A Story of Evil

Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Crystal Hunting V

The group wasted no time and went on the move yet again or at least, that was what they were supposed to do. With nothing but sand on the road ahead, the feet of the direwolves would be burnt. In fact, they won't even be able to travel on it.

That is why the group needed to stay on the shade they were in for a while longer. With Sol giving out another order as they waited for the sun to set.

"It's time to feed the direwolves." Sol said, getting nothing but the surprised reaction of all their teammates and, he couldn't blame them of course. 

After all, direwolves are known for their ability to last for a whole week without any food. Just give them enough water and they'd be able to survive. However, Sol reminded his team of another thing. That this information is based on a data where wolves actually rest and do not stay on the move for the whole day. In fact, this is something close to a hibernated case where the wolves would simply begin to move when it's time to hunt.

Their mounts were far from fitting this criteria. The direwolves continued moving and, adding to their exhaustion are all the things they needed to carry. Hence making everyone understand that, Sol was correct yet again.

"Aside from that we should use this opportunity to wash ourselves too. There's a thick amount of trees nearby, just enough to hide the girls when they take a bath."

"Wait why did it get there all of a sudden?" Cinder asked.

"Because, we've just fought some serpents. If their toxins stain our clothes, even just a little bit, then it may begin burning through it without us noticing. Plus, we smell like sweat already, the thick and oily kind."

"Yeah I guess that's right. Let's get to it then." Hendrickson said, assisting the four direwolves as he merrily followed the command. On top of these creatures was the serpent which Alice killed – a monster which would serve as the meal for the creatures that began salivating in anticipation.

The bathing area had tall grass hiding it completely. For that occasion, the group had a [Water Core Seal] with them. Sol made it float mid air just like King Jubilee did during the demonstration and, soon enough, water poured down for everybody.

For the thirsty direwolves and, for the members of the team which began taking a bath. The group separated to male and female, with the tall grass serving as the curtain and wall that made it impossible for anyone to peek through. Not without raising any alarm at least.

But this was a risk which Hendrickson was willing to take.

"Don't even think about it." Sol said, seeing the suspicious behavior of the steel user who continued getting closer and closer to the tall grass.

"Come on Sol just this once."

"Honestly what do you even have to gain from that?"

"What else? Heaven of course. I would be able to see the plump fruits made by the Almighty."

"I thought you were only a musclehead. Turns out your a horny musclehead." Cain commented, irritating Hendrickson once again.

"Okay guys knock it off. Rick I won't repeat myself a third time, no peeking." Sol said, like a mother disciplining her child.

"Fine." Was Hendrickson's response, not understanding why the other men in the group didn't want the same thing as him.

This place was also where the group rested – waiting for their clothes to dry through the same heat of the sun. They waited for it to set, getting all of their current goals accomplished.

Their bodies and uniforms cleaned.

The direwolves fed and rested.

And the sun finally nearing its set.

With the tracker as their guide, they had a clear path made for them. Hence, they continued their journey and because the direwolves were able to get enough rest, these same mounts were able to run full throttle. Making up for the lack of travel time because of their rest.

The only thing which Cain found to be strange was that, there wasn't any nest like place on the direction they were going. Even though it was already dark, he had night vision installed on his mask which assisted his sight. And through it, he saw this same strange scenario.

"How much further Cain?" Sol asked through the communication bracelet.

"Another kilometer and we'd be at their nest." He said, a comment which, just like him, everyone also found strange. Nevertheless they continued because, Sol didn't say otherwise.

They had no plans to set up camp that early. They needed to reach their goal first and, to also go over it. The resting in the afternoon was also meant to prepare them for an operation like that which, may take until late at night.

However, Sol had no plans to fight the serpents again. With the tracking device placed on these creatures, it was easy to see if they would attempt another ambush. Giving Sol enough time to prepare for them as well as, execute them flawlessly.

Hendrickson was the only one who disagreed with this. He wanted to fight the serpents head on. But not for any logical reason. He just wanted to restore the honor which was stripped off of him when someone he belittled got the better of him. Yet, he was not allowed to do so and, he knew better than to act up.

"The sooner we move, the sooner we can rest. So let's just continue moving for now. Okay?" Sol said to the group which gave their unanimous agreement.

The part of the ride after this announcement was silent. They were quickly nearing the destined location but, there was still nothing in sight. That is, until they were finally close enough to clear up all the confusion.

They were close to the main camp of the serpents and, just as Sol expected, they were brought to one of the goals he set for Shard. That is, a forest. But it wasn't any regular forest. No. If it was, then the group would've seen it from a mile away.

Sure there was a forest. Sure they were close to the serpents. But both of these things were situated below a cliff. One where Shard was on top of.

"So uhm...any idea how we'll get down there?" Nathan asked, looking at how deep they needed to fall.

The group all came down their mounts. They viewed the forest being illumined by the moon. There were also parts of it that had light which indicated where some of the lifeforms could be found. As usual, it was Sol who thought up of a way for them to proceed.

"I can use my gravity magic to make things work. But that would take up too much of my power and focus. I won't be able to give out orders nor would I be able to help if any ambush comes." He stated.josei

"That doesn't sound very safe." Nathan commented again.

"It isn't but, maybe it doesn't need to be. If we land somewhere located at the edge of the forest, then I'm sure we'd be far from the major threats. I'd also be activating my [Spatial Awareness] while we descend just for good measure. If we do get some unexpected friends which I can't detect along the way, I'm sure Alice would be able to detect them through her [Danger Sense]."

"Sounds fair enough." Jade mentioned, a person whose opinion was also highly valued in the group.

With this, they finally reached a verdict. Everyone prepared for the spell, ridding on their respective direwolves which they needed to calm down during the floating and falling. All the important things were securely tied up and, those in charge of shooting down hostiles were also prepared.

"Ready?" Sol repeated, making sure that his team was all set. And as soon as they nodded in approval, they made their mounts jump off the cliff.

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