A Story of Evil

Chapter 197

Chapter 197: The Summoners' Domain II

Just as Queen Reoul ordered, Lumina assisted the group until they reached their rooms. A place located on the second floor of the castle which they reached after passing through another trunk door.

The area was serene. There are plants placed at every brown doorstep and, on the ceiling was a large and bright chandelier. Illumining the middle part of the hallway greatly while, the rooms on the furthest ends also had small chandeliers offering a balance of light all throughout the space.

Aside from these, there are paintings on the walls. Of monsters and humans in a seeming combination. As if depicting the relation between a summoner and its creatures.

Some members of Shadow wanted to take a closer look at the artistry poured on these. Unfortunately however, Lumina didn't seem to like the idea of staying with them for longer. Thus she made a fake cough sound – enough to get everyone's attention to herself as she began explaining.

"Take a straight path from here. You'd find a stairway leading down, that's where we'll have our lunch." Lumina pointed to the direction they needed to take. One situated at the opposite side of the long corridor.

"Wait, you're gonna leave us?" Nathan asked.

"I believe that there is nothing within a bedroom that you need directions with correct?" Was Lumina's cold answer. Leaving no room for arguments as her point was decent and solid.

"Y-Yeah." Nathan simply said – looking at the green carpet on the ground. Unable to face the gaze of Lumina in embarrassment.

"The room of the boys and the girls are separated. The boys will stay on the left side rooms and the girls will stay on the right. You are given individual rooms but, you're free to request having a common bedroom. However, we don't allow sharing of rooms between boys and girls." Lumina articulately explained. 

"Now I'm sure you don't have any questions for me so, I'll be taking my leave." Lumina said, taking a bow as she finally left the group.

Sol could feel that both Nathan and Hendrickson are pissed. He felt the same energy coursing through Alice and Cinder's veins. But he told them to set it aside for the moment because, they needed to check their rooms first.

"That girl's gonna get a piece of my mind one day!" Hendrickson said as he went inside his.

"I'm gonna beat her up in a duel each and every day. That's gotta be the game plan here." Alice said as she also entered hers.

"These guys really have short fuses." Jade commented as he also entered his.

All of them entered inside their rooms and, all of them also had the same comment. That the rooms are both spacious and calming. The latter part all because of the aromatic scent made by the flowers inside the room. One which was so effective that, the irritation of Sol's allies were diffused. Which was a good thing. Because as soon as they finished checking things out, Sol called them all out to his room.

"Are you going to request us to share the same room leader?" Hendrickson asked.

"Of course not. Do you know how much of a torture it is to hear you snoring every night?" Was Sol's reply. With everyone else laughing because they shared the same sentiment. During their last misison, whoever was scouting in the night felt that Hendrickson's snores warded off the monsters. Because aside from the fact that they are loud, they also sound like something that would be made by a gigantic beast with how deep it is.

"Then why did you call us here?" Jade asked.

"Why else? We're having a meeting of course. Right now we need to discuss our plan for this day."

"Wait aren't we supposed to go to the academy already?" Was Nathan's comment.

"Yes but, that can only produce so much result for us." Sol said in reply.

"What do you have in mind then?" Alice said, curious at what Sol had in mind once again. 

"Let's split the work. I'll go to the library while you guys go to the academy." Was Sol's brief explanation. And because it was such, Jade couldn't simply agree with it. That's why he voiced out his concern – saying:

"I don't think that's such a good idea Sol."

"Why is that?"

"If its on other domains, I'd be confident to take your offer. But these are the summoners we're talking about. Each of their summon, from their first skill up to their last, can also use their own set of skills. Hence, there aren't only five skills to look at but, twenty skills at that." The immensity of this information alone was enough to make some of them dizzy. In fact, just thinking about choosing members at that point felt like a gigantic burden.

This is exactly why, King Jubilee chose the Summoners' Domain to be the first one which Sol would pick his allies from. Aside from the fact that the summoner cores were needed, the king knew that it was a hassle to sort through all the candidates. And this is the same thought that was going through Jade's head at that time.

"You're the only one capable of assessing, whether or not a summoner would be compatible with our team. And I think everyone's else feels the same way." The wielder of green flames declared.

"Yeah Sol. Call me incompetent but, I fully agree with Jade on this." Hendrickson said; with Cain chuckling a bit from the invitation of the steel user to be called incompetent.

However, Sol didn't come unprepared. In fact, he counted on Jade to make the reasonable counter to his plans. Because it is only in exposing the weak sides to it that he could fortify the plan even more. Adding to the reassurance of his teammates.

"Relax, it isn't like I don't have anything planned." The young paladin began; giving a grin which Jade was already familiar with.

"So you already thought of this?"

"Of course I did. And, I also have the solution you need."

"Why am I not surprised. You always have things figured out huh?"

"That's my job after all. Anyway here's what we'll do:"

Sol explained that the group only needed three things from the academy. The first is the number of each student in the registration list. The second are the summons of these students. Lastly, the category to which the summons fall, with a short description being added.

"Healing. Burst Damage. Speedster. Courier. Stealth. I don't need to get lengthy data on them. We only have a week to work with and, by merely reading all the information on the students, I'm sure we'll already spend a lot of time."

"That does sound manageable." Jade commented, finding the explanation of Sol to be complete with all the elements he needed to hear.

"Of course it is. In fact, you should also divide yourselves per category." Sol said. Immediately proceeding to the explanation of what he meant by 'categories'.josei

"Damage Dealers. Support. Vanguards. Those are the three roles you should look into. Since there are six of you, there should be two people working on each category."

Just as Jade mentioned, Solomon really did have everything planned out. They expected him to have one of course. But that doesn't mean they couldn't be impressed anymore, because they were.

It was only Sol who could develop such an elaborate plan within the short span of time given. They've just arrived at their room yet, Sol had every detail figured out already. All the actions they would take from that point onwards was already mapped out inside his head. Proving why it is that he is the leader of Shadow.

"ALRIIIGHT I'M FIRED UP NOW!" Hendrickson said, feeling the weight of the task greatly decrease after Sol's explanation.

"Yeah plus that Lumina fellow is gonna assist us right? I'm gonna make her suffer to my heart's content." Nathan said, finally remembering the earlier events and the payback he wanted.

"I don't have any problem with that. As long as you make use of her within the limits of her role, I believe Queen Reoul won't get angry nor disrespected."

"Ohhh are you supporting us leader?"

"No. I'm just stating facts." Sol said.

"Anyway, aren't we supposed to be getting ready now? Lunch should be prepared in a couple more minutes." Alice said, pointing at the clock on top of Sol's room. One which everyone looked at, only to find that she was right. Thus their meeting finally ended and, it was only Alice who was left on the room with Sol.

"Is there anything else I can help you with Alice?"

"Actually there is. The way you described Lumina earlier."

"What about it?"

"You said we'll make use of her."

"I did."

"Don't you think there's something different about your choice of words? Like how you described her a means to an end?" This was actually the reason why Alice wanted them to be alone. She noticed how Sol sounded manipulative and cold. The same thing which Sol warmed him about. The same thing he wanted her to stop.

"Alice. I haven't changed that much yet, believe me."

"Yeah right. Like you can actually measure that on your own boy genius."

"I can, and, I'm telling you right now that it's not what it seems." As soon as Sol finished speaking, Alice took one good stare at him. As if she was looking for something which should be there.

"Fine. But I'm gonna keep observing you okay? I can't have you deteriorating on us this early."

"I won't Alice. I promise." Sol said as the girl finally left the room. Leaving Alice's words playing in Sol's head.

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