A Story of Evil

Chapter 177

Chapter 177: The High Wall II

"Is there a difference now Cain?"

"Working on it. Although right now I don't see much except for the walls and the tree vines."

"Okay just keep searching."

"Yeah. I'll update you guys as soon as I find something."

As soon as the group finished dealing with the direwolves, they began setting up camp. The group's work was divided as always. With Cain doing the said job of observing the wall yet again. Meanwhile Cinder was stuck to her duties as the cook of the group and, assisting he once again was Alice.

The boys were the ones in charge of putting up the tents. Because whether they get updates on the walls or not, Sol was planning to allow his team to rest. With the three monster nests they fought through, the team wasn't exactly in a state where another fight would be forgiving. And so all the preparation they were doing were simply for this while, Sol took care of the planning for the next day's activities. Something which he will only decide after Cain has given his report.

Meanwhile this same person was doing his best to search for anything out of the ordinary in the wall. The sun's last rays of light was still on the sky and, Cain wanted to make full use of this in order to get what he needed.

Unfortunately, after five more minutes, the lights of the sun finally died out. This would've caused Cain a lot of problems that is, if not for one lucky coincidence. The boy didn't expect it but the monsters within the walls actually opened up their lights. Through this the whole team saw that there were probably enemies on top of the walls itself as, guards at that. In charge of lookout.

"Set up the [Shadow Core]." Sol calmly ordered as the team shuffled to execute he command. Fortunately, this didn't take them too long. Saving them from the possibility of being seen by the monsters within the walls.

"Do we need to lower our voices?" Hendrickson asked in a low and almost inaudible tone.

"Yes. As much as possible minimize your movements and refrain from making any sound." Sol ordered through the communication bracelet.

Meanwhile, Cain's face finally brightened up. Tapping Sol who was just beside him and whispering:

"I think I found something."

"What is it?"

The same wall which Cain found to be free from any dents began glowing. A large part of it began giving off the light made from flames. As he followed this trail, he was left to look at a seemingly camouflaged passageway. Telling Cain one thing, that a part of the wall was actually fake and that, they could pass through it.

This was the information he relayed to Sol. He then pointed where this area is and, true enough Sol also saw it. Imprinting the location in his head while also remembering the road ahead in order for him to make a route.

"Wait there's more. Something's coming up from the top of the wall." Cain said, making the young paladin wait in anticipation.

"You're not gonna believe this Sol."

"Why, what is it."

"It's a goblin."

"A Goblin?"

"Here's my binoculars, go see for yourself." Cain said, offering the said device which he got from under his cloak.

Sol went up to the same position as Cain. He then focused his binoculars on the area where Cain pointed. Looking past the torches and, just as he tilted the device a bit further to the left, he finally saw it.

Being illuminated was the face of a goblin. The same type of creature which they defeated on two nests. The same creature which sol thought about during that same day.

"So there really was a connection between the nests," He commented.

"What's the plan?" Cain asked, with Sol returning his binoculars as he said:josei

"Let's talk about it over the meal."

The young paladin walked away from the scene. His head already trying to connect the pieces of information together. Meanwhile Cain stayed at his post. Keeping watch in case something out of the ordinary happens.




The minutes quickly passed by. With the tents set and the food ready, the team finally began eating their dinner. And as a change of pacing, it wasn't Hendrickson who got the first scoop. They decided that there should be a rotation to this and not just leave the food at a first come first serve basis. It wasn't like they were dying of hunger but, they also enjoyed delaying Hendrickson's gratification through food.

The group sat in a circle. With each making use of a makeshift chair in order to sit on. In the middle was their campfire, something which they never worried about for a source since they had fire users who could generate flames when needed.

Then there was Sol who finally stood up. Everyone actually waited for it. On the explanation on how they'd infiltrate through the walls.

"First off, let's talk about the monster that Cain saw."

"So you did spot an enemy?" Rick asked.

"What are we up against?" Nathan added.

There was a lot of suspense built up around this. In their heads, they were already thinking of powerful monsters. Not on the level of a dragon of course but, nevertheless strong enough to pose a challenge to them. That's why they couldn't believe their ears as Sol said:

"It's goblins."

There was nothing but silence for a couple of seconds. The words were sinking in to every member of the group. But Hendrickson found this to be unbelievable. That's why he voiced out his concern.

"Hahaha that's a funny joke leader. There's no way goblins can create a wall that high."

"You're joking right?" Nathan added.

"No. Unfortunately I'm not. Our enemies this time around are really goblins."

Hendrickson was just about to speak again but Sol stopped him. Raising his palm as he continued his explanation.

"Just as Rick mentioned, these same creatures couldn't possibly create walls as high as that. And although slightly crafty in their methods, goblins aren't that intelligent to form walls. They can create simple traps, but nothing as elaborate as that."

"Meaning the goblins are probably under the command of stronger monsters." Jade added. Already figuring out where the conversation was headed.

"Correct. But there's also the fact that goblins will never work with other monsters. If they ever do, they make sure that they are the monsters on top of this deal. Not the servants of the trade."

"So that means..." Hendrickson began, not understanding what Sol was trying to say.

"It means our enemies are probably a mix of the types of goblins and their evolved forms." Cain said, clearing things up for the steel user.

"Isn't that too dangerous then? If they could set up something like a wall this high, then wouldn't it also mean that they have countermeasures prepared inside their base?" Cinder voiced out her reasonable concern.

"Yes that's true. But don't worry I already have something planned."

Sol began explaining everything to the group. Every detail of which placed the group in heightening excitement. There was so much action on it that, they couldn't believe it was something Sol would think of. But at the same time, every part of this plan was still reasonable. With calculations and movements being based on what information they had at the moment. And so as Sol ended his explanation, everyone was simply in awe.

"We'll begin the operation tomorrow before the sun rises. That's the best time to strike monsters which aren't nocturnal." Almost everyone agreed except for Cain who raised his hand.

"Sol I think this is good and all but, don't you think we'd be wasting too much ammunition on these monsters? You're basically asking us to use all the items."

"That's true but, it's only because this is our biggest bet."

"What do you mean?"

"Why would goblins build high walls?"

"To ward of humans and danger?"

"That would be true...if they live near the domains. But they don't. This ruined city is situated in the middle of nowhere. Meaning, those walls are not meant to ward of humans. They have been built for the other monsters."

It was like a bucket of cold water was splashed on their face. This was a simple truth which they overlooked but, it was also something which perplexed them. And since nobody was talking, Sol took the liberty of voicing out the question they couldn't say out loud.

"So let me ask again. Why would monsters build high and sturdy walls against their fellow monsters?"

Other monsters could easily be fended off. If they needed to, the goblins could also simply run away. In short, none of the normal reasons was valid. Nothing normal could cause the goblins to make such a wall. And, that is when the lines finally aligned for most of the members. With their eyes focused on Sol's face which had a victorious smile already drawn upon it as he said:

"Within those walls is a deposit of mana crystals."

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