A Story of Evil

Chapter 181

Chapter 181: Treasure Room

There was a moment of silence that nobody wanted to disturb or, rather, couldn't. They all looked at Solomon's back which faced them, with the giant sword of the monster still gripped tightly on his hand. It was a solemn and unbelievable moment. A duel which nobody has ever seen before.

Since nobody was moving nor speaking, the one to finally break this is none other than the winner himself. Glancing at his team as he asked:

"Well what are you guys waiting for?"

The members all rushed to their leader, shouting in joy. They seemed to forget their fatigue momentarily; running like their life depended on it. With all of them wearing a smile of victory on their faces.


"Please don's shout Rick, my ears can's tolerate that much sound."

"You crazy orphan."

"Keep saying that and I'll take you out of the team Cain."

Sol's body couldn't handle much at that point. He was on the verge of collapsing and, his mana has also run out. Adding these to the fact that it took all his mental fortitude just for him to manage his mana efficiently has made Sol run out of fuel. Almost dropping to the ground if not for Jade and Alice catching his fall. With each holding up an arm, carried over their shoulders.

"You shouldn't act cool when you don't even have energy left." Jade commented.

"I'm not acting though." Sol mused.

"You're really stubborn huh." Alice said in reply, her brows furrowing from Sol's response.

"Well that same stubbornness let us win this time so you should at least cut me some slack." Was their leader's defense.

"You really have the nerve to talk back even in your state huh?" 

"It's not like anything is wrong with it."

It was only at this time that Cinder was finally able to reach them. With the fight going the way it did, she was able to take the direct route in the middle just as Sol instructed. Thus shortening her travel time.

"Perfect timing, we should check the treasures they have for us now." Sol said, referring to the fact that they were finally complete.

Everyone was just as excited with this announcement as they were with Sol's victory. They didn't know what the creatures hid but, with Sol's deduction it was highly likely for it to be crystals. And even if it wasn't, Sol was sure that they would get something valuable out of it.

That's why everyone rode their mounts and went towards it as fast as they could. Not even taking three whole minutes to reach the spot.

Up close the door looked a lot more like a gate. The roots tangling it on every side twisted and grew in such a way that, it almost felt like these were alive. In fact, it formed the face of an ogre, with red gems situated in the middle of this masterpiece.

It gave an eerie feeling but they simply discarded this because, both Alice's and Jade's passive weren't reacting. Ensuring the safety of the place.josei

"Rick open it up." Sol ordered.

"Wait why does it have to be me?"

"Well that's because you're the strongest member of the group. Plus, you still have mana left so you can use your strength enhancement right?" Sol explained, cornering Hendrickson who still had other comments to make.

"But how are we sure that it's safe?" He asked.

"Come on don't be a scaredy cat. If it was dangerous, then Jade and I would be the ones to tell you right away." Alice commented.

"Why don't you open it then?" Hendirckson suggested.

"Why? Is the big boy scared?" Cain taunted.

"I'm not!"

"Good, then open it." Sol said.

"You know, you guys stepping back doesn't make me comfortable at all."

"That's just to give you more momentum Hendrickson, now open it."

With this, the steel user was left with no choice but to follow the order. He placed his hands on both the left and the right side of the doors and, activated both [Iron Clad] and [Strength Enhancement] right away. Pushing with all his might as his veins came out.

The task was no easy feat. Especially because it takes ten goblins on both sides just to force that same door open. But Hendrickson's strength was slightly above this. Allowing him to open what twenty goblins have great difficulty in. Making the doors sound as it hit the ground below.

"HAAAA!" With one final push, Hendrickson finally forced the doors to fully open, revealing the treasures hidden inside.

Torches began lighting up one by one, all being powered by fire crystals. This completely illumined the storage which, was bigger than anyone expected. But it wasn't the size that amazed them. What got everyone's jaws dropping was the content.

"I'm not dreaming right? Can somebody pinch me to confirm?" Nathan said, looking at the most glorious sight he has ever beheld.

There were various mana crystals. Large chunks of these situated all around the four corners of the room. Aside from this, precious metals and gems also flooded the area. Gold and silver accessories, as well as other types of weaponries were inside the place. It wasn't just a stockroom of crystals.

The place was a treasure room.

Everyone rushed inside the place. It was the biggest haul that any of them has ever seen. Not even the monarchs of the domains had that much treasure. In fact, they were sure of this even though they haven't gone to the castle of every king and queen.

The crystals made the gold and silver shine even more. It was enough to hypnotize the weak minded. But not Sol. He was objectively taking a look at the surroundings. Although he didn't have any mana left to use [Analysis], Sol could still determine to some extent if an item was dangerous or not.

He looked at all the weaponry and all the jewels. And while others were simply trying these on, a question rose to Sol's mind.

"Where did these come from?"

The only humans which King Jubilee told him about and, the only humans he did know about, were the ones situated inside the domains and, the first generation which were turned into monsters. Other than these, there were no other humans.

That's why the jewels and weapons didn't make sense. These things cannot be crafted by goblins, not with their inferior intelligence. And although they were being lead by a goblin which can talk, this was not enough of an evidence to assume he had knowledge of the craft.

Then there was the possibility of the first generation being the ones who crafted it. But given the fact that a thousand years has passed after their existence, it was impossible that these things were looted from them. It was also highly unlikely that these have been looted from the original humans because, so much time has passed that, things they owned wouldn't have as much glimmer.

That's why the whole place gave a bad vibe to Sol. He didn't have his [Analysis] yet in order to make sure. But his line of thinking was correct. There was no answer to his questions and, leaving a blank on such an abundant supply placed him in discomfort. Something which Alice felt, even with Sol's expression remaining the same.

"What are you thinking of?" She said, approaching the boy who was at the far end of the room. Turning to face the girl who was in front of her.

"It's nothing Alice."

"That's the same tone you use when you don't want anyone else to cause me trouble."

"You really know me well huh."

"Of course I do. How much time do you think I've spent with you already?"

"It's just that this place..."

"Feels weird?" Alice finished.

"So you noticed too."

"Of course I did. I've been a thief for so long and, that's enough for me to understand that precious jewels such as these shouldn't be easy to come by."

Aside from them, nobody else had a clue about the strangeness of the place. But Alice's own confirmation was enough for Sol to know one thing. That they should leave the place for the moment. Only taking what they needed namely, the crystals.

Sol told this to everyone and, Hendrickson was the first to object of course. He said that it was enough to expand his property and, everyone else felt the same. However, Sol also explained that the same treasures could simply be claimed by the monarchs and so it would be of no benefit to them. 

Of course this was just an excuse. He simply didn't want to take the things for the simple reason that, these are still a big blur to him.

"I'm not going to take any other complaints. We don't need anything else aside from the objectives of this quest." Sol declared, with everyone else following their leader's orders.

With this, the group wrapped things up. They placed the crystals together, making sure that all of it entered the range of the teleportation circle that they formed. Right after this, the runes glowed on the teleporter, ones which ran on the surface of the crystals.

The light then increased even more and, after a few more seconds, the crystals finally disappeared. Finishing the quest given to Sol's team. The group closed the doors and packed up, traveling back to their domain.

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