A Story of Evil

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Lucky Ones

Because of Jade's assistance, the team was able to breeze out on the latest area. As always, his ability to handle a multitude of monsters all by himself made him a much respectable soldier. Although the soldiers were hesitant to talk to him, they were still avid admirers of the flame user.

Yet he was still no match for Sol in this aspect.

The commander made use of earth and wind users who can detect monsters nearby. With the wind users noting the exact monster type on the area while, the earth users took care of the numbers, as well as any dangers left on the ground or even below it.

All their data has been prepared by King Jubilee who amassed all knowledge of monsters when he went and searched for Pandora. Through all of these pieces, Sol would always have the exact variables for every fight. Allowing him to create scenarios where, the soldiers would win no matter what. As long as they stuck to his plan.

That day was no different from the rest. With Sol's leading, the monsters were taken care off easily. With all of the nests getting destroyed and, all of the monsters being eradicated.  josei

Other than this, the team would also tame useful monsters. Gathering a sizable bunch which also aided them in the fights. One of this is the griffin which Sol used. With the other one being given to Lilia.

By riding the creature, Sol could soar up in the sky. Giving follow up commands when necessary. 

"Mujin, take down the building at your back."

"Gasol, turn the whole ground into quick sand."

"Nifir, zone them out with a hurricane."

Each and every soldier moved as soon as a new order was given. It was almost like their bodies were made to respond to Solomon at that point. They acted at his orders as soon as these are heard. As if it was a crime to respond a second too late.

Various methods were made use of by Sol. Most of which were trap dependent. Ones where the monsters would be attacked when they least expect it or, ones where they will be lured to their imminent deaths. 

"I don't want to be on the receiving end of that." One soldier commented, seeing a group of demonic dwarves drown in a makeshift pool. Six feet in height.

"Tell me about it. Commander can be scary sometimes." The other soldier commented. Preparing his fire spell and, mixing it in the waters. Heating it up and making it boil. With the screams of the dying dwarves piercing their ears.

"Quit whining, all of you will die soon." A third soldier commented. 

Just like them, every member of the unit proceeded to accomplishing their task. Even making it a competition on who can finish fastest. All to get Sol's approval which, was equivalent to their commander personally coming to them and saying "good work." Words which were somehow the ultimate pleasure for most of them. Except for Hendrickson and Jade.

Hence the hours passed. And just before the sun could set, the team has finally cleared all of the monster nests. Packing up and moving out immediately. With Sol deciding that they could just eat upon arriving on the next location.

Of course they didn't move barefooted anymore. With the latest area dealt with, they have amassed more tamed monsters. Allowing each to have a mount which they used while travelling.

Just like everyone else, Sol rode on his griffin. Flying high up in the sky and looking at everyone, all while making sure that no threat was nearby. To ensure this, he brought Alice along with him. Riding just behind him and holding on to his waist. With the girl using her superior eyesight in order to scout the area.

"It doesn't seem like any threat is nearby for a couple of minutes." Alice said after finishing her task.

"Are you sure?" Sol suggested, making the girl less confident as she stood up. Getting one more look all around before sitting back down again. 

"Well even if I'm not, my [Danger Sense] will alert us once any hostility comes into range." She defended. Finally getting Sol's approval who commented:

"I guess you're right about that."

"But why did you decide to leave that area early?" 

"Nothing, it's just a hunch. I got a feeling that something bad might happen if we stay there any longer than we had." 

"A hunch?" Alice said, in an astounded voice. Making Sol chuckle as she continued speaking.

"The great genius who has everything planned made us move based on a hunch?"

"Hey. My hunches are just as justified as everything else I decide on know." Sol defended.

"Oh? And what justifies this hunch then?" Alice's tone of voice was sarcastic. As of there was no way for Sol to reason this out. But he actually had a decent reason, something which he spoke in a serious tone:

"The first generation.": Just by mentioning this, the smile on Alice's lips was wiped away.

"You mean you feel them coming?"

"I do. Of course none of us has any clue on where these creatures are. For all we know, there may still be some of them among us. Just this very thought is frightening in itself. To the point it can paralyze and cripple our actions." 

"Well you and King Jubilee don't seem paralyzed to me." Alice remarked, making Sol glance at him momentarily.

"You're wrong tough. King Jubilee has been moving more cautiously now. You and I both know how he's been making rounds on all the domains. Ensuring that none of those in authority are enemies in disguise."

"I guess you're right about that." Alice said in reply. With Sol continuing his explanation.

"We are still on uncharted territories and, if we chance upon a creature such as the one he faced…with the forces we have…"

"Do we have a chance of winning?"

"We do…" Alice's eyes were hopeful at that point. 

"...on percentage less than one." All her hope was lost. Making the girl sigh before commenting.

"Basically we need nothing short of a miracle huh? Damn, there are a lot of scary creatures in this world."

"That's why we need to get stronger Alice. For the sake of the king's goals and, for the greater good of humanity." Sol said, staring at the moonlight sky and getting Alice's lips to form a wide smile. 

"Look at you, trying to sound cool and dependable."

"You're making it sound like I'm not." Sol rebuked, making Alice laugh as he burried her head at his back.

"But I guess you're right. We don't have any other option. After all, nobody else has awakened the SEED except from us."

"We still have a long road ahead of us. Think you can handle it?" Sol asked.

"We won't know until we try right?" Alice simply commented. Leaving the thought for both of them to ponder on as they continued traveling under the moonlit sky.

At that moment, Sol's division was already far away from the cleared location. They were a few minutes away from reaching their next destination. As he said, it was purely based on a hunch that they moved. Something which he felt for some reason. With his body tensing up and his nerves being place at unease.

It was a good thing that he listened to this. One might even call him lucky for doing so. Because, landing on the area where they came from were Herald and his servants.

"Where are they?" The man asked, looking around and seeing nothing but an empty field.

"They were here earlier this day my lord." Mathilda said in reply, making Herald glare at her.

"Did I ask where they were? What I'm asking is where they are Mathilda!"

"Forgive me my lord." She said, kneeling down and begging for forgiveness.

"Get up. Apologizing won't help us find them." The muscular man said, with Nathaniel asking next.

"Do we go back my lord?" 

Herald looked around. He felt the winds and smelt the corpses of the monsters nearby. Clearing his mind on what they needed to do next.

"No. They couldn't have gone that far. Scout the area, look for any traces of them."

"Understood my lord!" Both servant said, flying up in the air and moving as fast as they could. With Herald touching the earth filled with Chaos as he said:

"This night will not end without their blood drenching you."

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