A Story of Evil

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: Current State

There was a lot of commotion caused by the day that followed. Not because of anything negative but, because of the awarding ceremony that took place.

Every person from every domain gathered to witness this. Although it was done in the Void Domain, some people, especially the family members of the awardees, came to the Void. However, it was only Jade's mother and Hendrickson's mother who came. After all, both Cinder and Nathan have never even seen their own parents.

Meanwhile others made it a point to have time to witness it in the comfort of their own hometowns. Watching, as always, through the feed provided by the [Image Cores].

As for the monarchs, they made their personal appearance on the event. Even the ones which didn't have any of their citizen involved in the mission was part of this. Showing the unity between the ten domains and, the equilibrium that was finally formed.

However there was a larger and, more important reason as to why the other monarchs were there. That is, King Jubilee decided to show them what Pandora's Box is capable of. This is also the place where their meeting was to be held.

"That took longer than you said Jubilee." King Frost commented. 

"It was only off by a few minutes Frost, don't be so stingy with time." Was the short reply of the Void King.

"Nevermind the details. We should get going now." Queen Aqua said.

"Yeah. Lead the way, great Void King." King Ezekiel mused as, the group finally made their way to Pentagon.

Not only were the other monarchs to have a meeting in Pandora's Box. Jubilee also showcased the whole of his domain to his fellow monarchs. Of course these are things which the other monarchs have already seen through the daily live feed given by the [Image Cores]. But this doesn't mean that it isn't of interest to them anymore. After all, seeing the progress up close and personal made them more appreciative of the work which Jubilee has done.

They saw two parks along the way. Ones filled by people dilly dallying and enjoying themselves. Both had ponds where koi fishes are placed and, both also had tall water fountains used by the birds as their bath. Then there are also fruit bearing trees which the citizens are allowed to pick from if they feel hungry. Normally this would be a cause for concern as, there would be those looting even these. But because there was abundant supply of all resources, the mindset of the Voids have greatly shifted. Proven by the fact that, most of the fruits were still on the trees.

Then there were the houses. Of course the other monarchs couldn't see it from outside but, through the live feed, they saw how Queen Lilia modernized and revolutionized these. Making running water accessible inside every citizen's home and, ensuring that electricity is also the same.

Various other trees were spread within the place. King Jubilee is not a big fan of ornamental plants so, these are all useful. There are fruit bearing ones. There are medicinal plants. There are plants which serve as a good nest for other creatures. Small monster birds which aren't hazardous and, other more. 

"Hey king, this place is actually a lot cooler than I expected." Ezekiel said, approaching Jubilee who gave him a smile and said:

"Of course it is." 

It wasn't like Jubilee simply planned the improvement of the Void within a day. He did so for years and years. That's why the execution of it turned out pretty well. Because the king believed that, one day there would be hope.

They didn't take long to reach Pentagon. And upon arriving they asked, just like every new comer, where the door is. Jubilee then showed his crystal and placed it in the wall. Creating an expression of amazement on everyone's face as the doors to Pentagon finally opened.

"That's a fancy way to open a facility Jubilee."

"I'm glad that you liked it Sylas."

"By the way I don't mean to be rude but, why are the kids still with us?" Queen Reoul asked, pointing at Sol's team who were just behind them. 

Even the other monarchs found it a bit annoying. They were going to a meeting and, Jubilee even promised that it would be the last time he was bringing his paladins along. But this time around, it wasn't only his paladins but the other individuals who got awarded earlier. They wanted to say something about this but, since Jubilee himself said nothing, they decided to do the same. That is, until they reached Pentagon.

That's why Jubilee provided the answer that they needed.

"They need to give their report of course. Aside from the fact that they gathered the crystals, I'm sure they have a lot to say about what they encountered outside the domains."

"Like what exactly?" King Ezekiel asked.

"Well...like any hints on the whereabouts of our enemies of course. I'm sure that's enough of a reason for them to join our meeting don't you think?"

Sol's group was able to hear everything which the monarchs discussed. And Nathan for one couldn't help but notice something that he just had to tell someone. That's why he came close to Jade and nudged at his sleeve. Making the wielder of green flames to turn his head as Nathan whispered:

"It's like I'm watching an adult Sol for some reason."

"Yeah I can feel the same." Was Jade's short reply as, the monarchs finally came to an agreement. Allowing the children to come with them as Jubilee invited everyone to proceed inside.

Gloomy and dull. Those are the ideas that came to everyone's minds as they got in. To their eyes, there was nothing special or noteworthy about it. But they also couldn't shake the feeling that there was someone watching them. Like there was an observer lurking.

This feeling is caused by none other than Pandora. She wasn't focusing intently on them. But just her mere presence was enough to cause highly skilled ability users to be on alert. Making her recognize that these people fit the monarchy they've been handed.

"So where is this Pandora's Box that you're so proud of?" Nova asked, observing that there were little to no doors on the halls they were walking through. In fact, the last door they passed was already two minutes ago.

"Honestly Nova, why do you have to be impatient all the time?" Jubilee asked.

"I'm not!"

"And hot tempered." Aqua added because of Nova's response. Making the other monarchs laugh as Jubilee stopped walking. Reaching the same dead end which perplexed Sol's allies.

"We're actually here already." Jubilee said, placing his crystal on the wall again as it opened up to a wide door. As the monarchs passed through this, they expected to see something grand. Something that would match all the amazement they held after seeing Jubilee demonstrate his abilities and, after he created all the advanced technologies. That's why they were a bit let down when what their eyes beheld was nothing more than a blank white room. A cube at that. 

"You're kidding right. This is Pandora's Box?"

"Like I said Nova, you're too impatient. You need to learn that first appearances could be deceitful." Jubilee said, snapping his fingers and, changing the whole scenery altogether. And not into any ordinary place but, to the old Sanctuary at that.

"What did you just do?"

"Calm down everyone. All of this is fake." Was Jubilee's short answer.


"Yes. This room can be shaped into anything needed by its owner. But, this is also limited to the amount of mana poured inside the room so, I can't create things like a dragon." King Jubilee said, creating a tree out of thin air and, birds that went along with it.

"So you mean to tell us that all of these are fake?"

"They are. Although all your senses will tell you otherwise. In fact, everything you experience inside this place is just as real as it could get. That's why you'd die if you get killed by a monster here."josei

"Why are you adding information like that?" Ezekiel asked, thinking that what the king said was uncalled for. It wasn't best to talk about killing and death when they were back to the same place where the exiled King Reckon attempted to kill them.

"It's relevant information for later of course." Jubilee said with a smile on his face.

Anyway, I believe we didn't come here just to be surprised correct?" Jubilee furthered, motioning for them to come sit at the designated chairs. The monarchs followed without question and so, their meeting finally began.

Aside from Sol and Alice, it was the first time for everyone else on his team to take part of the meeting of the monarchs. That's why they felt privileged as much as they felt nervous. Thinking that they didn't deserve this honor but were nevertheless grateful.

There was an aura of solemness surrounding the monarchs. Something which made the meeting noble and sacred. So much so that Sol's teammates dared not move at that point. Not unless they were told to. In fact, Hendrickson even thought that it would be a crime to breathe but, it wasn't like he had any other choice but to do so.

Starting things of was King Jubilee. Smiling to everyone as he said:

"Let's begin."

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