A Story of Evil

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: The Rules

Sol has never lost to a game of tactics and wit in his life. No matter who he fought, he always came out on top. And if it seemed like he was losing, it was only because his plan also included that part.

This was probably why there was a visible frustration on his face at that moment.

"Checkmate~" King Jubilee playfully said, he was reading a book while he played the game of chess with Sol. Increasing the boy's irritation even more because, his opponent wasn't even taking him seriously.

"Right." King Jubilee closed his book and asked:

"Another round?" Sol nodded his head in agreement, looking even more determined to win with every loss he garnered.

As soon as Sol left the room, he and King Jubilee went to the King's quarters within the Pentagon. It was a large garden, filled with plants and trees of every kind that stood perfectly still. This was the only thing odd about them and, Sol thought that it was probably due to the lack of natural wind to blow on them. This was the reason why the leaves did not rustle and the branches did not sway.

"Start reading, we'll begin the game in an hour." King Jubilee said, throwing a thick book at Sol with the title "Chess for Dummies"

"My liege are you mocking me?" Sol asked after reading the title of the book.

"What? Of course not. That comes after I beat you boy." The King said in reply.

"Anyway, I'll be waiting for you on that table there. Remember our deal boy. If this game bores me then that Arthur fellow would be let loose." The king then looked at the boy; how he was still drenched in sweat.

"Well I can't have you getting sick now can I?" King Jubilee clapped his hands twice and someone suddenly appeared behind Sol. There was no sound made nor was there any presence felt by the boy.

"What is it my liege?"

"Get him some decent clothes and bring us something to eat while you're at it."

"Understood." The female maid said, who disappeared as quickly as she was seen by Sol.

With this time passed by quickly. Sol was able to get how the game worked and was even able to memorize some useful patterns for him to try out and, after finishing the whole book within the span of an hour, the two began their little game

Sol thought that he was going to be given food right off the bat. But the king insisted that he only take after he actually won a game. But this never happened.

Sol finished with loss after loss; slowly getting accustomed to the King's Voice saying "checkmate." His stomach continued to grumble a couple of times and, after a span of twenty games; Solomon has yet to win.

"This is getting dull boy. Can't you at least pose a bit of a challenge for me?" The king was slowly getting tired of Sol and, the boy couldn't afford that. His mind immediately went into overdrive, thinking of whatever it was that could save him from the situation. And, after seeing the book handed to him by the king, Solomon finally had his answer.

"My liege, may we add some new rules to the game?"

"What do you mean? This is how the game works."

"That is true but, as it is, I would simply continue losing to you my liege. That is because I haven't gotten completely used to the game yet while, you are obviously a veteran at this."

"Oh I wouldn't call myself something like that." The king mused which wasn't the slightest bit true.

"If we add new rules, this would be foreign to both you and me. Thus, leveling the playing field and giving me a bigger opportunity to win."

"So are you telling me that if we do as you say, you can actually win?"

"Yes my liege."

"Hahaha! Fine then, I'll listen to those rules of yours but, if they're too confusing, I won't allow them."

"Understood." Sol simply said, saying the additions to the rules one by one.

[Chess – Solomon's Version]

[Pawn – two pawns from your pieces are capable of moving one tile backward be it straight or slanted. They could also eat any unit positioned behind them when using this move.]

[Rook – has the ability to explode. An exploding rook destroys all units one tile away from it with no exception. If the rook decides to explode, it cannot move within the same turn and vice versa.]

"Did you just turn one of the pieces into a suicide bomber?"

"There are actually two of them my liege." Sol said referring to the fact that there are two rooks which a player can make use of. The king chuckled a bit before Solomon proceeded.

[Knight – As a gallant warrior, a knight is able to save either the king or the queen once. The knight will swap places with the king or the queen and, in the event of a checkmate, the rule will still work.]

"Ohh I like that one, it doesn't break out of the knight's character."

"Thank you, my liege."

[Bishop – it's pretty useless.]

"HAHAHA!" King Jubilee couldn't' help but burst in laughter, knowing that it was Archbishop Baron whom Sol thought of by making this introduction.

"Carry on."

[The Bishop has the ability to move straight once in the game. The distance it could cover is from one end of the board to the other but that's just about it.]

"Man you did the bishop dirty there."

"Then should I change it my liege?"

"Nah, I think it's perfect."

[King and Queen – with their authority, they could influence an opponent piece one tile away to convert to their side. This move can only be used once.]josei

"Hmmm that's a bit underpowered but that's still within character so I'm not complaining."

With this all of the rules have been given by Solomon. Before an actual match, the two decided to try out the new functions and, King Jubilee quite liked it. Just like all the previous games, the trial run ended with King Jubilees victory but, Sol didn't mind because, he already adapted at that point.

"Should we begin then my liege?"

"Of course."

The two restarted the game immediately and, after ten moves made by both of them, the king was finally forced to close his book.

"I was having such a good time reading it, now you're forcing me to focus on this game." With the added variables to the game, the fight was a bit more leveled than before.

Solomon and Jubilee looked like kings from different nations, wanting to get the glory for themselves. They were so immersed in their battle that, everything else seemed to be still except for the sound of the pieces being moved on the tiles of the board and, the continuous mention of "check."

The rooks exploded where they stood. Hiding within the ranks of the other pieces until it was time for their ability to be used. The ground seemed to be tremble at their wake, disorienting their enemies while the rook's allies advanced.

Both kings and queens have been subjected to immediate danger over and over again. But the valiant knights would always come to their rescue, creating a window of opportunity for their rulers to escape.

Then there were the bishops, waiting for their chance to snipe down their enemies on the board and all of this came in a kind of orderly chaos. With a smile forming on both King Jubilee and Sol's faces as their war went on.

The war lasted for another couple of turns until, the final blow was finally dealt. With King Jubilee saying "checkmate" once again.

"Ahhh you almost had me there boy. I could've sworn I saw my whole life flash before my eyes." He looked at Sol but the boy was still immersed in the game. Thinking where he went wrong and how problems similar to it could be avoided in the future.

"If I used the rook's ability before it got taken down, that might've upset the balance even more. But that would've also made too much of an opening on the rear." He was murmuring to himself so King Jubilee decided to shove a sandwich to his mouth. Bringing the boy back to reality as he automatically began munching on it.

"You were probably too hungry to think clearly. Don't sweat it too much because you still upheld your end of the bargain." The King said, referring to the fact that he was genuinely entertained by the match.

"Thank you, my liege." Sol said after swallowing his first bite.

"You may take your leave, Onyx will be waiting for you outside this room." The boy bowed to King Jubilee and did as he was commanded.

As soon as the boy went out, Jubilee's shadow extended even more. With the same voice coming out as when he was in the dark room.

"Well what do you think?" King Jubilee asked.

"I was mistaken my liege. He might truly be what we need."

"I told you so."

"Shall we brief him of the plan then my liege?"

"Naturally." King Jubilee then threw all the chess pieces out of the table as he said:

"It's time to rebuild this world from ashes."

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