A Story of Evil

Chapter 194

Chapter 194: Living Together

Right after the meeting finished, King Jubilee called upon Sol and his team. They responded immediately to King Jubilee's summons and, were told of the real state of things. They were told of the Seraphims being the main enemies and, they were also told to keep on preparing for the first generation humans.

Just like the monarchs, these fighters found it difficult to process everything. But they nevertheless found it easier to accept. Largely being due to them already coming across a creature of myths and legends. A dragon.

"So we're gonna fight the same creatures that gave us mana?" Nathan asked.

"Yes boy. We're gonna fight the same creatures that forced this mutation in us." King Jubilee answered.

After this information has been handed down, Hendrickson, Jade, Nathan and, Cinder, were brought back to their respective domains. This is needed because they had to arrange the paperwork, They also needed to say their farewells to the people they held dear.

Meanwhile, Sol, Alice and Cain were told to relax and to rest until further notice. The three intended to stay inside Pentagon but King Jubilee refused. Knowing that they would sneak inside Pandora's Box whenever they had the opportunity.

"The reason I gave you a manor is for you to rest there and treat it as your home. You will also go with them Cain. Spend some time with your family."

"Understood my liege." Cain said.

"But my liege, we may get rusty with our abilities if we don't train." Alice replied.

"You can still train there. That's why you have a wide front yard. But make sure that you're not excessive with it." Jubilee demanded and, since it was him who ordered this, the three could do nothing but comply.




Five days passed after all of this occurred.

Within this time, the paperwork of Hendrickson and the others were finalized and so, they were finally accepted as citizens of the Void. Each of them had allowance given by the monarchs of their own domains. This ensures that the children will still be indebted to their homeland and thus, would not hesitate to come back when the five years included in the deal finally runs out.

Meanwhile, King Jubilee offered that they be given houses of their own. But Sol, as well as his allies, said that they would be fine living together. And so their teammates moved in to the manor of the Paladins. 

This is a good thing because, Sol and Alice still felt the mansion to be dull and empty. Even with the former thieves and the other workers being there all the time. Even with miss Olivia and Eve being there. The house still felt empty. That's just how big of a place it is.

In fact, this place is emptier in the evening. This is due to the workers having a separate house at the side of the mansion. This is where they live and thus, where they also sleep. Leaving the mansion almost haunted when night comes.

With Hendrickson coming, there was more noise and more activity already. So when everyone else finally arrived, the mansion finally had the kind of color that it lacked. The number of activities happening in the manor during the day increased. The chats during mealtime was also the same and, finally felt normal at that.

There was also a large diversity in the things which Sol's teammates did. In fact, as soon as the day starts, one would see them scattered all around the manor.

Cinder, in particular, spent most of her time in the kitchen. Learning from the head chef while also offering her opinion on the dishes. 

That specific morning, she assisted in cooking the chicken. Taking notes as she asked her questions one by one.

"So you also save the natural oil of the chicken?"

"Yes. There's this special sauce that King Jubilee has introduced to the cooks of the castle. Since then we've gone crazy learning each and every one of these."

"Fascinating...what is this one called again?"

"It's gravy."

On the opposite side of the kitchen and, on the upper room, one would hear melodies being made. Before an annoying screech mixes and destroys the harmony. Inside, one would see Jade and Nathan practicing their violin playing skills.

"You played that part too early Nathan."

Jade was the one who initiated this – wanting to learn the violin. And since Nathan had nothing better to do, he decided to join in on this.

"You also hit one note different though." Nathan rebuked.

"So you noticed that part?"

"Of course I did. Anyway...again?" Nathan offered as they began playing again.

Cain heard this from the gazebo where he was staying at. Sitting right beside his little sister Eve. He followed King Jubilee's advice, teaching Eve the basics of reading and writing while, Sol also tutored from time to time.

"T-the big bad wolf a-ate little red ridding hood's grandma." Eve gasped as soon as she finished reading.

"I didn't know grandmas tasted good." Eve commented, understanding what she read quite well.

"They don't. The wolf just has a bad taste." Cain said in reply.

"Yeah don't mind it. You should read the next part that the wolf does. It's my favorite scene in the story." Sol commented in the middle of the tutorial.

"You support the wolf big brother?"

"Of course I do. He's cunning after all."

"So you'd also eat a grandma?"

"Well if it comes to it...sure why not."

"Ewwwww..." Eve commented, making both Cain and Sol laugh. While they did, Sol also noticed Hendrickson pass by – the big man also busy with helping out.josei

The steel user helped on all the physical labor requiring his strength. Primarily, this came with the beautification of the garden. Hendrickson was the one assigned to carry all the heavy logs. The marble pillars. The large stones and, the concrete blocks. This made the work of the thieves less of a hassle although they were still a bit wary of Hendrickson because of the memories of him beating them up.

"If you need anything else, don't hesitate to call me!"

"Sure kid, just go easy on those pillars and be careful when passing by." One of the former thieves said.

"How about some water guys? You must be thirsty from all this work."

"Sure thing big guy. Whatever helps." Another one mentioned.

"Okay I'll be right back!" Hendrickson declared, running back towards the mansion.

While he did this, Alice saw him from one of the windows she was wiping. She was focused on learning the various household chores. Helping miss Olivia and following her as much as she could. Making sure that the lady never leaves her sight.

"Alice dear, are you done with that window?" Miss Olivia asked, holdinig a bucket of water with a wet cloth placed on its side.

"I'm done with all the windows on this side ma'am!" Was Alice's response. Jumping down the high window and dropping right in front of Miss Olivia.

"Oh my. You're one diligent worker aren't you?"

"Of course I am." Alice said, puffing out her chest in pride.

With this, their normal days passed in peace. Just like king Jubilee ordered, they simply enjoyed the past few days. Doing whatever they could think of while awaiting their new orders.

Although they wanted to fight and to go on missions, they didn't want to go against King Jubilee's orders. In fact, as soon as Hendrickson and the others came, he specifically added the clause that, these members of their team should also enjoy some days of leisure. Saying that they also deserved some time for themselves. Even with the battle coming near.

After all, the king was also busy and preoccupied in assisting the other monarchs. Giving these high people of society the much needed coaching in how they would handle the training of their soldiers. The king was also busy with the creation of giant Pandora's Boxes on every domain. Giving them a place they could train real battles in without the danger of them getting killed. Of course a near death experience would be able to filter the soldiers better but, they couldn't afford to decrease forces in the situation they are in.

Hence three more days passed. With this time that elapsed, Sol and his team was finally called forth by the king once again. And not in any ordinary facility but, in the new Sanctuary at that. The one built at the center of all the domains.

That's why they were busy as soon as dawn broke. They were already preparing themselves and their uniforms. Making sure that they are prim and proper on the first day of their official work as a team.

"Guys breakfast is ready! Hurry up and come down!" Cinder announced, being one of the first to finish preparing herself as she assisted in the kitchen once again. Already waiting in the table was Solomon. Reading a book as he heard two doors slamming open.

"Coming in a second!" Alice said, finally stepping out of her room.

"AWBAJBDDBJB!" Hendrickson muttered, with his mouth full of water being gargled. Drinking it instead of spitting it out.

"Groosss!" Nathan commented, witnessing what Hendrickson just did with his own eyes.

"I swear, that guy probably has brain damage." Cain said, being the second to see it.

"I couldn't agree more." Jade added being the last.

One by one the other members went down the stairs. It was a lively bunch, one which took out the quiet and stillness from the manor. And although Sol usually preferred the former state of the manor, he was nevertheless glad that the change did come.

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