the winner to a whole day of treats and shopping."

"Isn't that a bit too much?" 

"Why? Are you scared?"

"Of course I am. Your wallet may not be able to hang on." Sol smirked as they finally descended. With the wolves gathering around them. 

"Don't go crying to me when you lose." Alice suggested, taking out her twin daggers.

"Likewise." Sol said, forming his stance as the fight finally began.

The wolves were the first to strike. Firing needle bullets coated in poison. Sol blocked the attack with his [Space]. Absorbing everything and firing them back at the wolves. The creatures growled in anger but were nevertheless unharmed.

"So they're resistant to their own poison huh. I guess I should've expected that much." Sol said. Immediately leaping up as  two wolves pounced at him. Making them collide head to head as Sol unsheathed his sword - activating [Spatial Awareness] during this combination.

"Black Hole." He casted, catching the wolves which collided with a pull of gravity in the middle. Making them scream in pain as they were quickly absorbed. Leaving nothing in their trail.

The other wolves focused their attention on Sol at that time. However, instead of falling back to the ground, the boy remained in mid air. With a smile of excitement drawn on his face.

"Okay, it's time to take things up a notch."josei

In a series of movements, Sol continued jumping from one invisible foothold to the other. Boosting his speed even more by the push of gravity. 

The wolves which barely followed him tried attacking using corrosive spits. Raining down on the whole area as they tried hitting him. All of this was in vain. With [Spatial Awareness] active, Sol could easily dodge every attack. All aided by his innate ability to understand the state of battle.

"You guys can try harder you know." The boy said, as his preparations were finally finished. Coating his sword in runes that soon turned into a deep obsidian black. 

With the weapon, Sol leapt to the middle of a group of wolves. Swinging his blade, effortlessly as he cut two wolves in half. This is not due to the sharpness of Sol's weapon. It is all because of the enchantment he made.

The Void Sword is a weapon enchantment derived from Solomon's ultimate skill. The move utilizes space magic which is condensed into the sword. Functioning as a way to cut space itself. Making it the sharpest and deadliest weapon in Solomon's arsenal.

"Who wants to go next?" Sol said, gaining the full furry of the wolves who did nothing but continue attacking him at that point. 

They tried using corrosive spits again but Sol was faster, spinning to the side and leaping up. Hitting another wolf on the head and leaving his weapon there. He then pushed it with gravity to make it go through the monster; cutting it in half.

Without his weapon, three more wolves went in for an assault. Using their razor sharp claws which aimed at the fragile human's body. As soon as their paws were within range, Sol used gravity magic - crushing them to the ground as his sword flew back to him. Allowing Sol to kill three more wolves that were in melee range.

"Come on, is that all you got?" The boy taunted. Earning the undivided rage of the wolves surrounding him. But before the fight could even resume, he heard the angered howling of the wolves from the other side. Making the boy smile.

"She seems to be a bit too rough on you guys." Sol said, thinking he needed to kill faster if she was to beat Alice.

"That's more like it! All of you should attack me at once!" Alice ordered on her side of the battlefield. There was already a pool of blood and, the girl herself bathed in this. 

On her hands were her daggers. Both enchanted through the sue of her first skill [Giant Killing], a skill allowing any weapon she pleases to deal more damage to enemies. Depending on their difference in strength. 

"IS THAT ALL?" Alice screamed, with the corrosive spits all flying at her. The girl used her second skill [Flicker],  which made her move at an abnormally high speed. Allowing her to escape the center of danger and, into another set as a group of wolves have predicted her movement. Pouncing at her at that moment.

"Man, you guys really love dying huh." Alice said, jumping up and stepping on the head of one wolf. Stabbing through the brain and killing it instantly.

Four wolves remained. But, since Alice was too high up in the air, their attack didn't reach. Alice didn't hesitate punishing them for their miscalculation. 

As she landed, she jabbed the heads of two more wolves. Leaving her daggers there as she finally took out her sword. One which was far from being normal. 

"Let's get some more kills buddy." She told the weapon as she enchanted it with her first skill, transferring the buff from the daggers to the sword. 

More poison needles were fired yet, Alice remained on her position. Grinning even wider as her sword stretched out.

"Let's see what you got!"

Like a snake, her sword slithered its way throughout the battlefield. Hitting one wolf after the other. Massacring them as the creatures began understanding the danger they were in. Alice's crimson red eyes gleamed at that point, even brighter than the wolves'. Placing them in a state of nervousness that made their movements sluggish.

Alice and Sol quickly destroyed their enemies without showing any mercy. As they both expected, the creatures did put up a decent fight. That was the only reason they were using their stronger moves on them. 

The wolves were instantly decimated. Turned into minced meat as only three remained that time. With Sol and Alice finally getting near each other.

"How many did you get?" Alice asked right away.

"Twenty Five. How about you?" Sol said in reply.

"Same. So this'll be our tie breaker huh." Alice suggested. Enjoying the fight up to that point - dashing for the last kill.

However, even before they could finish the these creatures off, the moon finally crept out of the clouds. With the wolves howling so strongly that even the air turned razor sharp; making Sol and Alice back away at that moment.

"What do you think is gonna happen?" Alice asked right away. Still on a fighting stance.

"I don't know. Their levels are rapidly getting higher than ours so, most of their information is blocked."

"Why do you sound excited then?" Alice said, noticing Sol's change of voice as the boy's lips curved to a smile.

"Look who's talking. You have that written all over your face."

"We'll that's because you;'re probably right."

"About what?"

"Well…" Alice enchanted her weapons once again. Pouring an immense amount of mana on it as she said:

"These wolves might actually be worth our time."

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