A Story of Evil

Chapter 143

Chapter 143: Doubts and Answers

All the monarchs and their children went back home after the event. They wanted to ask more from King Jubilee but, knowing that the recent events would probably shake even the Void King, they decided to leave this for a later meeting. In fact, Jubilee already set a date for it. That is, after two more days.

Meanwhile, the soldiers and guards assisted the citizens back to the safety of their homes. With King Jubilee using his space and gravity powers, none of them have been injured. This in itself proved just how efficient he is, both in leading and in protecting those under his care. Although the experience was frightening for everyone, this was the hard and undeniable truth.

People have subconsciously began relying on King Jubilee more and more. And if things escalate even more or, then time would soon come when they see him as a god. One who cannot fail in protecting them.

However, even with everyone safe, the castle and the grounds were very much destroyed. The lightning caused a lot of plants to burn. There were black marks on where this element struck and, rubble was also scattered all around the area. Sol and Alice stood in the middle of all this destruction, with the young male paladin looking deep in thought.

"Hey, you're spacing out again."

"It's not spacing out Alice, I'm just thinking about something."

"Well that 'something' has kept you preoccupied for too long. Ever since Jade left you've had that aura around you."

"You're just overthinking things. This is how I am most of the time."

"Is that so?" Alice said sarcastically and doubtfully.

"Look Alice, you should head home now." Sol wanted his partner to go away. He couldn't be worrying about her while also thinking of everything that has happened.

"What do you mean? Shouldn't we go home together?" Alice asked as this was how they always did things.

"I still have some things to discuss with King Jubilee." Sol was straightforward with his response, staring at Alice with seriousness in his eyes.

"Then why can't I stay?"

"Alice." Sol's tone was commanding, authoritative even. He just mentioned the female Paladin's name but, this alone was enough for Alice to back off.

"Fine." Was the female paladin's response. Raising her hands in the air to show her surrender.

"Don't take too long." Alice added, patting Sol on the shoulder as she finally heeded his words. Going back home just like all the rest.

There were a lot of things on Sol's mind at that moment. Things which were very confusing for him. First of all there was the fact of an intruder being able to enter. This should not be possible without first breaking the same barrier which, a total of a thousand monsters couldn't destroy.

The strength of the creature was indeed beyond any normal monster or human. The lightning output in itself makes any and all lightning users look like feeble imitators of this same power. But, the output still fell short from the demonstration created by King Jubilee on the newly established walls. There was not even a crack nor dent on it when the army of monsters attacked, so how could a single entity destroy it?

Second, soldiers stationed at the watchtowers would've also been able to see this. And, they would've informed king Jubilee right away. In fact, even if they missed the creature, just the breaking of the barrier itself would've surely raised alarm.

Third, there was also the variable of the soldiers on the watchtowers probably having the capability to take down the creature. This could be done using the same weapon that annihilated a thousand monsters in just one strike.

Just from the act of entering the territory itself was filled with a lot of blurry, if not missing, pieces. Outside this, Sol had a few more questions in his mind.

His doubts were getting thicker and thicker over king Jubilee. Remembering the woman in the world of the dead. Remembering the warning of Jade – the possibility of the king himself being an enemy. A frightening thought for the boy because...if the ace and defender of humanity was against them...then there was no possibility of them winning.

The doors of the castle slammed open at that moment. As if King Jubilee waited for Sol's thoughts to reach that point.

There he was. Wearing a black suit, with his crown over his head. He held no weapon on him and walked with so much dignity that, one would even think he owns all of the domains. And he does. Jubilee didn't take long to notice the boy standing in the middle of the pathway, and like always, he greeted Sol with a smile.josei

"Why are you still here?"

"Forgive me my liege but, I have a few questions to ask."

"A few huh...let's make it quick then. I don't have all night."

"Do you still have somewhere to be my liege?"

"No like I literally don't have all night. You know what time it is already? It's almost midnight."

"Forgive me my liege, I'll try to make this as short as possible."

Sol began explain everything to King Jubilee. How he was doubtful of the things that happened and, even the sudden appearance of the enemy out of nowhere. But aside from the things already stated, Sol had one more trump card up his sleeve.

"I used my [Analysis] on the creature that came. Surprisingly, it had the same properties as the dead knight, Felicity."

This was the strangest variable of it all. There was supposed to be no traces left of that enemy. Not after King Jubilee dealt with everything himself. But Sol also remembered one thing. How the king demonstrated a human's monsterification during the public trial.

At the moment, there was no other person Sol could attribute the events to. The direct link was only towards King Jubilee and nobody else. If he could not provide any satisfactory answers then, Jade would only prove his suspicion to be correct. That the Void King was, in fact, an enemy.

Sol wanted to believe that the king was innocent. He wanted to believe that the same individual who brought them out of darkness was truly their hero. That was probably why this crumbled with the king's response.

"Fine, you got me."

"So you were really the one who created that thing?"

"Yeah. He was made from one inmate we had. Another person on the death row for an atrocious crime."

"But why would you do that? Why would you..."

"What? Scare the citizens?"

"Listen Sol, do you know how humanity advanced so quickly before?"

"Through the figures who devoted themselves to science and research?"

"Well that is a given. But aside from that, a bunch of advancements came to us when the World Wars came. Both the first and the second."

Sol knew that he went against what the king wished at that point. That is, to end things quickly because, there was no way for it to finish that soon. Not with a long explanation being needed at that moment.

"Advanced airships. Communication jammers. The first use of the internet. All of these came during the World War. When we are placed into a crucible, a situation that places our very lives and everything we hold dear at gunpoint, humans are left with no other choice but to evolve. To go beyond the same limiters which we subconsciously placed upon ourselves."

"So you want humanity to evolve even further?"

"Precisely. With the speed we are going, it would take another hundred years or maybe more for the people to evolve. And with me leading, I don't think people would chose to do so. Not with everything being given to them so easily."

"But what about that imaginary enemy you made? What would the people make of you if, after a whole year nothing happens?"

"Oh something will happen alright. The Seraphims, I feel that they are close to awakening. They are close to descending once again. And even if they don't we have the first generation to worry about."

"So we already have an abundance of enemies even this early."

"Precisely. With the method I just used, we can make sure that the people would be more disciplined. That they would be more orderly. This is their only choice in order to avoid total annihilation after all. And with me finally giving them a dream-like paradise, I'm sure people will fight to their utmost best just to maintain it."

"So all of this was already planned."

"Yeah. I'm keeping you and Alice in the dark because, there's no need to place this burden on the two of you. I can handle everything by myself and, all I need is for you to trust me." Jubilee tapped Sol's shoulders.

"I understand my liege."


Things should have ended there. With Sol getting his answers, they should have been done. There was no reason to continue a conversation after all the answers have been given. But, the boy just couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

That's why, for the first time, Sol decided to use his [Analysis] on king Jubilee.

As soon as he activated this, he felt a splitting headache and a coldness that ran throughout his body. The king stopped and took a glance of the boy who was finding it hard to breath.

"Sol, I suggest you stop meddling on things you can't understand. You have [Solomon's Wisdom]. You should understand when acting up is foolishness." Were the only words spared by the king as he vanished from the area.

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