A Story of Evil

Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Crystal Hunting

The team was supposed to meet before dawn broke. Outside the iron gates of the newly established lands, right outside the area of the barrier. This was the meeting place. Both the time and the location were arrangements made by King Jubilee which, the other domains gladly adhered to. There was still an hour before their departure. Considering this, the three who were already there were quite early. Namely, Hendrickson, Sol and Alice.

"My king what do we call our division this time around?" Hendrickson asked excitedly. Taking the uniform provided by Alice. One which they were supposed to wear for the mission.

"Okay first of all, do not refer to me as king in this mission. That is a title reserved for King Jubilee and for his descendant. Secondly, we don't have an official name yet."

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yes and, yes."

As Sol mentioned, the crystal hunting team didn't have a name for their division. This was decided upon by King Jubilee and, the paladins had no qualms about this. Hendrickson, on the other hand, insisted that they have one. Saying that this would determine their "manliness" although two women were also, technically, part of the team. Alice and Cinder.

"Leader you should be the one thinking of these things."

"Rick, nobody's gonna care what we're called."

"I will." 

"Well that's one. But this division won't even last long. We just need to do our mission and we'd be heading back to our domains again."

"Come on man, don't be stingy about this. Think of a good name."

"Just give him what he wants Sol so he could shut up." Alice said, not wanting so much noice when the world was supposed to still be quiet.

"Fine, what do you want?"

"I want something good. Something manly and strong!"

"Let's just go with Shard." Sol said, using the first word that came to his mind.

Solomon didn't even think long and hard about it. He just let his idea flow. In fact, he even thought that Hendrickson would oppose this. That the big man would demand an even manlier name for their team. Yet instead he got the big man shaking him as he screamed:


"Yes yes now can you please stop shaking me before my brain tilts to the wrong spots."

"Oh sorry I was just a bit excited." Hendrickson said.

With his desire finally satisfied, the big man went and sat at his travel bag which was almost the same size as him. He then began cleaning his claymore chainsaw; murmuring the name of their team with a smile on his face.

Four beasts were also part of this mission. Direwolves at that which served to carry everything for the group. In case they found a supply of crystals, these same creatures are assigned to carry every last piece.

The three didn't need to wait that long. In fact, the whole hour of waiting wasn't even consumed as the other members came one by one. Hendrickson was the one who entertained and welcomed them. With Cain being the sole member who was actually able to catch the steel user's vibe.

Just like Hendrickson, the other members were also handed their new uniforms. With Sol specifically being the one to hand one to Jade as the flame user told him to talk to him at night. A message which Sol easily deciphered.

Jade wanted to talk about King Jubilee. About what Solomon potentially found out about this person as well as, anything else that could give them hints on the king's true nature. But as Jade said, this would be left for later because, at the moment, everyone was busy putting on their uniforms.

Their uniform had a similar type of fabric as when they were still in the domain expansion division. The only difference was that, these were more resilient to their own specialties. For Hendrickson, Alice and, Cain, the fabrics were stretchable and sturdy. Providing them comfort and protection while also allowing them to move quickly.

Meanwhile Sol's clothes had more resistance to every type of element. Allowing him to focus more on using both gravity and space whenever it is needed. The clothes can also keep him warm in case he flies to high altitudes.

As for the flame users, the fabric of their clothing was close to being unburnable. Of course, this has never been tested on Jade's overheat which, would show just how resistant it is to burning.

Because most of the members knew each other already, there was no need for long introductions anymore. In fact it was only Cain who needed to introduce himself to the group. The sole member of the squad who needed to wear a mask in order not to get poisoned.

"I'm Cain, I'm the only member of the team who doesn't have powers. I focus in the use of weaponry, mainly gunpowder and mana crystal based. I've also been personally trained by King Jubilee and, have orders directly from him. It is a pleasure to meet all of you."

As Sol expected, the other members were doubtful of Cain's abilities. This is normal. After all, Cain didn't have powers. This discrimination hasn't entirely disappeared. Only a selected few has escaped this discrimination and, for the most part, Cain still needed to earn everyone's trust. Something which he was willing to do of course.

Right after Cain's introduction, it was Sol's turn to speak once again. Wanting to brief the group of the rules and restrictions, as well as their functions for the whole duration of the mission.

"Just to make things clear, I'm the only one who'd get a solo mount."

"Just as I'd expect from the future Ki – d." Hendrickson changed the last word from his sentence as Sol gave him a sharp glare. Making his statement confusing for the others.

"If there aren't any objections, I want to discuss our positioning for the whole duration of the mission. This would include your partners on the mounts."josei

Cain was impressed at how everybody heeded Sol's words. He didn't know that his friend already reached a level where he was well respected by other domains. "But then again, he's Sol" Was the only explanation he could think of – making him smile as he also listened in on the plan.

"In front would be Alice and Cinder. With Alice's superior eyesight, we would be able to see more of what is up ahead. We'd also be making use of scopes and binoculars from time to time. Do you understand?" The females of the group gave their nod of approval.

Aside from the fact that they were both girls, Alice actually liked Cinder. Primarily because this flame user was a mature lady who conducted herself well. Both inside and outside the battlefield. It could even be said that her fire has both grace and elegance; matching her bloodline which, after all, was still half nobility.

"Good. As for the middle part, Jade and Nathan would be directly behind these two. You will be the ones to take down any hostility that suddenly pounces at our scouts. I'm sure that Jade s explosive green flames are capable fo that right?"

"Leave it to me." Was the wielder of green flame's response.

"Right. After you, it would be me. With that positioning my voice should reach until the ones in front while the ones at tha back would also be able to hear me."

"But don;t we have communication bracelets for that Sol?" Hendrickson asked, thinking that this part of the strategy was irrelevant.

"Well that is true, but in the event that one of the communication bracelets break. Or in the event that one of these malfunctions. We need to consider these variables as well in order to reduce the chances of being placed in a disadvantageous situation." Was Sol's well constructed and logical response.

"As expected from our leader!" Hendrickson stated, beaming with excitement for the adventure that was to come.

"Stay close at all times. We don't know where our enemies lurk nor do we have any idea of the potential dangers beyond the walls. We need to stay sharp and coordinated. The only way for that to happen is for you to trust my every command. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir!" Was the response of the whole group.

"Good. Let's move out."

Everyone rode their respective mounts and formed the pack. They made sure that their items and weaponries were properly equipped and, also made sure that the supplies were placed where they could easily be accessed.

The communication bracelets were also tested. Then there was the test on how quickly the wolves could respond to the commands.

After all these things were cleared, the team finally headed out for their new adventure. One which was potentially filled by dangers up ahead. But it wasn't like they were completely foreign to it. For the most part, most of the members were part of the culling and the domain expansion division.

They are all battle hardened fighters. All ready to risk their lives if it ever came to that point. Their priorities were set straight and, their wills hardened like steel. This made them even more viscous than any dragon or beast.

This same group ventured out once again. To the vast uncharted territories of mankind. Without knowing that, they would find more than what they sought,

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